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Slide 1
Big Idea 5: Earth in Space and Time
Grade 4
Fair Game Benchmarks
SC.4.E.5.4: Relate that the rotation of Earth (day and night) and apparent movements
of the Sun, Moon, and stars are connected. (Annually Assessed)
SC.4.E.5.1: Observe that the patterns of stars in the sky stay the same although they
appear to shift across the sky nightly, and different stars can be seen in different
seasons. (Assessed as SC.4.E.5.4)
SC.4.E.5.2: Describe the changes in the observable shape of the moon over the course
of about a month. (Assessed as SC.4.E.5.4)
SC.4.E.5.3: Recognize that Earth revolves around the Sun in a year and rotates on its
axis in a 24-hour day. (Assessed as SC.4.E.5.4)
Mary Tweedy, Curriculum Support Specialist
Keisha Kidd, Curriculum Support Specialist
Dr. Millard Lightburn, Elementary Science Supervisor
Department of Mathematics and Science
Slide 2
Grade 4
Big Idea 5: Earth in Space and Time
How are the movements of Earth, the moon
and the Sun related?
Engage: Click on the hyperlink: Earth in Space and
Time to play a video and then ask How are the
movements of Earth, the moon
and the Sun related? Discuss.
Department of Mathematics and Science
Slide 3
Relationship with Earth
How is the Earth moving?
1. It turns or rotates spinning on its axis in a 24 hour day.
2. It revolves around the sun.
Let’s do the Cycle of Day and Night exploration.
Hands-on Activity
AIMS foldable: It’s Apparent
tennis ball
Now let’s read It’s Apparent and explore.
Department of Mathematics and Science
Explore: Do the Cycle of Day and Night online
Discovery exploration.
Explore and Explain: Have students make the
book, It’s Apparent. Then read It’s Apparent with
students and model the movements of the Earth.
pp. 4-5
Materials: tennis ball or styrofoam ball or apple
skewer or stick
stickpin or thumbtack
How long does it take for the Earth to complete
one whole spin on its axis? It takes about 24 hours
or a day to complete a rotation. This rotation
causes day and night. As the Earth spins the part of
Earth that sun’s rays hit is lit up and has daytime.
As the Earth keeps rotating, the side facing the Sun
begins to turn away from the sun making it night.
You can model how day changes into night using a
bare lit light bulb in a lamp and a tennis ball on a
stick. The light bulb models the Sun. A tennis ball
is the Earth and the stick represents its invisible
axis. Say: Let’s mark Miami’s location on the
tennis ball. The side with Miami faces the “Sun”
and is lit up having daytime while the other side of
the apple is dark. As the Earth keeps rotating,
Miami begins to turn away from the Sun making it
Slide 4
Observe the Sun Activity
Essential Question: How can I observe the apparent movement of
the Sun across the sky?
Materials: 5 cm straw, lump of clay, compass, ruler, pencil
1. Label the direction words North, South, East and West along
the edge of the paper plate.
2. Put a small lump of clay in the center of the plate, and stick the
straw upright in the clay.
3. Place this sundial in a sunny spot outside that is exposed to the
sun for several hours.
4. Use the compass the identify North and make sure the label
North on the sundial is pointing North.
5. Observe the straw’s shadow on the sundial every hour.
When we return to where we started, a whole day
and night has passed. We can’t feel the Earth
rotating. But we can tell it is moving because of the
changes in the sky. Ask your students to describe
the changes they see in the sky from morning until
Engage: Demonstrate how a shadow is made. Use a
flashlight and a ruler to show a shadow.
Explore: See materials and the procedures listed
on slide.
Department of Mathematics and Science
Slide 5
Shadows on Sundial
Observations (Data)
Direction Sun is Pointing
(North, South, East, West)
Position of Sun in Sky
(North, South, East, West)
Explore and Explain: Make the observation chart.
Observe and record hourly shadows. Compare your
group’s to another groups.
After each hourly observation, record data and then look at
another group’s sundial and compare yours to theirs. Record
Group ____ Then answer:
How does your shadow compare to another group’s shadow on
their sundial?
Slide 6
Shadows on Sundial
Direction Sun is Pointing
(North, South, East, West)
Position of Sun in Sky
(North, South, East, West)
Explain: Discuss data and Connected Learning.
Click on the hyperlink: Observe the Sun after the
activity for review.
Connected Learning:
1.How does the position of the shadow change during the day?
2.How would you describe the Sun’s apparent movement in the sky?
3.What is the general relationship between the Sun’s position in the sky,
and the direction of a shadow on Earth?
4.How can you use Earth’s rotation to explain shadow movement?
Slide 7
Let’s look again at the
Movement of the Earth
How else is the Earth moving?
• It orbits or revolves around the Sun.
• 365 days = 1 year
Let’s read Rotation and Revolution.
Let’s explore: Fun-damental - Cycles in the Sky:
Earth and Sun
Department of Mathematics and Science
Explore/Explain: Make the foldable Rotation and
Revolution and read it.
Evaluate: Do Check Out: EARTH and SUN from the Fun-damental Cycles in the Sky: Earth and Sun.
Slide 8
What are Stars?
Stars are huge balls of burning gas that give off light.
Stars are very bright.
Stars come in different sizes.
Our Sun is our nearest star.
All the other stars we see are very far away.
