M.E./CFS Group (Canterbury) Inc. Library Books (29 November 2013)
... Ian Brighthope, Fighting Fatigue and the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, 1991. Robert Buist, Food Intolerance: What it is & How to Cope with it, 1984. Robert Buist, Food Chemical Sensitivity, 1986. Sandra Cabot, The Liver Cleansing Diet, 2008. Anthony Campbell, Natural Health Handbook, 1984. Leon Chaitow, ...
... Ian Brighthope, Fighting Fatigue and the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, 1991. Robert Buist, Food Intolerance: What it is & How to Cope with it, 1984. Robert Buist, Food Chemical Sensitivity, 1986. Sandra Cabot, The Liver Cleansing Diet, 2008. Anthony Campbell, Natural Health Handbook, 1984. Leon Chaitow, ...
Physical performance of patients with numerous psychosomatic complaints suggestive of hyperventilation
... disabled than the current patients. Indeed, these subjects were selected on the basis of low values of arterial partial pressure of CO2 (PCO2) (<4.7 kPa) and alkalosis (pH> 7.45) at rest. Though the equivalents for CO2 were, on average, slightly higher in the current patients than in control subject ...
... disabled than the current patients. Indeed, these subjects were selected on the basis of low values of arterial partial pressure of CO2 (PCO2) (<4.7 kPa) and alkalosis (pH> 7.45) at rest. Though the equivalents for CO2 were, on average, slightly higher in the current patients than in control subject ...
A 35-Year-Old Woman with Somatic Symptoms
... these disorders is variable. For example, fibromyalgia is a condition that has been defined by objective terms alone,13 whereas premenstrual dysphoric disorder is defined using objective and subjective terms14 and multiple chemical sensitivities are defined by a completely subjective set of definiti ...
... these disorders is variable. For example, fibromyalgia is a condition that has been defined by objective terms alone,13 whereas premenstrual dysphoric disorder is defined using objective and subjective terms14 and multiple chemical sensitivities are defined by a completely subjective set of definiti ...
Nutrition II Resident - Stony Brook University School of Medicine
... of vitamins A and C as well as essential fatty acids (including linoleic acid). However, a strict vegan diet instituted after weaning contains very little vitamin B12, a nutrient primarily found in meats, eggs, and dairy products, unless supplements are provided. Breastfed infants of vegan mothers m ...
... of vitamins A and C as well as essential fatty acids (including linoleic acid). However, a strict vegan diet instituted after weaning contains very little vitamin B12, a nutrient primarily found in meats, eggs, and dairy products, unless supplements are provided. Breastfed infants of vegan mothers m ...
Role of psychiatric comorbidity in chronic Lyme disease
... was suspected and previous testing had not been conducted, 2-tier serologic testing (by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay [ELISA] and Western blot) was used to assess the presence of antibodies for B burgdorferi. Patients diagnosed as having untreated Lyme disease were offered antibiotic therapy, re ...
... was suspected and previous testing had not been conducted, 2-tier serologic testing (by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay [ELISA] and Western blot) was used to assess the presence of antibodies for B burgdorferi. Patients diagnosed as having untreated Lyme disease were offered antibiotic therapy, re ...
megaloblastic anemia (1).
... to treat patients with cobalamin-related neurological disorders. One advantage of parenteral over oral cobalamin is that all abnormalities in cobalamin absorption are bypassed. It may be practical to initially administer parenteral cobalamin and then to continue treatment with oral cobalamin. Oral c ...
... to treat patients with cobalamin-related neurological disorders. One advantage of parenteral over oral cobalamin is that all abnormalities in cobalamin absorption are bypassed. It may be practical to initially administer parenteral cobalamin and then to continue treatment with oral cobalamin. Oral c ...
Functional Abdominal Pain In Childhood and Adolescence
... • Clubbing, rashes, arthritis • Pelvic examination (if indicated by history) ...
... • Clubbing, rashes, arthritis • Pelvic examination (if indicated by history) ...
Asperger`s Syndrome - List of Journals Published by PRL Publisher
... recognizing other people's feelings. They may have strange movements or mannerisms. All of these make it difficult for them to make friends. Problems with motor skills are also common in children with AS. They may be late learning to ride a bike or catch a ball, for example. Treatment focuses on the ...
... recognizing other people's feelings. They may have strange movements or mannerisms. All of these make it difficult for them to make friends. Problems with motor skills are also common in children with AS. They may be late learning to ride a bike or catch a ball, for example. Treatment focuses on the ...
