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Special Senses
Hearing and Equilibrium
Hearing: a response to vibrating air
Equilibrium: the sense of motion, body
orientation, and balance
Structures of the Ear
semicircular canals
external auditory meatus
tympanic membrane
outer ear
eustachian tube
inner ear
middle ear
Word Bank: cochlea, eustachian tube, external auditory meatus,
inner ear, labyrinth, middle ear, ossicles, outer ear, pinna,
semicircular canals, tympanic membrane, vestibule,
vestibulocochlear nerve
Ossicles- Middle Ear
• Ossicles: tiny bones in your middle ear
• Transmit sounds from the tympanic
membrane (eardrum) to the cochlea
– Malleus (Hammer)
– Incus (anvil)
– Stapes (Stirrup)
Organ of hearing
Ear >Inner ear > Cochlea >
Type of receptor:
Nerve pathway:
Summary video
Organ of Corti
Temporal lobe
Sense of Equilibrium
Try it:
Stand on one foot.
Close your eyes and stand on one foot.
Sense of Equilibrium- Inner Ear
Vestibule and Semicircular Canals
Mechanoreceptor &Photoreceptor
nerves for both hearing and eye
Parietal lobe and cerebellum
What sense organs must we be using to balance?:
Ear > Inner Ear >
Receptors used?
Nerve Pathways:
Motion Sickness: Motion Sickness is a contradiction
of senses.
Watch video
Static Equilibrium
(Position in Space)
Hair cells in vestibule are
stimulated by changes in
Disorders of the Ear
Deafness: Partial to total hearing loss due to injury to the middle or
inner ear, regular exposure to loud noises,
overactive ceruminous glands, damage to the auditory nerve or the
brain or possibly an unexpected visitor
Tinnitus: ringing in the ear. Cells in the organ of Corti are damaged
Motion Sickness: Motion Sickness is a contradiction of senses.