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Pharaohs, Mummies, Pyramids
• Major River?
• two types of
• What is
Last Nights Notes - Government
What led to the creation of local government?
Who was in charge?
What is a nome?
Upper Egypt
Lower Egypt
• Why was there a surplus in Egypt?
• What does a surplus lead to?
• Nile River would serve as a highway for the
people of Upper and Lower Egypt!
Upper and Lower Differences
• Different cultures
▫ Lower- These people were exposed to
Mediterranean traders and their distinct cultures
▫ Upper- Not as much exposure to Mediterranean
• Different dialects
• Differences cause a rift between the two
• 3100 B.C. King Menes of Upper Egypt
conquered Lower Egypt.
Unification cont.
• Menes built a capital city at Memphis.
• Founded the first Egyptian dynasty.
• 30 More to follow (330 Kings)
• Killed by a hippo while hunting
Chapter Two – The Pharaoh
• King known as Pharaoh
• “He who lives in the great house”
• Cartouche?
People believed the pharaoh was a god!
Never questioned!
Sinful to disobey – Ears chopped off!
High priest
Responsible for natural events
Other responsibilities?
Others who had the power
• Relatives and heads of important families
• Vizier – right hand man, advisor, second in
▫ Handled everyday matters
• Chancellor
• Scribes
• A bureaucracy formed
• is the collective organizational structure,
procedures, protocols, and set of regulations in
place to manage activity, usually in large
organizations and government.
Owner of all!!! – Absolute power
• Owned everything – even souls
• Belief in the powers of the pharaoh gave people
1st born son was the heir to the throne
Reading writing and math
Hunt and military training
Married cousin or sister – keep blood pure
What did they wear?
The look
• Shaved heads, false beard, white linen skirts,
jewelry, sandals
Chapter III
Old Kingdom 2700BC – 2200BC
• First centralized government
▫ Easy to govern because of the geography of Egypt,
most people lived along the Nile
▫ Pharaoh still seen as a god – people obeyed
• Flooding and great soil produced more than
enough food
• Peasants worked hard took pride in their work
• Food surplus + good economy = men having
jobs other than farming
▫ Ex: shipbuilders, architects, artists
• Who did the Egyptians trade with?
• What did the Egyptians obtain from the
Copper Age
• What was copper used for?
• What did Pepi I do?
• Egyptians distrusted foreigners
• Isolationists
Where did writing come from?
• Symbol writing made its way to Egypt from
• Turned cuneiform into hieroglyphics
Construction of the pyramids
2600 B.C. mastery
Quarrying – perfect geometrically
Block by block approach
Ramps and sleds
Smooth sides
Decline of the Old Kingdom
• Old Kingdom many great achievements
• Spent too much $$$ building pyramids
• People did not pay taxes
• Pharaoh delegated more power – more people
given government jobs- more people entering
the nobility- weakened the control pharaoh once
had over the people
• Pepi II / Neferkare last Old Kingdom pharaoh
• 94, 90, 64 yr. reign
• Too old most power with gov. officials –
interested in personal wealth not the fate of
• After Pepi gov. fell apart
• Egypt reverted back to the system of nomes that
existed before Menes and the unification
• Famine = end of Old Kingdom
Dark Ages
• What does this term mean?
• Other examples?
Middle Kingdom
2000-1700 B.C.
Egypt is Reunited
▫ Mentuhotep reunites Egypt – ruler of Thebes,
defeated many nomarchs
▫ Thebes new capital city
▫ 12th Dynasty
Amenemhat I
Amenemhat II
Senusret II
Senusret III - Senwosnet
Back in power
The Power of the Pharaoh is Restored
▫ Took away nomarchs power
The good life
A Greater Sharing of the Wealth
▫ Return of economic prosperity = middle class
▫ Golden age of art and literature
The Conquest of Nubia
▫ 250 ft channel to Nubia
▫ Easily conquered Nubia
▫ Gold
Invasion by the Hyksos
About 1750 B.C.
nomads from Palestine
Occupy the Delta region
Easily defeated Egypt
 Why?
