... friends"and"family"and"the"best"that"experts"in"cancer"research"and"clinical"care"could"provide." Armed"with"tissue"studies"and"genomics,"they"selected"the"therapies"most"likely"to"control"her" particular"form"of"cancer."They"carefully"listened"to"her"descriptions"of"the"symptoms"she"was" experienci ...
... friends"and"family"and"the"best"that"experts"in"cancer"research"and"clinical"care"could"provide." Armed"with"tissue"studies"and"genomics,"they"selected"the"therapies"most"likely"to"control"her" particular"form"of"cancer."They"carefully"listened"to"her"descriptions"of"the"symptoms"she"was" experienci ...
dystonia update
... Secondary dystonias arise from injuries or abnormalities of the nervous system. There is often an association with pathologic lesions, most involving basal ganglia particularly the putamen54. Also, a lesion of the putamen is more likely to cause dystonia than any other form of movement disorder55. L ...
... Secondary dystonias arise from injuries or abnormalities of the nervous system. There is often an association with pathologic lesions, most involving basal ganglia particularly the putamen54. Also, a lesion of the putamen is more likely to cause dystonia than any other form of movement disorder55. L ...
New Perspectives on Dystonia
... Secondary dystonias arise from injuries or abnormalities of the nervous system. There is often an association with pathologic lesions, most involving basal ganglia particularly the putamen54. Also, a lesion of the putamen is more likely to cause dystonia than any other form of movement disorder55. L ...
... Secondary dystonias arise from injuries or abnormalities of the nervous system. There is often an association with pathologic lesions, most involving basal ganglia particularly the putamen54. Also, a lesion of the putamen is more likely to cause dystonia than any other form of movement disorder55. L ...
Psychogenic non-epileptic seizures
... In the model that is used in our studies, a specific vulnerability to develop PNES is suggested. This predisposition may involve psychological factors such as personality characteristics. However, biological vulnerability may also be involved in the development o ...
... In the model that is used in our studies, a specific vulnerability to develop PNES is suggested. This predisposition may involve psychological factors such as personality characteristics. However, biological vulnerability may also be involved in the development o ...
Rate of body dysmorphic disorder among patients seeking facial
... More than 50% of women and slightly less than 50% of men report dissatisfaction with their appearance (Garner, 1997). These statistics are hardly surprising given the over-emphasis American culture places on physical appearance. Dissatisfaction with one’s physical appearance is thought to motivate m ...
... More than 50% of women and slightly less than 50% of men report dissatisfaction with their appearance (Garner, 1997). These statistics are hardly surprising given the over-emphasis American culture places on physical appearance. Dissatisfaction with one’s physical appearance is thought to motivate m ...
Figure 1. Conversion of Riboflavin to the Active
... iron absorption, and aids the mobilization of ferritin from tissues.6,12 Early clinical studies of anemia showed a positive response to riboflavin supplementation.13,14 A more recent study by Fairweather-Tait et al determined that riboflavin deficiency interferes with iron utilization, but not absor ...
... iron absorption, and aids the mobilization of ferritin from tissues.6,12 Early clinical studies of anemia showed a positive response to riboflavin supplementation.13,14 A more recent study by Fairweather-Tait et al determined that riboflavin deficiency interferes with iron utilization, but not absor ...
... drug-resistant seizures. Additional extra-pyramidal movement disorder and pathologic signal intensities in the basal ganglia on brain MRI are observed in the most severe cases. The clinical onset of the disease is between an age of four months to three years. Treatment with creatine monohydrate cons ...
... drug-resistant seizures. Additional extra-pyramidal movement disorder and pathologic signal intensities in the basal ganglia on brain MRI are observed in the most severe cases. The clinical onset of the disease is between an age of four months to three years. Treatment with creatine monohydrate cons ...
Psychogenic nonepileptic seizures
... atonic seizures and closed eyes during tonic-cloniclike seizures. Patients with psychogenic nonepileptic seizures are often very upset when they have a seizure, they may cry during or immediately after the event [40, 41]. Psychogenic nonepileptic seizures can be particularly difficult to distinguish ...
... atonic seizures and closed eyes during tonic-cloniclike seizures. Patients with psychogenic nonepileptic seizures are often very upset when they have a seizure, they may cry during or immediately after the event [40, 41]. Psychogenic nonepileptic seizures can be particularly difficult to distinguish ...
attachment 8
... earlier depictions of multiple sclerosis, may have contributed to the negative attitudes that health care providers and others have towards those with this syndrome. These results also need to be interpreted within a context where psychiatrists and physicians have regarded fatigue as one of the leas ...
... earlier depictions of multiple sclerosis, may have contributed to the negative attitudes that health care providers and others have towards those with this syndrome. These results also need to be interpreted within a context where psychiatrists and physicians have regarded fatigue as one of the leas ...
