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Name ______________________________________
Period ______________
YouTube Evolution Internet Lesson
Directions: Visit each YouTube link below. Watch each video as you answer the following questions. There will
be links on my website for you to click on if you do not wish to type out each address.
A. Look at the Finches of the Galapagos Islands
1. How many species of finches were discovered by Darwin? ____________________________________
2. Which body structure was most significant between the finches? _______________________________
3. Each beak was an adaptation to a different _______________________________.
4. What does the woodpecker finch use to find food? ___________________________________________
B. Evolution of the Peppered Moth
1. Which organisms would prey on the peppered moths? ________________________________________
2. Which color peppered moth was adapted before the industrial evolution? _________________________
3. Which event killed lichen, turning the trees black? ___________________________________________
4. Which color peppered moth was adapted after the industrial evolution? __________________________
5. What happened to the peppered moths after the air pollution was cleaned up?
C. Richard Dawkins: Vestigial Organs
1. Why is this bird called flightless? ________________________________________________________
2. Why was it better for this bird to lose the ability to fly?
3. Why do these birds have wings if they cannot fly?
D. Mutations - selection: the bacteria resist
1. Name 2 ways the body tries to defend itself when infected by bacteria.
a. ______________________________________________________________________________
b. ______________________________________________________________________________
2. Which cells inside the body try and fight off the bacteria infection first? __________________________
3. Name two farm animals that are frequently given antibiotics also?
a. ________________________________ b. ________________________________
4. What are portions of DNA called? ________________________________________________________
5. What are errors in the copying of DNA called? _____________________________________________
6. True or False: Resistant bacteria are easily killed by antibiotics.
7. Without competition for food, what happens to the resistant bacteria? ____________________________
8. In natural selection, what tends to happen to those who have advantages? ________________________
9. How old is life on Earth? _______________________________________________________________
E. Evidence for Evolution
1. Neil Shubin was trying to find a transition fossil between ________________ and ________________.
2. List two types of amphibians.
a. ________________________________ b. ________________________________
3. What are animals with four limbs called? __________________________________________________
4. Tiktaalik shows how land animals may have evolved from _________________________.
5. Besides fins, what else does Tiktaalik have that resembles fish? ________________________________
6. Besides a head with eyes on top, what else does Tiktaalik have to resemble amphibians?
F. Miller Urey Experiment
1. When did the famous Miller/Urey experiment take place? __________________
2. Which gases were added to the water reservoir? __________________
3. The electrical sparks were added to simulate which type of energy on Earth? __________________
4. This question is not in the video: Which molecules are created from a chain of amino acids? ____________
5. Why is this experiment important? In other words, what does this experiment show can happen?
G. Speciation
1. What are these fictional organisms called? __________________
2. Because those on the east can mate with those on the west, they are part of the same gene __________.
3. What happened to isolate the two gene pools in this fictional story? ______________________________
4. If separated for a long time, which process would cause the two groups to diverge? __________________
5. What are groups of organisms considered to be separate species? ________________________________
6. One mating by day and the other mating by night is an example of ________________________________
7. Which type of isolation is a result of different mating rituals? ___________________________
8. Which type of isolation results when the genitals of one don’t match the genitals of the other? ___________
9. Describe either gamete incompatibility or hybrid inviability or hybrid infertility.