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Overview of
Last Updated : 12th April 2004
Center of Excellence
Data Warehousing Group
 Teradata Query/SQL Management Tools
 Teradata Load/Unload Tools
 Teradata System Management Tools
 Teradata Connectivity Tools
 Teradata Interface Tools
 Teradata Storage Management Tools
Teradata Query Management Tools
 Teradata Queryman – SQL Assistant
 Teradata DataBase Query Manager
 BTEQ (Basic Teradata Query Facility)
Teradata Load/UnLoad Tools
 Bulk Load
 FastLoad
 Fast Export
 MultiLoad
 Tpump
 OLE DB Access Module Reference
Teradata System Management Tools
 Teradata Manager
Teradata Connectivity Tools
Teradata Interface Tools
 CLI2
 WinCLI
 PreProccessor2
 Interface(TS/API)
Teradata Storage Management Tools
 ARC (Archive/Recovery Utility)
 ASF2 (Archive Storage Facility)
 REELlibrarian
 RLM(Robotic Library Manager)
Teradata Queryman
 Teradata's Queryman is a Visual Basic application
that retrieves data from various ODBC databases
and stores it on your desktop.
 Enables users to combine data retrieved from
ODBC-based databases with desktop applications
(e.g. Excel).
Teradata Dynamic Query Manager
 Query Manager Facility is used to dynamically
tune the Teradata database workload and keep it
running at peak performance
 A host-resident application program that enables a
user to execute a series of Teradata SQL
requests in either batch or interactive mode. BTEQ
can read from or write to host data sets and use
more than one Teradata session from an
interactive terminal.
BTEQ supports the following facilities:
 Multiple Teradata SQL statements per request
 Read from and write to client data files
 Manage multiple sessions per job
 Format output and write sophisticated reports
 The FastLoad utility permits you to load
unpopulated tables only.
 The program is similar to BulkLoad except that it
runs much faster and does not support update
and delete operations.
 The MultiLoad utility loads large quantities of data
into unpopulated tables.
 MultiLoad also supports bulk inserts, updates, and
deletions against populated tables.
 The FastExport utility exports large quantities of
data from the Teradata RDBMS to a client and is
the functional complement of the FastLoad and
MultiLoad utilities.
 Parallel Data Pump provides data transportation
for the Teradata Database when dealing with small
data volumes of data within large databases.
 This load/unload utility allows administrators to
update information in real-time instead of batches.
OLE DB Access Module
 GUI User Interface to export data from Teradata to
OLE DB compliant data sources and import data
from OLE DB compliant data sources to Teradata.
 Available from NCR in Sept, 2000
Teradata Manager
 Teradata Manager is the command center for the
Teradata database.
 Teradata Manager provides System Status at a
glance with dynamic performance analysis tools.
 Teradata ODBC Driver delivers open access to
Teradata from Windows,Windows NT,UNIX,HPUX,Solaris-INTEL, Solaris - SPARC and AIX
 An Industry Standard solution for accessing the
Teradata database from the Internet and corporate
Teradata Interface Tools
 CLI2 - allows you to write programs that submit
SQL statements to Teradata
 WinCLI - provides a high performance, flexible
interface to Teradata from the Microsoft Windows
 PreProcessor2 - allows embedded SQL statements
in C and COBOL application programs
Cont ….
Teradata Interface Tools
 Transparency Series/Application Program
Interface (TS/API) - Enables IBM MVS/VM products
that access either DB2 or SQL/DS to transparently
Teradata Storage Management Tools
 ARC (Archive/Recovery Utility) allows
administrators to archive and recover
database tables on the Teradata RDBMS.
 ASF2 is GUI based tool for Archive /
Recovery. ASF2 internally calls ARC.
 Using Archive/recovery (ARC) utility you
can backup/restore data at table level,
database level, even in AMP cluster level.