Neuroenhancement with Vitamin B12—Underestimated
... reduced in Vitamin B12 deficiency. Levels <35 pmol/L are indicative of a deficiency of Vitamin B12, and levels from 35 to 50 pmol/L represent a “grey area”. A vitamin B12 deficiency is unlikely at levels >50 pmol/L. A reduced holo-TC level is considered the earliest marker for a B12 deficiency. Holo ...
... reduced in Vitamin B12 deficiency. Levels <35 pmol/L are indicative of a deficiency of Vitamin B12, and levels from 35 to 50 pmol/L represent a “grey area”. A vitamin B12 deficiency is unlikely at levels >50 pmol/L. A reduced holo-TC level is considered the earliest marker for a B12 deficiency. Holo ...
Neuroenhancement with Vitamin B12—Underestimated
... reduced in Vitamin B12 deficiency. Levels <35 pmol/L are indicative of a deficiency of Vitamin B12, and levels from 35 to 50 pmol/L represent a “grey area”. A vitamin B12 deficiency is unlikely at levels >50 pmol/L. A reduced holo-TC level is considered the earliest marker for a B12 deficiency. Holo ...
... reduced in Vitamin B12 deficiency. Levels <35 pmol/L are indicative of a deficiency of Vitamin B12, and levels from 35 to 50 pmol/L represent a “grey area”. A vitamin B12 deficiency is unlikely at levels >50 pmol/L. A reduced holo-TC level is considered the earliest marker for a B12 deficiency. Holo ...
Psychogenic Nonepileptic Seizures
... physical symptoms, specifically abnormal movements, which cannot be attributed to any known underlying neurological disorders.12 However, the distinction between PNES and PMD is not always easy. One retrospective study of comparison of PMD and PNES revealed more similarities than differences between ...
... physical symptoms, specifically abnormal movements, which cannot be attributed to any known underlying neurological disorders.12 However, the distinction between PNES and PMD is not always easy. One retrospective study of comparison of PMD and PNES revealed more similarities than differences between ...
Chronic fatigue syndrome - BORA
... If any supreme goal for this work, it has been to contribute to improving the competence and care in meeting patients with chronic fatigue. ...
... If any supreme goal for this work, it has been to contribute to improving the competence and care in meeting patients with chronic fatigue. ...
The WHO ICD - Short version
... ICD-9 is currently used in the US. Responsibility of the US National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) within the Center for Disease Control (CDC), and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. ICD-10 CM (USA) will be used in future in the US. Planned implementation 2013. Responsibility of t ...
... ICD-9 is currently used in the US. Responsibility of the US National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) within the Center for Disease Control (CDC), and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. ICD-10 CM (USA) will be used in future in the US. Planned implementation 2013. Responsibility of t ...
rajiv gandhi university of health sciences bangalore, karnataka
... Dietary deficiency of vitamin A and D is quite common in developing countries and is associated with the high incidence of blindness, viral infections, growth retardation and child mortality that occurs in impoverished populations. The census of India for the second time during post independence per ...
... Dietary deficiency of vitamin A and D is quite common in developing countries and is associated with the high incidence of blindness, viral infections, growth retardation and child mortality that occurs in impoverished populations. The census of India for the second time during post independence per ...
The Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
... guide the development of studies relevant to the chronic fatigue syndrome. In this framework, in which the chronic fatigue syndrome is considered a subset of prolonged fatigue (>1 month), epidemiologic studies of populations defined by prolonged or chronic fatigue can be used to search for illness p ...
... guide the development of studies relevant to the chronic fatigue syndrome. In this framework, in which the chronic fatigue syndrome is considered a subset of prolonged fatigue (>1 month), epidemiologic studies of populations defined by prolonged or chronic fatigue can be used to search for illness p ...
The differential diagnosis of epilepsy: A critical review
... The wrong diagnosis of epilepsy is unfortunately common. Of patients diagnosed with epilepsy who are seen at epilepsy centers, 20% to 30% are found to have been misdiagnosed [1–3]. This percentage is astonishingly consistent across centers, countries, and continents. Psychogenic nonepileptic attacks ...
... The wrong diagnosis of epilepsy is unfortunately common. Of patients diagnosed with epilepsy who are seen at epilepsy centers, 20% to 30% are found to have been misdiagnosed [1–3]. This percentage is astonishingly consistent across centers, countries, and continents. Psychogenic nonepileptic attacks ...
Depression and Anxiety in end stage renal disease patients
... To help sustain their life, dialysis patients are dependent on time-consuming treatment that usually takes several times during the week. The use of pharmaceutical agents and restrictions on nutritional and fluid intake are also important, both for survival and improved general health. Reduced physi ...
... To help sustain their life, dialysis patients are dependent on time-consuming treatment that usually takes several times during the week. The use of pharmaceutical agents and restrictions on nutritional and fluid intake are also important, both for survival and improved general health. Reduced physi ...
