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Theme 15. General characteristic of psychogenic disorders. Neurotic and
somatoformic disorders.
Definition of psychogenic disease.
Classification of psychogenic diseases.
Definition and general characteristic of neurotic diseases.
Classification of neurotic diseases.
1). Acute reaction to stress:
Hysterical reactions
Psychasthenic reactions
Neurasthenic reactions
Depressive reactions
Paralysis of emotions
2). Neuroses:
 Neurasthenia
 Hysteria
 Neurosis of obsessions
 Neurotic anxious disorders
 Neurotic depression
Etiology and pathogenesis of neuroses and neurotic
Differential diagnosis
The treatment of patients with neurotic disorders
characteristic of somatoform
Etiology and pathogenesis.
Classification of clinical manifestations.
Somatized disorder.
Hypochondriacal disorder.
Somatoform autonomic dysfunction.
Chronic somatoform painful disorder.
Anorexia nervosa.
Bulimia nervosa.
The differential diagnosis.
The treatment of patients with somatoform disorder.
Rehabilitative measures
1. How are the physical illnesses which develop as the result of acute or chronic
stress called?
a) somatogenic disorders
b) psychiatric and physical disorder occurring together by chance
c) psychosomatic disorders
d) psychiatric disorders presenting with physical symptoms
e) all listed
2. Which of the listed illnesses is the psychosomatic disorder?
a) epilepsy
b) hypertonic disease
c) cardiophobia
d) osteoporosis
e) all listed
3. Which psychopathological syndrome include fatigability, weakness, low working
ability, hyperesthesia and functional memory disorders?
a) asthenic syndrome
b) organic brain syndrome
c) delirium
d) dementia
e) depressive syndrome
4. Which psychopathological disorder is characteristic of the infarction without pain
syndrome in acute period?
a) asthenic syndrome
b) organic brain syndrome
c) delirium
d) sudden anxiety
e) euphoria
5. The effective treatment of asthma include:
a) bronchodilators
b) hormonal treatment
c) family psychotherapy
d) individual psychotherapy
e) all listed
6. What is the cause of labour psychoses in the majority of cases?
a) hereditary predisposition
b) specific psychic effect of labour
c) fear of delivery
d) acute pain
e) all listed
7. How are the mental disorders, in which internal organs are not damaged, and only
functional changes in them can be registered called?
a) somatogenic disorders
b) psychiatric and physical disorder occurring together by chance
c) psychosomatic disorders
d) psychiatric disorders presenting with physical symptoms
e) all listed
8. Psychiatric consequences of physical illness are all listed, except:
a) delirium
b) depressive disorder
c) manic syndrom
d) pseudohallucinations
e) asthenic syndrome
9. Which is the most frequent mental disorder, common for almost all physical
a) anxiety disorder
b) asthenic syndrome
c) organic brain syndrome
d) depressive syndrome
e) delirium
10. The effective treatment of cardiophobia include:
a) an operation on the coronary vessels
b) cardiac drugs
c) neuroleptics
d) rational psychotherapy
e) all listed
11. Which mental disorder is most common among the patients suffering from a peptic
ulcer of the stomach?
a) torpor
b) organic brain syndrome
c) delirium
d) phobias
e) all listed
12. What is the most adequate prophylaxis of labour psychoses?
a) tranquilizers
b) narcotic preparations
c) neuroleptics
d) psychoprophylaxis
e) presence of parturient woman’s husband
13. How are the physical and mental illnesses which develop at the same time as
the result of different etiology and pathogenesis called?