More on Stars
• There are more than 300 billion stars in the Milky
Department of Mathematics and Science
Slide 9
Watching the Night Sky
Do the patterns of stars or constellations in the sky stay the
Do we always see the same patterns or constellations of stars
Let’s explore Constellations.
What did you learn?
The patterns or constellation stay the same but are seen in
different places in the night sky throughout the night and
in different seasons.
Department of Mathematics and Science
Musical Stars
• Look at the four star chart handouts that you have
been given depicting the star patterns or
constellations in each of the four seasons.
• Each group member should stand facing south
holding a star chart over their head in the order of
the seasons.
• Work together to determine in what direction the
stars move relative to you on the ground and to each
other as time and seasons pass.
• Explain your answer and tell how you got it.
Department of Mathematics and Science
What do you know?
1. What is a constellation?
Answer: A constellation is a group of stars that forms a pattern or
2. Why do stars appear to move across the night sky?
Answer: The stars appear to move because of Earth’s rotation.
Constellations or patterns of stars also change with the seasons
because Earth is orbiting around the sun.
3. Why do constellations change with the seasons?
Answer: The constellations have been in the same positions for
thousands of years. As Earth orbits the sun, it goes through different
areas of space. This means that each season Earth is in a different
part of space. For this reason, the constellations that can be seen
from Earth change with the seasons.
Department of Mathematics and Science
Review (SC.3.E.5.1) and Elaborate: Click on the
Discovery link: What Are Stars? and More on
Stars to view a videos on stars. (SC.3.E.5.1) If
available read pp. 8-9 from the Big Book, Watching
the Night Sky. Have students tell you 3 facts about
all stars and record in their notebooks. The record
in their notebooks. Give corrective feedback as
Engage: One copy of this Newbridge big book,
Watching the Night Sky is at every elementary
school. If available, direct students to look at the
photograph on p. 3. Ask What is the girl looking
at? … thinking about? Encourage students to
answer the ?’s on the page. Ask students what
other questions they have? Introduce scientists
who study space. Ask what tools do astronomers
use? That’s right telescopes. How do they work?
Let’s watch a (Discovery) video to find out more.
The patterns of stars in the sky stay the same
although they appear to shift across the sky nightly
and different stars can be seen in different seasons.
Explore/Explain: Have students do Dr. Chews’
Musical Stars Activity from his book, 4th Grade
Science Inquiry Activities pp. 18-23.
Conclusion: The stars stay in the same pattern
(constellation) but move across the sky from east
to west each night as the Earth rotates beneath
them. They also rotate counter-clockwise around
the star Polaris, because it is situated almost
directly above the north end of the planet’s axis of
What do we call scientists
who study space?
What tools do astronomers use?
How Do Telescopes Help Scientists?
Telescopes make distant objects in space look
much closer.
Department of Mathematics and Science
Up in the Sky
The planets and their moons and the Sun up in the sky
Make up our solar system stretching far and wide.
The Earth and the other planets all spin around the Sun.
What spins around the Earth and can be seen by everyone?
Engage: Up in the Sky poem
Explain: After reading the poem, click on the
hyperlink: moon
The Moon
Round and round the Earth spins a moon that’s all our own.
With mountains and craters that are hard as stone.
The moon seems to change from full to very thin.
Did you notice it last night? Did it look just like a grin?
Department of Mathematics and Science
Phases of the Moon
Explain: Click on the link: Phases of the Moon to
learn about the moon and its phases. Discuss.
Department of Mathematics and Science
Lunar Looking Activities
Essential Question: What changes do we observe in the
appearance of the moon each month.
Identify the phases of moon.
Sequence the main four phases of the moon in correct
Explore Gizmos: Phases of the Moon or
Cycles in the Sky: Moon Phases and/or
AIMS Gr. 4 Earth Science: Lunar Looking
Read AIMS Phase Facts: The Moon.Department of Mathematics and Science
Explore/Explain: See lab handout for the
directions Gr. 4 AIMS Earth Science pp. 89-97.
Click on the hyperlink GIZMOS: Phases of the
Moon or Explore Cycles in the Sky: Moon Phases
for a simulation labs. Students can model the
phases using a paper plate.
Explain: Students make the Gr. 4 AIMS Earth
Science booklet: Phase Facts: The Moon to read
and discuss.
Homework: Have students observe the moon
nightly for a month.
Evaluate: Connected learning: AIMS Gr. 4 Earth
Science pp.96-97.
16 -17
Explore: Choose a website to observe the current
moon phase.
Lunar Looking
Connected Learning
How does the moon look when it is full?
Which moon phase would apply to use today?
Do you always see the moon at night? Explain
Have you ever seen the moon during the day?
How can you tell the difference between a first
quarter moon and a last quarter moon?
6. What other things in the sky occur in a sequence
or cycle?
7. What are you wondering now?
Evaluate: Connected Learning: AIMS Gr. 4 Earth
Science pp.96-97.
Department of Mathematics and Science
Moon Phase Quiz
1. New Moon
2. First Quarter
3. Full Moon
4. Third Quarter
Department of Mathematics and Science
What Did You Learn?
TAG Reflection:
•Tell a fact you learned about Earth, the moon and/
or the sun.
•Ask a question about something you don’t
understand about Earth in space?
•Give another idea that you learned in our study of
the Earth, moon, and the sun.
Department of Mathematics and Science
Evaluate/Reflect: Ask the question and then click
on What Did You Learn? to watch the Discovery
video: Review: A Closer Look at the Sun and Stars.
Then do the TAG reflection. Have students share