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Chapter 13 Test B
Completion Complete each statement by selecting the letter of the best answer.
1. Charlemagne chose officials called ____________________ to rule parts of the empire in his name
a. knights
c. inspectors
e. serfs
b. counts
d. vassals
2. Viking skills at ____________________ allowed them to cross the ocean in search of targets to raid.
a. archery
c. war
e. fighting
b. raiding
d. navigation
3. A Viking explorer named ____________________ led an expedition to North America.
a. Erik Leifson
c. Leif Erikson
e. King Canute
b. Erik the Red
d. Alfred the Great
4. Although they were not slaves, ____________________ were legally tied to the manor on which they worked and
could not leave without permission.
a. peasants
c. knights
e. serfs
b. yeomen
d. vassals
5. ____________________ is the governing body that makes England’s laws.
a. Magna Carta
c. Parliament
e. Monarchy
b. Common Law
d. Congress
6. The term in office of a pope is called a ____________________.
a. pontificate
c. piety
e. patriarch
b. papacy
d. electorate
7. ____________________ was declared Emperor of the Roman People by Pope Leo III.
a. Alfred
c. Gregory
e. Capet
b. Harold
d. Charlemagne
8. The ____________________ were attacked by the Lombards in 774, threatening the pope’s control of the region.
a. Pontificate
c. Holy Lands
e. Carolingians
b. Papal States
d. Holy Roman Empire
9. Because of their northern homeland, Vikings were also called the ____________________.
a. Pagans
c. Northerners
e. Norsemen
b. Vassals
d. Scandinavians
10. King ____________________ of Germany crushed a huge Magyar army, stopping the Magyar raids.
a. Hugh Capet
c. Charles Martel
e. Erik the Red
b. Charlemagne
d. Otto the Great
11. A Viking chief named Rollo settled in an area of France that later became known as ____________________.
a. Normandy
c. Paris
e. Holy Roman Empire
b. Flanders
d. Belgium
12. The land given to a knight for his service to a lord was called a ____________________.
a. vassal
c. feudalism
e. fief
b. grant
d. manor
13. Under the feudal system, a person who owed service to a lord was called a ____________________.
a. serf
c. vassal
e. tenant
b. peasant
d. knight
14. King ____________________ drove the Vikings north of London to the Danelaw.
a. Alfred
c. Gregory
e. Capet
b. Harold
d. Charlemagne
15. The results of a survey of who lived in England, what they owned, and what they could afford to pay in taxes were
collected in the ____________________.
a. Doomsday Book
c. Kings Ledger
e. Royal Census
b. Codex
d. Domesday Book
16. King John was forced to sign a document known as the ____________________, which restricted the monarch’s
right to raise taxes or punish people without cause.
a. Common Law
c. Domesday Book
e. Royal Charter
b. Habeas Corpus
d. Magna Carta
17. The Christian effort to retake the Iberian Peninsula was called the ____________________.
a. Conquistador
c. Inquisition
e. Crusades
b. Magna Carta
d. Reconquista
18. Pope ____________________ was the first of a series of popes dedicated to reforming the church and increasing
the power of the papacy.
a. Gregory III
c. Harold VII
e. John Paul
b. Leo IX
d. Benedict XVI
19. After the split in the Christian Church, those who agreed with the patriarch of Constantinople were called
a. Protestants
c. Roman Catholics
e. Orthodox
b. Latins
d. Pagans
20. A series of wars launched by popes against the Muslims of Southwest Asia was called the __________________.
a. Crusades
c. Holy War
e. Jihad
b. Reconquista
d. Inquisition
21. The Benedictine monastery at ____________________ became the most influential monastery in Europe.
a. Aachen
c. Cluny
e. Constantinople
b. Notre Dame
d. Paris
Matching Select the letter of the term, person, or place that matches each description. Some answers will not be used.