• There were some positives during the Hyksos
• Examples????
New Kingdom
1500 – 1000 B.C.
• Egyptians Fashion New Weaponry
Hyksos Gone!
The Invaders are Finally Driven Out
• Sequenenra of Thebes begins the process of
driving the Hyksos out of Egypt.
▫ Died during battle
• Sons Kamose and Ahmose finished the fight
• Ahmose again reunited Upper and Lower Egypt
Gaston Maspero on June 9, 1886
Pharaoh’s and war
A New Role for the Pharaoh
▫ In the New Kingdom led military campaigns
• Thutmose I
▫ Conquered Syria
A Woman Gains Power!
Egypt’s First Great Woman Leader
▫ Hatshepsut could not stay in the background –
made important decisions – ran Egypt
▫ Made herself pharaoh
▫ 1st great woman leader
▫ 20yrs.
▫ Dealt with trade, city beautification, and her
▫ Peace and prosperity
▫ Death????
Thutmose III
• Thutmose III Seeks Revenge
▫ Hated his aunt/step mother
▫ Wanted to erase all that Hatshepsut had done
 Erased her name and image from monuments –
belief this would deny a person immortality
▫ Led his army against Mesopotamia,Palestine and
Syria (1,000 mi)
▫ How did he ensure loyalty?
Thutmose III
• Besides “Egyptianizing” children, he made sure
gov. officials did not gain financial power
• He made conquered lands pay tribute
• Egypt richest nation in ancient world
Art and Architecture
Egypt begins to fall again
• Patriotism on the Wane
▫ Egypt was huge 9 million!!!
▫ Pharaoh again had to delegate power to nobles
▫ Mercenaries
Off topic
• Not counting spaces, the text on 136 pages of an Encyclopedia Britannica, or 600
pages of pulp paperback fiction contains approximately one million characters.
• How long would it take to count to a million? Well, counting once per second (easy at
the start, but tough when you reach the hundred thousand mark), eight hours per
day, seven days per week (no weekends off), it would take you a little over a
month to count to one million!
• If you were a swimming-pool builder and a customer asked you to build a pool that
would hold a million-gallons, then they had better have a big yard! You would need
to build a pool about 267 feet long (almost as long as a football field), 50 feet wide,
and 10 feet deep.
Ten Million Pennies
Ten million, seventeen thousand and twentyfour Pennies
[ A cube 6 x 6 x 6 feet ]
Ten Million cents. If you laid these all out flat, sideby-side, like a
huge carpet of pennies, it would nearly cover one acre.
Click here
for a look at 100,000,000 copper disks.
(One hundred thousand, one
seventy dollars and twenty-four
Six feet
Six feet
Six feet
31.3 tons
9.88 Miles
area (laid
39,129 square feet (0.9 acres)
A New Kind of Monarch
• 1361 B.C. Amonhotep IV/ Akhenaten (Effective
Spirit of the Aten/Aton)
▫ He and wife Nefertiti changed Egypt’s religion
 Changed from worshiping many gods especially
Amun-Ra to worshiping one god named Aten or
 Created a new capital city called el-Amarna
 People were forced to worship the new god.
• In power after Akhenaten
• Parents unknown
• 8 or 9 when he becomes
• With help from gov. officials
he started to restore the old
Egyptian religion
• Howard Carter 1922 finds an
almost undisturbed tomb
11 Ramses
• The Rameside
▫ 11 Ramses
▫ Ramses II / Ramses the Great
 66yr reign
▫ Ramses the Great
Ramses the Great
• Military campaigns in
Palestine and Syria - Hittites
• First peace treaty
• Nefertari
• Many monuments
▫ Abu Simbel
▫ Karnak
• Died at age 91, 99, 100
• So respected that later
Egyptians referred to him as
“Great Ancestor”
Foreign Rule
• Weakens position of pharaoh
• Egypt conquered many times by many peoples
• Greeks and Romans