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Chapter 20: The Atlantic World
Section 1: Spain Builds an American
Main Ideas:
• Most of the Spanish explorers were drawn to the
Americas by gold, silver, and land
• Three Goals of the Spanish… 1. Colonize the land
2. Enrich Spain 3. Convert Native Americans to
• Because of their colonies and the wealth they
provided Spain became the most powerful
European country in the 16th Century
Chapter 20: The Atlantic World
Section 1: Spain Builds and American
Terms and Names:
• Columbus – competition prompted him to make a daring voyage from
Spain in 1492
*Columbus was Italian but sailed for Spain
*Columbus sailed west to find an alternate trade route to Asia
*Columbus began the process of bringing together Europe, the Americas,
and Africa
• Colony – lands controlled by another nation
• Cabral – Portuguese explorer claimed Brazil for his country in 1500
*Coined the phrase “New World”
• Balboa – Spanish explorer; he was the first European to see the Pacific
Ocean (Sometime between 1505-1519)
• Magellan – First to sail around the world?? (1519-1521)
*Portuguese but sailed for Spain
Spain Builds an Empire cont.
Conquistador – Conquer
Spanish Conquistadors in Mexico and South America
Cortes – In 1519, he conquered the Aztec Empire in Mexico
Montezuma – Aztec ruler during Cortez’s conquest
Pizarro – In 1532-1533, he conquered the Incan Empire in South America
Atahualpa – Incan ruler during Pizarro’s conquest
Spanish Conquistadors in North America
Ponce de Leon – In 1513, he landed on the coast of modern-day Florida and claimed it for Spain
Coronado – led an expedition through much of South Western part of what is today the United
Pope – Pueblo (Native American tribe from present-day New Mexico) ruler; he led a wellorganized revolt against the Spanish ,and drove them out of the region (for 12 years)
• Mestizo – mixed Spanish and Native American population
• Encomienda – Spanish forced labor system for the Native Americans
*Spanish landlords had rights to the Native Americans’ labor
*The Spanish abolished the encomienda system in 1542… creating a shortage of labor in their colonies
Central and South America
North America
European Nations Settle North
Terms and Names:
New France – France’s colonial empire in North America
French Explorers:
Verrazzano – sailed to North America and discovered what is
today New York harbor (1524)
Cartier – he explored the St. Lawrence River and the island of
Montreal (1534)
Samuel de Champlain – sailed up the St. Lawrence with
about 32 colonists; they founded Quebec, which became the
base of France’s colonial empire in North America (1608)
European Nations Settle North
Terms and Names cont.
English Settlements in North America:
• Jamestown (Virginia) – England’s first
permanent settlement in North America; named
in honor of the English King in 1607
• In 1620, a group known as Pilgrims founded a
second English colony, Plymouth, in
• Puritans – established another English colony at
nearby Massachusetts Bay (1630)
Europeans Nations Settle North
Differences Between the Colonies at
Jamestown and Massachusetts Bay/Plymouth
Jamestown – Mostly single males, seeking
financial gain
Massachusetts Bay/Plymouth – Numerous
families, fleeing religious persecution
European Nations Settle North
Terms and Names cont.
New Netherland – The Dutch holdings in North America
(remember the Netherlands)
**By 1621, the Dutch had built trading posts along the
Hudson River at Fort Orange (now Albany) and Manhattan
**To the English, New Netherland separated their northern
and southern colonies
**In 1664, the English king, Charles II, granted his brother, the
Duke of York, Permission to drive out the Dutch
**The Duke of York claimed the Dutch colony for England and
renamed it New York
European Nations Settle North
• The French and Indian War – a war between
the British and French on the North American
continent (fought between 1754 – 1763)
**part of a larger European conflict known as
the Seven Years’ War
**the British defeated the French; as a result of
the war, the British seized control of the
eastern half of North America
The Atlantic Slave Trade
Terms and Names:
Atlantic slave trade – buying and selling of Africans for work in the
Causes of African Slavery
1. Native Americans dying (of disease)
2. Africans were experienced farmers
3. Africans had built up immunity to European diseases
4. Africans were less likely to escape
Triangular trade - 1. Europeans transported manufactured goods to
the west coast of Africa (there, traders exchanged these goods for
captured Africans) 2. Africans were then transported to the West
Indies (exchanged for sugar and molasses) 3. Traders then sold these
goods to rum produces in New England
The Atlantic Slave Trade
Middle passage – the voyage that brought captured Africans to the West Indies and
later to North and South America (sickening cruelty characterized this journey)
Conditions on Board a Slave Ship
Slaves were crammed into the bottom of the boat
They lived amid their own waste and suffered from disease, beatings, and poor
**The spread of Islam into Africa during the seventh century also increased slavery
and the slave trade (Muslims believed that non-Muslim prisoners of war cold be
bought and sold as slaves)
Enslaved Africans Resisted Bondage
Broke tools
Uprooted plants
Worked slowly
The Columbian Exchange and Global
Terms, Names, and Main Ideas:
Columbian Exchange – the global transfer of foods, plants, and animals during
the colonization of the Americas
Capitalism – an economic system based on private ownership and the
investment of resources, such as money, for profit
*No longer were governments the sole owners of great wealth
Joint-stock-company – worked much like a modern corporation; investors
combined their wealth for a common purpose (American colonization)
*It took large amounts of money to establish overseas colonies… While
profits were great, so were risks.*
Mercantilism – economic theory holding that a country’s power depended
mainly on its wealth
*Wealth allowed nations to build strong navies and purchase vital goods
The Columbian Exchange and Global
Favorable balance of trade – a country sells more goods
than it buys
Food items and live stock traveled to and from the
• From the Americas to the rest of the world – potatoes,
corn, tomatoes, and peppers (the introduction of corn
and potatoes to Europe and Asia significantly improved
the peoples’ diets/health; they were also inexpensive)
• To the Americas from the rest of the world – bananas,
coffee, onions, cattle, sheep, pigs, and horses
The Atlantic World
(Test Review)
Terms and Names
New France
New Netherland
Atlantic slave trade
Triangular trade
Middle passage
Short Answers
• What were three goals of
the Spanish in the
• Identify the French and
Indian War.
• Explain the difference
between the colonist at
Jamestown and Plymouth.
• What factors led European
colonists to use Africans to
resupply their labor force?