a. fealty
b. Carolingians
c. Leo IX
d. fief
e. Hugh Capet
Church leader who wanted to purify the Christian Church
The land given to a knight for his service to a lord
Began to extend the power of the monarchy throughout France
Region in central Italy ruled by the pope
A person who owed service to his lord
a. Moors
b. monasteries
e. Norsemen
Survey taken of English residents and their possessions
Observed strictly by monks of Cluny
Included Charles, Pippin, and Charlemagne
a. Papal States
b. vassal
c. Benedictine Rule
d. Domesday Book
c. sagas
d. Parliament
Made up of members of the nobility and clergy
The first king of the Carolingian dynasty
Long Icelandic stories about great heroes and events
Muslims in Spain
Frequently targeted in Viking raids
e. Pippin
a. Charles Martel
b. Otto the Great
e. piety
A measure of one’s devotion to religion
Viking explorer who reached North America
A peasant who was legally tied to the manor on which he worked
Crowned Emperor of the Romans by Pope John XII
War leader who earned his nickname from his skills in defeating the Muslims
a. navigation
b. pontificate
c. Leif Eriksson
d. serf
c. manorial system
d. Charlemagne
e. William the Conqueror
The economic system of medieval western Europe
Term in office of a pope
Planning a course across the sea
Duke of Normandy who took control of England
Greatest king of the Carolingian dynasty
True/False Indicate whether the statement is true or false. Mark A for True and B for False.
Charlemagne established a permanent capital at Aachen.
Vikings were great explorers who settled both Iceland and the eastern shore of present-day Canada.
In Muslim Spain, people of many religions lived together in relative peace.
Serfs had ample opportunities to better their social and economic position.
In medieval Europe, residents of a manor typically traded with other manors as far as three hundred miles away.
Medieval castles were large, beautiful, had dozens of private bedrooms, and included many luxuries, such as
indoor plumbing and ventilation systems.
The effort by the Moors to drive the Christians from the Iberian Peninsula was called the Reconquista.
When the rulers of Aragon and Castile married, they formed one of the strongest countries in Europe.
Córdoba was the center of a powerful Muslim state on the Iberian Peninsula.
During the 900s, most popes were not noted for their religious devotion.
Multiple Choice Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
57. Why did the pope name Charlemagne Emperor of the Roman People?
a. to ensure Charlemagne would not attack the Papal States
b. to thank Charlemagne for keeping him in power
c. to reward the Lombards of Italy for faithful service to the church
d. because Charlemagne refused to support the pope’s authority unless he was crowned
58. Which of the following statements correctly represents Charlemagne’s views about education?
a. Education should only include military training and agricultural skills.
b. All leaders should learn to read and write.
c. Scholars are useless in an empire.
d. Only upper-class women need to receive an education.
59. Which king drove the Vikings north of London?
a. William
c. Harold
b. Henry
d. Alfred
60. Why was King Otto finally able to defeat the Magyars in the mid-900s?
a. The Magyars had settled into a permanent home.
b. The Germans had discovered gunpowder.
c. Careful animal husbandry had enabled Europeans to breed a faster horse.
d. A plague had weakened the Magyar army.
61. Europe became a feudal society because
a. the rarity of cash required land to be used as a payment for services.
b. Europeans needed to defend themselves against constant raids and invasions.
c. overpopulation required that a more efficient agricultural system be developed.
d. skilled craftspeople had emerged as farming techniques improved.
62. Christians drove the Moors out of the Iberian Peninsula during the
a. First Crusade.
c. Reconquista.
b. sagas.
d. Battle of Hastings.
63. The pope’s influence in the Middle Ages resulted from
a. the fact that nearly everyone in Europe was Christian.
b. the economic influence of the Papal States.
c. the powerful army he headed under General Charlemagne.
d. his appointment by the Roman Emperor.
