Download Bizymoms Interview on Invisalign Braces

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1. Is Invisalign approved by the proper dental and governmental agencies? Invisalign is
proven to be a safe and effective way to straighten teeth. Invisalign aligners are
considered a class II medical device by the FDA and were approved in 1998 for dental
use. Only doctors who have completed the Invisalign certification course may submit
cases to Invisalign for treatment. The Invisalign course is an approved course and applies
to the biannual continuing education requirement Tennessee doctors have.
2. What are Invisalign aligners made of? The aligners are made of a clear, thin, flexible
plastic material. They are custom-made for each patient to fit the shape of his or her
individual teeth. The aligners are made to cover the teeth only, and not the gingival
tissue. They are similar in shape to a bleaching tray. The aligners do not contain
bisphenol-A, otherwise known as BPA, a chemical found in plastics that has been linked
to potential adverse health effects.
3. What do 'aligners' look like? The aligners are very thin and clear. They are flexible.
They are smooth on the outside and have slight ridges on the inside. The edges of the
aligners are scalloped with the gingival tissue and stop on the tooth just shy of the tissue.
Invisalign aligners are very cosmetic and really can be worn without most people
knowing you are wearing “braces.”
4. How often will I have to wear my aligners? The key to successful Invisalign treatment
lies in patient cooperation. The trays must be worn for a minimum of 20 hours per day in
order to get optimal results. That means patients should be sleeping in their aligners and
wearing them throughout the day. Aligners should be removed prior to eating, brushing
and flossing. They should also be removed while consuming sugary or acidic beverages.
Each set of aligners is worn for two weeks then replaced with a new set of aligners.
5. Is this a new way to straighten teeth? For years, the only way to effectively straighten
teeth was to wear traditional braces with brackets and wires. Metal is of course
unsightly. Then ceramic (white) brackets came along, which were more cosmetic but
still had unsightly wires. Wearing both of these types of braces meant having brackets
bonded to your teeth, which can be uncomfortable and very difficult to clean. The
company that makes Invisalign, Align Technology, Inc. was founded in 1997 and
aligners were approved for use by the FDA in 1998. Over 1 million people have
undergone Invisalign treatment since then and the number grows daily. Invisalign is
considered in the dental community to be a proven method for successfully treating
orthodontic patients.
6. Who should consider using Invisalign? Anyone considering braces is potentially a
candidate for Invisalign treatment. I find that most patients who undergo Invisalign
treatment once had braces as a teenager, but because of lack of retainer wear, have had
relapse. Typically they are adults who want straight teeth once and for all, and they want
it done in a cosmetic way. Patients free of periodontal disease with mild to moderate
crowding or spacing are good candidates for Invisalign. Invisalign now even has an
“Invisalign Teen” program, one designed just for teens. A great advantage to Invisalign
treatment over traditional braces is being able to brush and floss your teeth with ease. As
a result, fewer cavities and gum problems result from Invisalign treatment than from
traditional braces. That means an overall healthier smile! Talk to your dentist to see if
Invisalign is best for you.