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Vol SE, Issue 4
he Invisalign system has been the choice
for over a half a million people who
wanted amazing new smiles. It’s virtually
invisible, removable and comfortable. And now
straightening your teeth doesn’t have to disrupt
your lifestyle!
This proven technology can give you a smile to be
proud of—virtually invisibly and comfortably. Plus, you
don’t have to give up your favorite foods during treatment.
Invisalign is the easy way to straighten your
teeth—without braces. This exciting, new
technology uses a series of clear, customized,
removable “aligners” to gradually reposition your
Best of all, there’s no guesswork. 3-D computer
technology allows you to view your own
virtual treatment plan before you start—
so you can see just how your beautifully
straightened teeth will look when your
treatment is complete.
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The aligner is a thin, strong medical grade of
plastic, that looks similar to tooth-whitening trays,
but is custom-made for a better fit to move teeth.
It’s nearly invisible when worn and has actually
been described as a “contact lens” for your teeth!
No one will even know you’re wearing Invisalign
aligners unless you tell them!
The Invisalign® system has been
proven effective in orthodontic
and dental practices worldwide,
Invisalign has been effective at
straightening teeth. Nine out of
ten patients are “very or extremely
satisfied” with their Invisalign®
Over a half a million people,
including teens and adults, now
“I definitely smile a lot more...”
“...even though I’m still in the process, it
has given me more confidence. It’s given me
something to look forward to. I feel good about
Invisalign straightens your
teeth, nearly invisibly, right
before your eyes. If you’re a
candidate for Invisalign treatment,
your teeth will move, little by
little, toward the smile you have
always wanted.
As your trained and certified
Invisalign provider, once we’ve
determined that you’re a candidate
for Invisalign, we can correct
imperfections in a wide range of
smiles, including:
The good news is the Invisalign
system doesn’t require you to change
your busy lifestyle. With the comfort and
convenience of customized clear plastic
aligners, Invisalign won’t hold you back.
You can look your best while you
smile with confidence during and after
your treatment. After all, most people
won’t even notice you’re wearing aligners.
Now, nothing needs to get in the way of
your radiant, healthy smile.
enjoy amazing smiles thanks to
The number of satisfied patients
grows daily. Maybe it’s time you were
one of them. Find out how we can
help you. Call now!
myself. I feel good that I have taken the
steps to get these braces.”
-Daniel, Age 38, Chauffeur
Getting started couldn’t be simpler.
The path to your beautiful
Invisalign® smile begins right here
in our office.
to map out and simulate your complete
treatment plan from the initial position
to the final position of your teeth.
Step 3: Your aligners are created
Step 1: Pick up the phone
Your treatment plan is converted
into a series of precisely customized
aligners that will gradually move your
teeth into an incredible new smile.
Schedule a FREE initial
consultation. We’ll evaluate your
personal situation and answer all of
your questions.
Step 2: We’ll map out your
treatment plan
First, we’ll take X-rays and
impressions of your teeth. We’ll then
use 3-D computer imaging technology
Step 4: Wear your aligners
You’ll wear each set of aligners in
approximately two-week increments.
The aligners gradually move your teeth
into position, and at the end of each
two-week period, you “graduate” to the
next set of custom aligners.
“My Teeth Look GREAT!”
• Overly crowded teeth
• Widely spaced teeth
• Overbites •Underbites
• Crossbites
If you qualify for Invisalign,
whether your teeth are crowded, too
far apart or have shifted since wearing
braces, you’ll have a new reason to
“Using Invisalign was very easy and
put me at ease, knowing that I was
not going to have the pain of wires
and brackets in my lips. I can now talk and smile with
confidence, thanks to Invisalign!”
- Doug, age 17, Student
• Remove aligners for special events, business meetings or social gatherings
• Remove aligners whenever you eat
• Ease of oral hygiene means you can enjoy a healthier smile
• Feel more confident everywhere you go
• No worries about mouth injury
while playing sports
Step 5: Smile more!
You’ll come into the office about
every six weeks for progress checks.
Each case is a little different, however
on the average, treatment lasts about
a year. Some patients actually start
seeing results in as little as six months.
Upon completion, you can show the
real you with your radiant New Smile !
It’s that easy.
Give us a call today!
“I am absolutely, positively
thrilled. The fact that I was
done with it in less than a year,
and really had no inconveniences whatsoever, makes
me wonder why I even hesitated.”
- Vivian, age 53, Nurse
Invisalign is clear. You can straighten
your teeth without anyone knowing.
You can be as active as you’d like to be:
Aligners can be removed when you
eat, brush and floss.
Invisalign is removable. You can eat
and drink what you want during treatment.
Invisalign promotes oral health. You
can brush and floss normally to maintain
healthy gums and teeth.
Invisalign is comfortable. There are
no sharp edges or abrasives to irritate your
mouth. Aligners move your teeth gently over
two-week periods so there is little, if any,
Invisalign saves time. The need for
frequent adjustments is eliminated since
there are no metal wires. Depending on
the complexity of your case, the average
treatment time is about a year.
Invisalign is truly an exciting
addition to the orthodontic choices
available to straighten your teeth. Find
out why over a half a million people
prefer Invisalign.
Schedule your FREE
“Invisalign Evaluation” TODAY!
The FDA has cleared Invisalign as a Class II medical device for orthodontic treatment.