64. What led to the split in the Christian Church in 1054?
a. the defeat of the Papal States by Otto the Great
b. the desire of Henry IV for a divorce from his wife
c. a pacifist group’s opposition to the Crusades
d. the refusal of the patriarch of Constantinople to recognize the pope’s authority
65. Based on the map titled “Vikings, Magyars, and Muslims, 800–1000,” and what you know from the chapter, what
was one result of the invasions and migrations depicted on the map?
a. Muslim scouting parties went to Scandinavia.
c. The invaders had little influence in Europe.
b. Some invaders settled in Europe.
d. All invaders ignored southern Europe.
66. Based on the map titled “Vikings, Magyars, and Muslims, 800–1000,” which of the following groups traveled
most extensively between 800 and 1000?
a. the Vikings
c. the Franks
b. the Magyars
d. Muslims
67. Based on the map titled “Vikings, Magyars, and Muslims, 800–1000,” which group stayed the closest to their
a. the Vikings
c. the Franks
b. the Magyars
d. Muslims
68. Which of the following families was the most influential in the expansion of the Franks?
a. Capetians
c. Carolingians
b. Stuarts
d. Saxons
69. How did Charlemagne ensure that his counts remained loyal and did their jobs well?
a. by sending monks to convert them to Christianity
b. by setting up a system of rewards and punishments administered by inspectors
c. by replacing all local rulers with members of the Carolingian family
d. by ensuring that they received excellent educations
70. Scholars in Aachen performed which of the following important services?
a. They opened finishing schools for young ladies from the upper classes.
b. They made copies of ancient texts for monasteries across Europe.
c. They defended libraries against raids by the Vikings.
d. They taught Charlemagne how to read and write.
71. Which of the following is considered one of the most important leaders in European history?
a. Charles Martel
c. Hugh Capet
b. Louis the Pious
d. Charlemagne
72. Vikings began raiding northern Europe because
a. they wanted to stop attacks on Scandinavia.
b. they had converted to Christianity and sought Christian relics.
c. they wanted to spread their religion.
d. Viking farmers could not grow enough food.
73. How did the Magyars differ from the Vikings?
a. They were peaceful rather than warlike.
b. They were nomads, rather than living in permanent settlements.
c. They were never defeated, unlike the Vikings.
d. They were Muslims, rather than Christians.
74. How were the Vikings and the Magyars similar?
a. Both were great sailors.
c. Both originated in central Asia.
b. Both were fierce warriors.
d. Both fought the Muslims.
“Hear you my Lord. . . that I. . . shall be to you both faithful and true, and shall owe my Fidelity unto you,
for the Land that I hold of you, and lawfully shall do such Customs and Services, as my Duty is to you, at
the times assigned. So help me God and all his Saints.”
—from The Manner of Doing Homage and Fealty
75. The excerpt from The Manner of Doing Homage and Fealty is an example of
a. a serf’s contract.
c. an oath of loyalty.
b. a Domesday passage.
d. a feudal marriage vow.
76. The excerpt from The Manner of Doing Homage and Fealty might have been said by a
a. queen.
c. knight.
b. noble.
d. Viking.
77. The feudal system had which of the following effects?
a. It centralized government.
b. It diminished the power of kings.
c. It increased the pope’s power.
d. It freed most Europeans from work obligations.
78. Which of the following countries was the first to develop a strong central government?
a. England
c. Germany
b. France
d. Italy
79. Which of the following began to extend the power of the monarchy throughout France?
a. Eleanor of Aquitaine
c. Hugh Capet
b. Otto the Great
d. King Harold
80. After Charlemagne’s death, which of the following occurred?
a. France divided into several small states.
b. Germany divided into several small states.
c. The Papal States became an independent kingdom.
d. Western Europe was split into five parts.
81. The church’s influence increased around 1000 because at that time
a. the Moors were finally driven completely off the Iberian Peninsula.
b. the feudal system emerged.
c. there was an upsurge of religious devotion across Europe.
d. Charlemagne was crowned emperor by the pope.
“Who does not know that kings and princes derive their origin from men ignorant of God who raised
themselves above their fellows by pride, plunder, treachery, murder--in short, by every type of crime---at
the instigation of the Devil, the prince of this world, men blind with greed and intolerable in their audacity?.