Lactose intolerance in IBS patients
... absorbed in the small bowel, but passes into the colon where bacterial fermentation produces gas and shortchain fatty acids and other products that can cause luminal distension and alter digestive function.1, 2 The risk of lactose-triggering symptoms in patients with lactase deficiency is associated ...
... absorbed in the small bowel, but passes into the colon where bacterial fermentation produces gas and shortchain fatty acids and other products that can cause luminal distension and alter digestive function.1, 2 The risk of lactose-triggering symptoms in patients with lactase deficiency is associated ...
Zellweger syndrome – A Short Review on Peroxisome
... peroxisomes, which rid the body of toxic substances in the liver, brain, and kidneys. The most common features of Zellweger syndrome include enlarged liver, high levels of copper and iron in the blood, and vision disturbances. Other symptoms include unusual facial features, mental retardation, seizu ...
... peroxisomes, which rid the body of toxic substances in the liver, brain, and kidneys. The most common features of Zellweger syndrome include enlarged liver, high levels of copper and iron in the blood, and vision disturbances. Other symptoms include unusual facial features, mental retardation, seizu ...
Idiopathic environmental intolerances 1999 - AAAAI
... 24. Staudenmayer H, Selner ME, Selner J. Adult sequelae of childhood abuse presenting as environmental illness. Ann Allergy 1993;71:538-46. 25. Stewart DE, Raskin J. Psychiatric assessment of patients with "20th-century disease" ("total ...
... 24. Staudenmayer H, Selner ME, Selner J. Adult sequelae of childhood abuse presenting as environmental illness. Ann Allergy 1993;71:538-46. 25. Stewart DE, Raskin J. Psychiatric assessment of patients with "20th-century disease" ("total ...
Bijlage 1 - Steungroep ME en Arbeidsongeschiktheid
... Lloyd et al 1991 (interferon alpha levels in CSF higher than patients with people with noninflammatory neurological disorders but lower than patients with encephalitis and meningitis. Cytokine levels often undetectable but could be because it's a local reaction.) Schwartz et al 1994 (suggestion from ...
... Lloyd et al 1991 (interferon alpha levels in CSF higher than patients with people with noninflammatory neurological disorders but lower than patients with encephalitis and meningitis. Cytokine levels often undetectable but could be because it's a local reaction.) Schwartz et al 1994 (suggestion from ...
Neural correlates of tic severity and cognitive C. L. Baym,
... strategies that diminish their deficits. Indeed, one study found evidence for enhanced performance on a cognitive control task in patients with TS (Mueller et al., 2006). Fourth, it may be that some cognitive control processes are impaired, whereas others are intact. As such, it is important to dete ...
... strategies that diminish their deficits. Indeed, one study found evidence for enhanced performance on a cognitive control task in patients with TS (Mueller et al., 2006). Fourth, it may be that some cognitive control processes are impaired, whereas others are intact. As such, it is important to dete ...
Nutrition in Chronic Liver Disease
... contributing to an increased loss of proteins (protein loss can also occur due to bleeding from ulcers or varices).21---23 The deficiency of biliary salts (particularly in cholestatic diseases) and advanced degrees of pancreatic insufficiency (particularly in alcoholic disease) can cause steatorrhea, ...
... contributing to an increased loss of proteins (protein loss can also occur due to bleeding from ulcers or varices).21---23 The deficiency of biliary salts (particularly in cholestatic diseases) and advanced degrees of pancreatic insufficiency (particularly in alcoholic disease) can cause steatorrhea, ...
The prescribing of vitamins and minerals including vitamin B
... for money or medicines where there are safer alternatives. There are also medicines which could be considered for selfcare with the support of the community pharmacist included on the DROP-List.1 Approximately £4.2 million is spent annually in England on the prescribing of vitamins and minerals (mul ...
... for money or medicines where there are safer alternatives. There are also medicines which could be considered for selfcare with the support of the community pharmacist included on the DROP-List.1 Approximately £4.2 million is spent annually in England on the prescribing of vitamins and minerals (mul ...
... Headaches, Neck Pain, Loss of Sense of Taste Involved in 6 different auto accidents during a 5-year period. After each accident, she suffered increased pain in her neck and head. Her third accident was most severe in that she suffered a head injury. After that accident, in addition to experiencing a ...
... Headaches, Neck Pain, Loss of Sense of Taste Involved in 6 different auto accidents during a 5-year period. After each accident, she suffered increased pain in her neck and head. Her third accident was most severe in that she suffered a head injury. After that accident, in addition to experiencing a ...
