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Trousdale County Schools Weekly Lesson Plan
Teacher: Brittany Clinard
Pacing Guide Week #: 4
Dates: 8/25 – 8/29
5 days
Subject: Geometry
Common Core Standard(s) to be taught: (Write the entire standard)
G.CO.1 Know precise definitions of angle, circle, perpendicular line, parallel line, and line segment,
based on the undefined notions of point, line, distance along a line, and distance around a circular arc.
G.CO.9 Prove theorems about lines and angles. Theorems include: vertical angles are congruent;
when a transversal crosses parallel lines, alternate interior angles are congruent and corresponding
angles are congruent; points on a perpendicular bisector of a line segment are exactly those
equidistant from the segment’s endpoints.
SPI(s) to be taught: (Write the entire SPI)
3108.1.4 Use definitions, basic postulates, and theorems about points, lines, angles, and planes to
write/complete proofs and/or solve problems.
3108.4.4 Analyze different types and formats of proofs.
Daily practice activity for citing text based evidence in conversation and/or writing:
I Can Statements :
Student Agenda:
I can use inductive reasoning to make conjectures.
Posted daily but NOT included in Lesson Plan
I can recognize conditional statements and their parts.
I can write converses, inverses, and contra-positives of
I can write bi-conditionals and recognize suitable
I can apply the Law of Detachment and the Law of
Assessment Strategies (for Stage 1 teachers ONLY): Assessment used to determine mastery daily: If a quiz or test is given,
include in the Teacher’s Lesson Plan Notebook.
Instructional Materials (for Stage 1 teachers ONLY): All instructional materials are to be included in the Teacher’s Lesson Plan
Instruction: In outline form, describe each day of instruction.
Day 1
Geometry Test Prep
Practice 2.2 and 2.3 problems
Correct test papers
If time permits: finish the notes from 2.2.
Formative Assessment:
Observation/questioning during
notes/practice problems
Day 2
Bell-work: Bi-Conditional
Notes over Inverse, contrapositive, and good definition.
Practice writing inverse and contrapositives
Notes on Law of Detachment and Law a Syllogism.
Bell-work – assesses students’
understanding and abilities to apply
concepts taught in previous lessons
Day 3
Test Prep
Quiz on 2.1-2.3
Practice writing conditionals, converse, inverse, and contrapositive.
Practice Law of Detachment and Law of Syllogism.
If time permits: Introduce properties of equality.
Observations/questioning during notes
and practice problems
Observation/questioning during notes
and practice problems
Day 4
Day 5
Introduce properties of equality
Introduce doing proofs with properties.
Quiz on properties of equality
Practice writing proofs with properties.
Observation and questioning during
notes and practice problems
Observation and questioning during
practice problems
Day 6
Day 7
Alternate Instructional Interventions: Provide a specific plan for alternate instructional interventions, or re-teaching.
Students who show difficulty with certain skills/concepts will be assigned additional practice from resources such as
Workbook, Infinite Algebra, Interactmath, etc.
Instructional technologies to enhance learning: List how each will enhance the effectiveness of the lesson.
Mobi for note-taking