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State the two major points Darwin made in The Origin of Species concerning the Earth's
Darwin’s view of life contrasted sharply with the accepted viewpoint: the Earth was only
a few thousand years old and was populated by unchanging life forms made by the
Creator during a single week. Thus, On the Origin of Species, not only challenged
prevailing scientific views, but also challenged the roots of Western culture. The two
major points were that 1. species evolved from ancestral species and were not specially
created and 2. that Natural selection is a mechanism that could result in this evolutionary
Describe Carolus Linnaeus' contribution to Darwin's theory of evolution.
Known as the father of taxonomy, the naming and classifying of organisms, he developed
a system of binomial nomenclature still used today. The clustering of species in
taxonomic groups did not imply evolutionary relationships to Linnaeus, but id did to
other scientists.
Describe Jean Baptiste Lamarck's model for how adaptations evolve.
Lemarck believed that evolution was driven by an innate tendency toward increasing
complexity, which he equated with perfection. As organisms attained perfection, they
became better and better adapted to their environments. Thus, Lamark believed that
evolution responded to organisms’ felt needs.
Explain what evidence convinced Darwin that species change over time.
Darwin perceived the origin of new species and adaptation as closely related processes;
new species could arise from an ancestral population by gradually accumulating
adaptations to a different environment. For example, two populations of species could be
isolated in different environments as each adapted to local conditions.
Explain why variation was so important to Darwin's theory.
Variation was important to Darwin’s theory because without it, natural selection would
not be possible.
Define and state the basic principles in natural selection.
Natural selection is this differential success in reproduction, and its product is adaptation
of organisms to their environment. Natural selection occurs from the interaction between
the environment and the inherent variability in a population. Variations in a population
arise by chance, but natural selection is not a chance phenomenon, since environmental
factors set definite criteria for reproductive success.
Using some contemporary examples, explain how natural selection results in
evolutionary change.
Natural selection allows for more frequency of the genes needed by the individual to
survive. Thus, since the genes change and there is a preference over which ones to get,
evolutionary change occurs.
Describe how molecular biology can be used to study the evolutionary relationships
among organisms.
An organism’s hereditary background is reflected in its genes and their protein products.
Thus, two species considered to be closely related by other criteria should have a greater
proportion of their DNA and proteins in common than more distantly related species.
Explain the problem with the statement that Darwinism is "just a theory".
Darwinism is no longer a theory because it has been proven countless times by fossil
records and fields of biology such biogeography, comparative anatomy and molecular
Explain the problem with the statement that Darwinism is "just a theory".
Darwinism is no longer a theory because it has been proven countless times by fossil
records and fields of biology such biogeography, comparative anatomy and molecular
Explain what is meant by the "modern synthesis".
Modern synthesis is the focus on populations as units of evolution
Explain how microevolutionary change can affect a gene pool.
Microevolutionary change affects a gene pool by changing allele or genotype frequencies in
an existing population.
In their own words, state the Hardy-Weinberg theorem.
The Hardy Weinberg theorem basically states that if a population is large, shows no random
mating, is totally isolated, shows no net mutations, and has reproductive success for all
individuals then no evolution will occur.
Describe the usefulness of the Hardy-Weinberg model to population geneticists.
This model would help these geneticists realize the gradual change of a certain population
over time because of little or no change in allele and genotype frequencies.
Explain how genetic drift, gene flow, mutation, nonrandom mating and natural selection can
cause microevolution
Each of these examples causes mircoevolution because they all affect the allele frequencies
of a population. They introduce a change in alleles or genotypes.
Distinguish between the bottleneck effect and the founder effect.
The bottleneck effect describes a population that undergoes a dramatic decrease in size. The
founder effect describes allele frequencies in a migrating group differ, by chance, from their
population of origin.
Explain why mutation has little quantitative effect on a large population.
Mutation is not harmful and has no effect in most cases, it is also adaptive. Mutation is
always on a small scale so it could never have a lasting effect on a large population.
Give the cause of nearly all genetic variation in a population.
Genetic variation is caused by genetic drift, non random mating, natural selection, mutation
and gene flow.
Explain how genetic variation is preserved in a natural population.
Genetic variation is preserved through diploidy (presence of two copies of each
chromosome) and polymorphism (heterozygous advantage and frequency dependent
Describe what selection acts on and what factors contribute to the overall fitness of a
Acting on phenotypes, selection indirectly adapts a population to its environment by
increasing or maintaining favorable genotypes in the gene pool. The overall fitness of a
genotype depends on whether its positive effects outweigh any harmful effects it may
have on the survival and reproductive success of the organism.
Distinguish among stabilizing selection, directional selection and diversifying selection.
Stabilizing selection acts against extreme phenotypes and favors the more common
intermediate variants. Directional selection shifts the frequency curve for variations in
some phenotypic character in one direction or the other by favoring what are initially
relatively rare individual the deviate from the average for that character. Diversifying
selection occurs when environmental conditions are varied in a way that favors individual
in both extremes of a phenotypic range over intermediate phenotypes.
Give at least four reasons why natural selection cannot breed perfect organisms.
*Organisms are locked into historical constraints.
*Adaptations are often compromises.
*Not all evolution is adaptive.