Neuro Oncology: Neuroradiology
... Syndrome demonstrating moderate atrophy of the brain stem and middle cerebellar peduncle with mild atrophy of the cerebellum, as well as atrophy of the infraorbital and intracranial optic nerves3. ...
... Syndrome demonstrating moderate atrophy of the brain stem and middle cerebellar peduncle with mild atrophy of the cerebellum, as well as atrophy of the infraorbital and intracranial optic nerves3. ...
The Vitamins - Manasquan Public Schools
... retinol equivalents (RE) per day for adult men and women, respectively. ...
... retinol equivalents (RE) per day for adult men and women, respectively. ...
Autism - Down Syndrome Association San Diego
... A second group of children are usually older. This group of children experience a dramatic loss (or plateauing) in their acquisition and use of language and social-attending skills. This developmental regression may be followed by excessive irritability, anxiety, and the onset of repetitive behavior ...
... A second group of children are usually older. This group of children experience a dramatic loss (or plateauing) in their acquisition and use of language and social-attending skills. This developmental regression may be followed by excessive irritability, anxiety, and the onset of repetitive behavior ...
Course of illness in phobic postural vertigo
... and psychiatric follow-upstudy. During the follow-up time of about 2.5 years the neurological diagnosis remained stable (41 of 42 patients). PPV can be assigned to various psychiatriccategories according to DSM-111-R. Although an association of PPV with anxiety disorders is evident, not all patients ...
... and psychiatric follow-upstudy. During the follow-up time of about 2.5 years the neurological diagnosis remained stable (41 of 42 patients). PPV can be assigned to various psychiatriccategories according to DSM-111-R. Although an association of PPV with anxiety disorders is evident, not all patients ...
A 23y/o girl with facial tightness and generalized weakness
... MSG is may not be the causative agent of CRS MSG may be initiate immunological events, but not the effective agent for the syndrome. Glutamate concentrations in blood was significantly difference between MSG trials and placebo group. No association was found with blood levels and the appearance of s ...
... MSG is may not be the causative agent of CRS MSG may be initiate immunological events, but not the effective agent for the syndrome. Glutamate concentrations in blood was significantly difference between MSG trials and placebo group. No association was found with blood levels and the appearance of s ...
PP600 - The Virtual Reality Medical Center
... • Since October 2001, approximately 1.64 million U.S. troops have deployed to support operations in Afghanistan and Iraq. • Approximately 18.5 percent of U.S. service members who have returned from Afghanistan and Iraq currently have post-traumatic stress disorder or depression (303,000); and 19.5 p ...
... • Since October 2001, approximately 1.64 million U.S. troops have deployed to support operations in Afghanistan and Iraq. • Approximately 18.5 percent of U.S. service members who have returned from Afghanistan and Iraq currently have post-traumatic stress disorder or depression (303,000); and 19.5 p ...
Is psychogenic dystonia a valid diagnosis?
... phases. I gathered references pertinent to these five phases. The search was nonsystematic but included MEDLINE searches, book chapters, and discussions with colleagues. Methods: retrospective study. We retrospectively identified 58 patients judged by their treating neurologist to have atypical (“ps ...
... phases. I gathered references pertinent to these five phases. The search was nonsystematic but included MEDLINE searches, book chapters, and discussions with colleagues. Methods: retrospective study. We retrospectively identified 58 patients judged by their treating neurologist to have atypical (“ps ...
Wernicke–Korsakoff syndrome

Wernicke–Korsakoff syndrome (WKS), also called wet brain, Korsakoff's psychosis, and alcoholic encephalopathy, is the combined presence of Wernicke's encephalopathy (WE) and Korsakoff's syndrome. Due to the close relationship between these two disorders, patients suffering from both are usually diagnosed with WKS, as a single syndrome. It is a manifestation of thiamine (vitamin B1) deficiency, a spectrum of disorders which also encompasses beriberi, Wernicke's encephalopathy, and Korsakoff's psychosis. These disorders may manifest concurrently or separately. WKS is usually secondary to alcohol abuse. It mainly causes vision changes, ataxia and impaired memory.Wernicke's encephalopathy and WKS is most commonly seen in alcoholic patients, and only 20% of cases are identified before death. This failure in diagnosis of WE and thus treatment of the disease leads to death in approximately 20% of cases, while 75% are left with permanent brain damage associated with WKS. Of those affected, 25% require long-term institutionalization in order to receive effective care.