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Lysosomes and Diseases
Lysosomal storage diseases are hereditary
They interfere with other cellular functions
Examples: Pompe’s disease, _____________________disease
Both cause a build up of substances in the lysosome
Fatal diseases
Non heritable lysosomal diseases
Silicosis & Asbestosis
_______________________ (secreted lysosomal enzymes alter cell surface)
Rheumatoid _____________________________(secretion of high levels of lysosomal
enzymes digest extracellular matrix)
Plant cells contain a large central ______________________
Functions in the general maintenance of the cell
Fluid-filled organelle with lysosomal and _________________________functions
Stores amino acids, sugars, ___________________________
50-90 % of cell volume
Protists may have contractile vacuoles
The organelles of the endomembrane system are interconnected structurally and functionally
Chloroplasts are found in plants and some _______________________
Chloroplasts convert solar energy to the chemical energy in sugars:
Why the world is green: chlorophyll
Carry out cellular respiration
A process that uses chemical energy in food to make for
_____________________ cellular work
Adenosine triphosphate- the energy source
These reactions require ____________________
Origins of Mitochondria and Chloroplasts: _________________________________________
May have evolved from ancient bacteria
Mitochondria and chloroplasts resemble bacteria
Have own DNA, _________________________________
Divide on their own and same in size