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What are the benefits of Invisalign aligners?
META: Find out the benefits of Invisalign with Dr. Laura Fathi’s latest article from her dental practice
located in Thousand Oaks CA.
How do you feel about your smile? At Laura Fathi D.D.S., Dr. Fathi and her dedicated team
of professionals provide Invisalign as a discreet solution to crooked and misaligned teeth.
Patients often feel that once they hit a certain age, having braces is no longer an option. Thankfully
though, the creators of the Invisalign aligner system have found a way to straighten teeth without
the need for awkward metal brackets and wires.
What are the benefits of Invisalign?
Invisalign has a number of benefits. Here are just a few:
1. Invisalign has no brackets or wiring
This is probably the most obvious benefit. Invisalign trays
are fabricated using a strong medical grade plastic. They
have no wires, no metal brackets to hold them in place.
2. Invisalign is custom fitted and built for comfort
The trays are custom designed to fit your smile. This
makes them relatively comfortable and gentle against
your teeth. The treatment uses a number of trays to
slowly alter the position of your teeth.
3. There are no meal restrictions with Invisalign
Invisalign isn’t attached to your teeth. This means that
the treatment is removable so that when you eat with
Invisalign you can simply remove the trays. Traditional
braces tend to catch food particles, causing it to get
caught in the teeth and metal work of the braces. They
can also be damaged by harder foods which can lead to
the need for costly repairs.
4. Invisalign is removable for special functions
Do you have a party coming up or perhaps a wedding?
Invisalign is the perfect orthodontic option for situations
like these. Simply slip it off for the photos and enjoy
sharing your beautiful braces-free smile.
Invisalign gives you the freedom to do the things you enjoy without embarrassment
Dr. Fathi uses advanced 3-D imaging software to create the Invisalign aligners. The treatment works
by gently moving your teeth into place using a series of trays. For the treatment to be most effective,
it is important that you wear the treatment day and night – before and after mealtime and when
sleeping. The treatment is appropriate for adults who have tooth alignment and crowding concerns.
For more complex jaw alignment and bite problems, an alternative may be necessary.
Teeth whitening after treatment
Your smile can be one of your most valuable assets – as long as you take care of it! For extra effect,
enhance the whiteness of your smile post Invisalign with teeth whitening treatment.
Find out more about Invisalign
Does Invisalign sound like the best treatment for you? For more information regarding the Invisalign
treatment, contact our helpful team at Laura Fathi D.D.S. in Thousand Oaks CA today.