The condition
... Ataxia can have a devastating effect on individuals, slowly taking away their ability to get about, communicate, and even see and hear. As there are many different types the severity of symptoms does vary from person to person, but in most cases it is a serious life-limiting condition that gets wor ...
... Ataxia can have a devastating effect on individuals, slowly taking away their ability to get about, communicate, and even see and hear. As there are many different types the severity of symptoms does vary from person to person, but in most cases it is a serious life-limiting condition that gets wor ...
What Is New in Rome IV - Journal of Neurogastroenterology and
... a symptom based method we can identify underlying pathophysiological determinants, be they motility, hypersensitivity, or braingut dysfunction. This classification based on symptom groupings (developed by population cluster analysis and clinical studies) thus represent what patients bring to doctors ...
... a symptom based method we can identify underlying pathophysiological determinants, be they motility, hypersensitivity, or braingut dysfunction. This classification based on symptom groupings (developed by population cluster analysis and clinical studies) thus represent what patients bring to doctors ...
the course and clinical features of obsessive compulsive
... design, standardized criteria to assess diagnosis, and structured interviews with direct patient contact were used, have also shown that most patients continue to meet either all or some of the criteria for the disorder at follow-up. Relatively few patients experience complete remission. Retrospecti ...
... design, standardized criteria to assess diagnosis, and structured interviews with direct patient contact were used, have also shown that most patients continue to meet either all or some of the criteria for the disorder at follow-up. Relatively few patients experience complete remission. Retrospecti ...
the course and clinical features of obsessive compulsive disorder
... design, standardized criteria to assess diagnosis, and structured interviews with direct patient contact were used, have also shown that most patients continue to meet either all or some of the criteria for the disorder at follow-up. Relatively few patients experience complete remission. Retrospecti ...
... design, standardized criteria to assess diagnosis, and structured interviews with direct patient contact were used, have also shown that most patients continue to meet either all or some of the criteria for the disorder at follow-up. Relatively few patients experience complete remission. Retrospecti ...
Chronic Pelvic Pain in Men Review
... nervous system with pelvic organs is a frequent feature. Neuropathic pain, caused by the damage of nerves through, e.g., surgery or radiotherapy, can also occur. Patients with chronic pain conditions are difficult to treat. After often a multitude of different treatments and numerous physician consu ...
... nervous system with pelvic organs is a frequent feature. Neuropathic pain, caused by the damage of nerves through, e.g., surgery or radiotherapy, can also occur. Patients with chronic pain conditions are difficult to treat. After often a multitude of different treatments and numerous physician consu ...
Article Title Goes Here
... assault survivors. Their findings indicated that TI fully mediated relations between perceived inescapability and overall PTSD symptom severity, as well as re-experiencing and avoidance/numbing symptom clusters. Beyond the hyperarousal PTSD model, TI may be a pathway through which trauma survivors d ...
... assault survivors. Their findings indicated that TI fully mediated relations between perceived inescapability and overall PTSD symptom severity, as well as re-experiencing and avoidance/numbing symptom clusters. Beyond the hyperarousal PTSD model, TI may be a pathway through which trauma survivors d ...
Vitamin B12: Identification and Treatment of Deficiencies
... Patients who belong to high-risk groups, or those with signs and symptoms consistent with a vitamin B12 deficiency, should be evaluated. A serum cobalamin (B12) level and a complete blood count (CBC) to identify the presence of any type of anemia are recommended for initial testing.6,16,17 Vitamin B ...
... Patients who belong to high-risk groups, or those with signs and symptoms consistent with a vitamin B12 deficiency, should be evaluated. A serum cobalamin (B12) level and a complete blood count (CBC) to identify the presence of any type of anemia are recommended for initial testing.6,16,17 Vitamin B ...
Wernicke–Korsakoff syndrome

Wernicke–Korsakoff syndrome (WKS), also called wet brain, Korsakoff's psychosis, and alcoholic encephalopathy, is the combined presence of Wernicke's encephalopathy (WE) and Korsakoff's syndrome. Due to the close relationship between these two disorders, patients suffering from both are usually diagnosed with WKS, as a single syndrome. It is a manifestation of thiamine (vitamin B1) deficiency, a spectrum of disorders which also encompasses beriberi, Wernicke's encephalopathy, and Korsakoff's psychosis. These disorders may manifest concurrently or separately. WKS is usually secondary to alcohol abuse. It mainly causes vision changes, ataxia and impaired memory.Wernicke's encephalopathy and WKS is most commonly seen in alcoholic patients, and only 20% of cases are identified before death. This failure in diagnosis of WE and thus treatment of the disease leads to death in approximately 20% of cases, while 75% are left with permanent brain damage associated with WKS. Of those affected, 25% require long-term institutionalization in order to receive effective care.