. . Does anyone doubt that the priests of Christ are to be considered as fathers and masters of kings and
princes and of all believers?”
—from a letter to a German bishop
82. The passage from a letter to a German bishop represents the views of
a. Gregory VII.
c. Henry IV.
b. Orthodox Christians.
d. lords.
83. New monasteries were founded beginning in about 900 because
a. local political leaders desired more political power.
b. the existing orders were too strict and attracted few new monks.
c. Christianity was the dominant religion in Western Europe for the first time.
d. older monasteries were usually led by abbots concerned only with power and prestige.
84. Charlemagne was declared
a. King of France.
c. the Christian King.
b. Emperor of Roman Empire.
d. Emperor of the Roman people.
85. Schools established by Charlemagne were
a. based on Greek philosophies.
c. taught by scholars from all over Europe.
b. based on Roman schools.
d. based on military training.
86. The Treaty of Verdun
a. united the Franks and Rome.
c. divided Charlemagne’s empire.
b. gave part of Moorish Spain to the Franks.
d. set a method of succession for the empire.
87. The feudal system gave the most power to
a. vassals.
c. the church.
b. nobles.
d. the king.
88. Primogeniture is the custom of passing on land to the
a. oldest child.
c. oldest living relative.
b. oldest son.
d. the spouse.
89. In the feudal system, peasants worked land in exchange for
a. some of their crop.
c. taxes on the crop.
b. rent.
d. protection by the lord.
90. Chivalry was
a. the oath of loyalty from peasants to lords.
c. a contract that divided up land.
b. the oath of loyalty from vassals to lords.
d. a code of behavior for knights.
91. In medieval times, most people were likely to have contact with
a. a parish priest.
c. an archbishop.
b. a bishop.
d. a cardinal.
92. In Parliament, the House of Commons had the power to
a. grant land.
c. refuse new taxes.
b. make people into lords.
d. create new taxes.
93. In the feudal system, nobles granted the use of its land to
a. fiefs.
c. vassals.
b. serfs.
d. lords.
94. Anglo-Saxon England was conquered by William, who was from
a. Denmark.
c. Rome.
b. Normandy.
d. Germany.
95. Pope Gregory VII and Henry IV fought over investiture, or the right to
a. appoint the pope.
c. go to war.
b. appoint bishops.
d. tax the church.
96. Simony was the practice of
a. appointing bishops.
c. speaking out against the church
b. criticizing American Idol contestants.
d. selling church offices
97. If an individual was ________________, he was cast out of the church.
a. exunificated
c. excommunicated
b. exalted
d. extinguished
98. The pope was the head of a network of ecclesiastical, or ___________, courts.
a. church
c. criminal
b. civil
d. royal
99. Any individual who spoke out against church teachings was judged to be a
a. hermit
c. pagan
b. wiccan
d. heretic
100. Common Law was
a. the use of past court decisions to form future decisions.
b. the practice of giving all people fair trials.
c. the right to be tried by a jury of peers.
d. the right to a quick trial.
Answer Section
1. b counts
2. d navigation, sailing,
3. c Leif Eriksson
4. e serfs
5. c Parliament
6. a pontificate
7. d Charlemagne
8 . b Papal States
9. e Norsemen Northmen
10. d Otto the Great
11. a Normandy
12. e fief
13. c vassal
14. a Alfred
15. d Domesday Book
16. d Magna Carta
17. d Reconquista
18. b Leo IX
19. e Orthodox
20. a Crusades
21. c Cluny
67. D
68. C
69. B
70. B
71. D
72. D
73. B
74. B
75. C
76. C
77. B
78. A
79. C
80. B
81. C
82. A
83. D
84. D
85. C
86. C
87. D
88. B
89. D
90. D
91. A
92. C
93. C
94. B
95. B
96. D
97. C
98. A
99. D
100. A