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Keyla Doblado
* Subjects are….
a person, place, or thing that is the object of a sentence.
There can also be a simple subject which is the simple object
of the sentence. There also is a compound subject which is two
different simple subjects in a sentence.
The hero and the heroine rescued the crowd.
*In this sentence the hero is the subject.
*The simple subject is hero.
*The compund subject is hero and heroine.
* Predicates are….
section of a sentence or clause that contains a verb or
contributes to the personality of the subject.
There can also be a simple predicate which is the single verb
of the sentence. Another form of predicates are compound
predicates which are two or more verbs in a sentence.
The hero rescued the crowd gave them food.
*in the sentence the predicate is rescued the crowd.
*The simple predicate in this sentence is rescued.
*The compound predicate is rescued and gave.
*Your turn!
*Identify the simple and compound subjects
and simple and compound predicates of
each sentence. You may quiz yourself on a
piece of paper or do this quiz mentally.
The answers are on the next slide. The
subjects should be underlined and the
predicates circled.
*Maria walked the dog.
*The dog’s name is Max.
*Max likes to lie around and sleep.
* answers
* Maria
Walked the dog.
* The dog’s name is Max.Is Max.
Likes to lie around
* Max
and sleep.