a) somatogenic disorders
b) psychiatric and physical disorder occurring together by chance
c) psychosomatic disorders
d) psychiatric disorders presenting with physical symptoms
e) all listed
14. Which of the listed illnesses are associated with anxiety disorder?
a) hyperthyroidism
b) hypothyroidism
c) anaemia
d) neurological disorders
e) all listed
15. The are all listed bellow criteria for diagnosing somatically caused psychoses,
a) presence of a somatic disease causing mental disorders
b) absence of any data about other causes of a mental disorder
c) a temporary relation between the development of a basic disease and mental
d) a reduction of a mental disorder with the recovery from a basic disease or with its
significant alleviation
e) nothing listed
16. What is the cause of a dyspnoea?
a) respiratory disturbances
b) cardiac disturbances
c) psychological origin
d) all listed
e) nothing listed
17. Which mental disorder is most common among the patients suffering from a
subcompensated chronic renal failure?
a) torpor
b) organic brain syndrome
c) delirium
d) phobias
e) all listed
18. What is the characteristics of the catatonic-oneiroid form of the postnatal
a) regularity in the development of immobility
b) incomplete mutism are absent
c) tendency to preserve the embryonal posture
d) presence of negativism
e) all listed
Clinical task 1.
A 70 y.o. man presents complaints on acute heart pains. During examination his
mood is evidently depressed, anxious. As a result of continious sleeplessness he has
got fears, suicidal thoughts. He would sit for a long time in the same pose, answer
after a pause, in a low, monotonous voice. His face has a look of suffering, pain, fear.
1. What symptoms does the patient have?
2. What psychopathological syndromes does the patient have?
3. What disease can you think of?
4. Prescribe treatment to the patient.
Clinical task 2.
Patient N, 29 y.o. was admitted to the pulmonological department with a bad
cough and high fever. At night he has got psychomotor agitation: he tried to run about
the department; thought that some water was running down the walls, he pretended to
see rats and cockroaches on the floor. Claimed he were in a hostel, recognized his
1. What symptoms does the patient have?
2. What psychopathological syndromes does the patient have?
3. What disease can you think of?
4. Prescribe treatment to the patient.
List of recommended literature
Basic literature.
Concise Oxford Textbook of Psychiatry. M. Gelder, D. Gath, R.Mayou. –
Oxford; New York; Tokyo; Oxford University Press, 2007. – 953 p.
Modern Synopsis of Psychiatry. A.M. Freedman, H.I. Kaplan, B.J. Sadock. –
USA, 1982. – 433 p.
Psychiatric Dictionary / 5th ed. R.J. Campbell. – Oxford; New York; Oxford
University Press, – 1981. – 693 p.
Psychopatology and addictive Disorders / Ed. By Meyer. - New York; London,
1986. – 283 p.
Psychiatry: course of lecture / V.S. Bitensky. – Odessa, 2005. – 336 p.
Zimbardo Ph.G. Psychology and Life. - USA, 19991. – 189 p.
Additional literature.
Brundtland G.H. Mental health in the 21st century // Bulletin of the World Helth
Organization. – 2000. - №87. – Р. 411.
Desjarlais R., Eisenberg L., Good B. et al. World Mental Health: Problems
and Priorities in Low-Income Countries. – New York: Oxford University Press,
1995. – 144 p.
Marsella A., Kleinman A., Good B. Cross-cultural studies of depressive
disorders. An overview. Culture and depression. – Berkley: University of
California Press, 1985. – 213 p.
Mulrow C.D., Williams J.W. Jr., Trivedi M., et al. Treatment of depression:
newer pharmacotherapies. Rockville, MD: Agency for Health Care Policy and
Research, 1999. – 253 р.
Murray C.J.L., Lopez A.D. The global burden of disease: a comprehensive
assessment of mortality and disability from disease, injuries and risk factors in
1990 and projected to 2020. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1996. –
68 p.
Kielholz P. Masked Depression. — Berne, 1973. – 97 p.
Lopez-Ibor J. J. The Present Status of Psychotropic Drugs / Ed. by A. Cerletti,
F. J. Bove. - New York, 1999. - 519 p
Preskorn, S.H. Outpatient management of depression: A guide for the Primarycare
Communications,Inc., 1994. - 147 p.
Ustun T.B., Sartorius N. Mental Illness in General Health Care. An
International Study. – Chichester: John Willey @ Sons Ltd, 1995. – 336 p.