*Selection can only edit variations that exist.
Define biological species (E. Mayr).
Biological species is a population or group of populations whose members have the
potential to interbreed.
Describe some limitations of the biological species concept.
Some limitations of the biological species concept are that the criterion of interbreeding
is useless for organisms that are completely asexual in their reproduction; it is also
inadequate as a criterion for grouping extinct forms of life, and if two populations are
geographically segregated from each other, they do not interbreed, although they may be
so much alike that they are placed in the same species on morphological grounds.
Distinguish between prezygotic and postzygotic isolating mechanisms.
Prezygotic barrier is a reproductive barrier that impedes mating between species or
hinders fertilization of ova if interspecific mating is a hempted. Postzygotic barrier is any
of several species-isolating mechanisms that prevents hybrids produced by two different
species from developing into viable, fertile adults.
Describe five prezygotic isolating mechanisms and give an example of each.
There are five different types of prezygotic isolating mechanisms.
Habitat Isolation is when two species that live in different habitats within the same area
encounter each other rarely, for example, two species of parasites living on different
hosts will not have a chance to mate.
Behavioral Isolation is that special signal that attracts mates, as well as elaborate behavior
unique to a species like male fireflies of different species signal to females of their kind
by blinking their lights in particular patterns.
Temporal Isolation is when two species that breed during different times of the day,
different seasons, or different years cannot mix their gametes.
Mechanical Isolation, is when closely related species may attempt to mate, but fail to
consummate the act because they are anatomically incompatible.
Gametic Isolation is when even if the gametes of different species meet, they rarely fuse
to form a zygote. Gamete recognition may be based on the presence of specific molecules
on the coats around the egg, which adhere only to complementary molecules on sperm of
the same species.
Distinguish between allopatric and sympatric speciation.
Allopatric speciation is a mode of speciation induced when a geographical barrier
segregates the ancesteral population.
Sympatric speciation is a mode of speciation occurring because of a radical change in the
genome that produces a reproductively isolated subpopulation in the midst of its parent
Describe the adaptive radiation model and use it to describe how it might be possible to have
many sympatric closely related species even if geographic isolation is necessary for them to
1. One island in this cluster of three is seeded by a small colony founded by individuals of species
A, blown over from a mainland population.
2. Its gene pool isolated from the parent species, the island population evolves into species B as it
adapts to its new environment.
3. Storms or other agents of dispersion spread species B to a second island,
4. where the isolated colony evolves into species C.
5. Later, individuals from species C recolonize the first island and cohabit with species B, but
reproductive barriers keep the species distinct.
6. A colony of species C may also populate a third island,
7. where it adapts and forms species D.
8. Species D is dispersed to the two islands of its ancestors,
9. forming a new species, E, on one of those islands.
The story could go on, with a series of allopatric speciation episodes made possible by the
combination of isolation and occasional dispersal.
Define sympatric speciation and explain how polyploidy can cause reproductive isolation.
Sympatric speciation is a mode of speciation occurring because of a radical change in the
genome that produces a reproductively isolated subpopulation in the midst of its parent
population. Polyploidy can cause reproductive isolation because it causes extra sets of
chromosomes, which then can leave the offspring sterile since no other organism would
be able to match up correctly because of unpaired chromosomes.
List some points of agreement and disagreement between the two schools of thought about
the tempo of speciation (gradualism vs. punctuated equilibrium).
One view of speciation is that it usually occurs gradually by an accumulation of micro
evolutionary changes in gene pools. In contrast, the punctuated equilibrium model views
species as changing most when they bud from an ancestral species and then undergoing
relatively little change for the rest of their existence.
Provide evidence to support the hypothesis that chemical evolution resulting in life's origin
occurred in 4 stages:
a. Abiotic synthesis of organic monomers: Through conducting many experiments,
now we know that the atmosphere of early Earth probably included CO, CO2, and N2, and
was less reducing than the Miller-Urey model, and thus, less favorable to formation of
organic compounds.
b. Abiotic synthesis of polymers: abiotic synthesis and accumulation of monomers,
or small organic molecules, that are the building blocks for more complex molecules.
c. Formation of protobionts: they maintain and internal chemical environment
different from their surroundings and exhibit some of the properties associated with life.
d. Origin of genetic information: makes it possible for molecular aggregates to pass
along not just samples of key molecules but also instructions for making more of those
Describe Whittaker's five-kingdom system.
The five-kingdom system recognizes the two fundamentally different types of cell,
prokaryotic and eukaryotic, and sets the prokaryotes apart from all eukaryotes by placing
them in their own kingdom, Monera. The prokaryotes are bacteria. Organisms of the other
four kingdoms all consist of cells organized on the eukaryotic plan.
The kingdoms Plantae, Fungi, and Animalia are multicellular eukaryotes, each kingdom
defined by characteristics of structure and life cycle.
Describe three alternatives to the five-kingdom system and explain the rationale for each.
*The six-kingdom system divides the prokaryotes into two kingdoms based on
molecular evidence for an early evolutionary divergence.
*The three-domain system assigns even more significance to the ancient evolutionary
split between eubacteria and archaebacterial by using a super kingdom called the
*The eight-kingdom system splits the protists into three kingdoms.