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It’s easier to get your teenager to agree to wear braces if he or
she knows the braces virtually cannot be seen
Many parents are
surprised to learn
that although
Invisalign does
cost more than
traditional braces,
this difference is not
as appreciable as
they’d expected
t was not that long ago that teenage patients had only one choice when it
came to straightening their teeth: metal brackets and wires. Ceramic brackets
were the next evolution in esthetic orthodontic treatment options. Although
less noticeable, these appliances still are visible when our patients smile. While
they’re reliable, and often still the most appropriate choice, these traditional orthodontic appliances have the inherent drawbacks of appearance, impaired
hygiene, and a period of adjustment.
Today, more and more teen patients and their parents are seeking less visible,
more esthetic treatment options. One of the newest of these that orthodontists
now have for our young patients is Invisalign Teen. This product was launched by
the Santa Clara, California-based Align Technology, the maker of Invisalign. Invisalign is a computer-generated set of clear, nearly invisible, removable appliances (also called aligners) that guide teeth into the desired final position.
While similar to traditional Invisalign, Invisalign Teen incorporates several
key features to accommodate the unique needs of our teen patients. Patient
August/September 2009
compliance is a critical component to any successful orthodontic treatment. The fact that Invisalign is removable was a major concern of both parents and
orthodontists, who can remember how well they themselves followed directions as teenagers. In response,
Align designed the Invisalign Teen appliance with compliance indicators. When worn as directed, these indicators are designed to fade from a dark blue to a light blue
or clear during the two-week wear period. This provides
the doctor, patient, and parents with a visual clue of compliance.
In order to maximize the efficiency of the appliance,
the Invisalign Teen aligners must be worn as prescribed.
This is usually 20 to 22 hours per day over a two- to threeweek period. Another benefit of Invisalign Teen treatment is the ability it gives to the patient to remove the
aligners when needed for sports, music lessons, and of
course eating. It is not hard to imagine an aligner getting
lost with the active and sometimes hectic lives of our
teen patients. Align includes up to six free individual arch
replacement aligners to compensate for aligner loss or
breakage during active Invisalign Teen treatment. The replacement aligners help ensure continuous aligner wear
so that compliance doesn’t become a stumbling block
during treatment.
Teenagers often begin their treatment while their
permanent teeth are still coming in or “erupting.” Another unique feature of the Invisalign Teen product is that
it features specially engineered “eruption tabs” to compensate for molar eruption during the treatment.
The thought of wearing traditional braces for some
patients, especially those in high school, can be enough
August/September 2009
for them to defer treatment. It’s not uncommon for them
to view braces as something that will make them stand
out and look “geeky.” This can have obvious implications
for their self-esteem. Invisalign Teen is an exciting alternative for patients who are cosmetically conscious and
want to avoid the stereotype of traditional braces. In our
practice, we have found many of our teen patients view
wearing Invisalign as being trendy and “in.” These same
patients are usually the biggest advocates for their
friends and even parents to undergo treatment as well.
It is important to keep in mind that not all teenage
patients are candidates for Invisalign Teen. They must fall
within the guidelines of what the appliance can successfully and predictably accomplish. It is for this reason that
orthodontists must weigh their patients’ wants against
what is the most effective way to correct their malocclusions. Invisalign Teen is most suitable for those patients
who no longer have any primary teeth present. This usually encompasses teenagers within the high school years.
Additionally, it is most effective in treating cases we
would classify as mild to moderate in severity. Those patients needing correction of skeletal or jaw positions, or
severely crowded or rotated teeth, would not qualify.
[Continued on page 73]
[Continued from page 15]
More sophisticated tooth movements are still better
served with fixed braces.
Overall, our teenage patients have been very
enthusiastic and excited about Invisalign Teen. They
feel that the system “works for them,” their friends
cannot see it, and it is relatively pain-free. It is for
this reason that many teenagers, when given a
choice, will choose Invisalign. It is important to note
that some teenagers still prefer traditional braces,
with which they do not have to actively participate
in the treatment process.
Invisalign Teen has obvious appeal to teenage
patients. Especially in today’s world, one factor that
parents are concerned with is the cost of treatment.
Many parents are surprised to learn that although Invisalign does cost more than traditional braces, this
difference is not as appreciable as they’d expected.
Further, those with dental insurance and orthodontic
benefits can receive coverage toward Invisalign Teen.
We are very excited to incorporate the new
technology Invisalign Teen brings into our practice.
The unique features of these aligners make them
well suited for our teenage population. This is an
excellent treatment option for the right individual.
Patients enjoy a nearly invisible way to straighten
their teeth, and we orthodontists have a new and
exciting tool to provide them with an exceptional
August/September 2009
Long Island Image interviewed two sisters who have worn the Teen Invisalign, and
both told us how happy they are with their new smiles.
Previously, Samatha was never happy with her smile and never smiled in photos because she had both an overbite and a gap between her teeth. Yet she hadn’t
thought about fixing her teeth until she entered middle
school, where she became more self-conscious, meeting
new people. She explains that girls and guys become more
social in middle school.
At 13, Samantha decided that she wanted to fix her
smile but didn’t want to wear traditional braces. She definitely didn’t want her graduation photos taken with
braces gleaming on her teeth. When Dr. Newman fitted
her with Invisalign, she was thrilled.
The first tray was fitted on Halloween, and nobody
was able to tell that she was wearing braces. Teen Invisalign has been on Samantha’s teeth for six months, and
her treatment will be completed in two weeks. She now
smiles all the time, her self-confidence has increased, and
her friends are constantly complimenting her beautiul new smile.
Samantha’s sister, Brittney, started wearing Invisalign a
little later in life—at the age of 17. Her smile had never
bothered her, but one day, when she went with Samantha
to the orthodontist, she asked the doctor to look in her
mouth. Brittney had crooked teeth in the back of her
mouth, and her bite was off. She actually had a more complicated case than her sister’s. Brittney made the decision
to improve upon her smile even though it had never really
bothered her.
When I asked Brittney if she sees a difference in her
teeth, she said with a big smile, “Yes. I cannot believe how
much nicer my mouth looks. My teeth are straight, and the
gaps that I thought didn’t bother me are no longer there.”
Brittney was fitted for Invisalign trays in December of
‘08, and she now has six more months to go. Only she knows when they are on. It’s
her little secret, and she’s smiling now.