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Unit 3 Study Guide: Islam and Africa
1. What is Ramadan? Month of fasting Muslims perform as
part of five pillars
2. What is a hajj? pilgrimage to Mecca that Muslims perform
once in lifetime
3. What are the Five Pillars of Islam? fasting during
Ramadam, statement of faith, praying 5 times a day, hajj
(pilgrimage), charity/alms to needy---they help Muslims
submit to the will of Allah
4. What are the beliefs of the Muslims? belief in Muhammed
as last prophet of Allah, belief in five pillars
5. What was the main difference between the Sunni and
Shiite branches of Islam? Shiites believe that caliph should
be a relative of Muhammed and that Ali should have been
first caliph
6. What do Muslims believe about Muhammad? that he is
the last final prophet of Allah
7. How did empires in West Africa become wealthy? by
taxing traders that travel through their empires
8. Why is Mansa Musa and his pilgrimage significant?
because Mansa Musa took a pilgrimage to Mecca that
served as a model to others and spread Islam to other
areas—his trip devalued gold, causing inflation
9. Why were merchants in Mecca early on hostile to
Muhammad? they thought his new religion would harm
the pilgrim trade
10. When Muslims conquered a new land, how did they treat
other religions? they were tolerant of other religions if
they paid a tax
11. How did Muslims gained access to the ancient texts of
Greece, Rome, and Persia? by raiding for the texts, by
conquering lands with the texts, and by negotiating trade
to gain the texts
12. What was the key for Muslim success in conquest? military
13. Why did many conquered people convert to Islam?
because it was appealing and they did not want to pay the
special tax
14. What beliefs are held by Muslims, Jews, and Christians? All
are monotheistic and can trace their roots back to
15. What was Muhammad before his revelations from Allah? a
16. The holiest city in Islam is what? Mecca
17. What is the main language of the Islamic religion? Arabic
18. How did Islamic studies in science begin? by gaining the
Greek texts
19. Why did Muhammad consider himself the messenger of
God and the prophet of Islam? because he received
revelations from the angel Gabriel
20. What was the most likely cause for the beginning of the
Bantu migration and spread? development of agriculture,
poor farming practices
21. What were the main directions of the migrations of Bantuspeaking peoples? south and southeast
22. What did Africans provide in the trade between East Africa
and Asia? gold and salt
23. How did the rulers of Ghana grow rich? By taxing and
24. Ibn Sina is best known for his advances in what area?
25. What is Ibn Battuta most known for? His documentation of
his travels
26. Who were the Shiites? the minority group of Muslims who
believe that a relative of Muhammed should be caliph
27. What description best fits the kingdoms of Ghana and
Songhai? trading kingdoms in West Africa
28. What achievement is associated with Mansa Musa of
Mali? journey to Mecca
29. What did Muslim conquests and the trans-Saharan trade
routes result in? achievements in Muslim world
30. Between 500 BC and 1500 CE, the migration of the Bantu
people of Africa led to the diffusion of what two things?
agriculture and metallurgy
31. What is the purpose of the Five Pillars of Islam? to help
focus on Allah and his will
32. Which achievements are associated with the Golden Age
of Islamic culture? algebra and science
33. What does Muslims’ reference to Christians and Jews as
“People of the Book” demonstrate? a similar belief in a
monotheistic God
34. In Arabic, this means “God”--Allah
35. This city was the original home of Muhammad and
became the most holy city of Islam--Mecca
36. This is an Islamic house of worship--mosque
37. The is the Muslim holy book and is considered to be the
word of God as revealed to Muhammad--Koran
38. This is the foundation of the Islamic religion--Five Pillars
39. This is the pilgrimage that each Muslim strives to make at
least once in their lifetime--hajj
40. This term means formal religious leadership—Islam does
not have an--clergy
41. Majority of Muslims are from this sect or group--Sunni
Label the following statement Judaism, Christianity, or
Islam. Statements may reflect the beliefs of more religions.
42. Monotheistic--J, C, I
43. Trace history back to Abraham--J, C, I
44. Law is the Ten Commandments --C
45. Believe Allah is god and Muhammad his prophet--I
46. Last of the three religions--I
47. First of the three religions--J