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Test Review: Geosphere Part 1: Lithosphere, Earthquakes, & Volcanoes
1. Label the structures of the Earth:
Crust, outer core, mantle, inner core
A. _Crust___________________
B. Mantle_____________________
C. __Outer core________________
D. ____Inner core _______________
2. Continental crust is (older/younger), it is
(less dense/more dense), and (thicker/thinner)
than oceanic crust. *Know the difference between
oceanic and continental crust.
3. The mantle is ___elastic______, which means it behaves in a plastic manner. The mantle is
made of hot ______silica rocks ___________. You could also call this magma.
4. The outer core has (more/less) pressure then the inner core. Therefore, the outer core is
(liquid/solid) and the inner core is (liquid/solid). The core is made up of ____iron_________ &
5. The movement of the outer core creates electrical currents which produce the Earth’s
______________magnetic field _____________. This protects the Earth from UV (solar
6. ________Continental Drift _________________ theory states that lithospheric plates slowly
move, creating volcanoes and earthquakes. This theory was proposed by
_______________Alfred Wegner_______________ in the early 1900’s.
7. What are the four lines of evidence for continental drift theory?
A. _________Fossils_____________________________
B. ___________Fits the coast line (puzzles) _______________________
C. ___________Climate evidence _______________________________
D. ________similar rock formation (mountains) ___________________________
8. What are the seven major lithosphere plates of the Earth?
A. __African Plate__ E. _______Eurasian Plate _____
B. ___North American Plate F. __Australian Plate _________
C. __Pacific Plate___ G. ____Antarctic plate ___________
D. __South American Plate _
9. The lithosphere is made up of __crust __________ and the __upper mantle______________.
10. The asthenosphere is _the layer below the lithosphere (helps it move) liquid-solid_____.
11. There are three ways that the lithosphere crust moves on the mantle.
A. __Convection current______________ - Hot less dense material rises up to the crust, cools,
and the denser colder material sinks back down to the outer core. The cycle repeats.
B. Ridge push - ____(divergent)_plates move apart, magma fills the space and helps further
push the plates apart _________________
C. _______slab pull________________- Subduction of tectonic plates occur. The denser
oceanic plate gets pulled into the mantle accelerating plate movement.
12. Plate boundary movement:
1. Divergent - __plates move apart from each other_________________________
Example ____Iceland_____________________
This plate boundary creates _____rift valley, ridge volcanoes ______________
2. Transform____- tectonic plates slide past each other
Example: ____San-Andreas Fault (California)___________________
This plate boundary creates _______earthquake faults ________________
3. Convergent- collide - ___Two continental plates collide __________________
Example: _____Himalayas mountain __________________
This plate boundary creates ____mountains _____________________________
4. _Convergent- subduction______ - Oceanic plate and a continental plate collide causing
the oceanic plate to move under the continental plate.
This plate boundary creates ____trenches, volcanoes______________________
Example: __Marina’s trench ____________________________
13. The Ring of Fire is a chain of _____volcanoes ____________ & __earthquake faults ________
that surround the ________Pacific _________________ plate.
14. A hotspot is a volcanic region that is created by extremely hot mantle under the plate.
A chain of volcanoes that are (in the U.S) ___Hawaii______________ was created from a
15. Lava: is ________magma on the Earth’s surface______________________________________.
______Magma___________: is a body of molten rock found under Earth’s surface.
Lahar: is a __destructive mudflow on the side of a volcano (during eruption)
16. _________Viscosity___________________; A material’s resistance to flow (thick viscosity is
slow, thin viscosity is runny)
17. ______Temperature ___________ & ____Composition (what it is made of)__ affect the viscosity
of lava.
18. 3 types of Lava
A. _Basaltic _(low –viscosity – non-explosive) __________________________
B. __Andesitic (medium- viscosity – sort of explosive)_______________________________
C. ____Rhyolitic (High viscosity- explosive) ____________________________
19. Seismic waves are __vibration from earthquakes that travel through the Earth
1. Measured by an instrument called a __seismograph _____________________________.
2. ___Richter (1-10)_____: magnitude scale used to compare the size of earthquakes.
20. Label the diagram with the following: focus, fault plane, epicenter.
A. _Epicenter __________
B. __Focus _______
C. Fault plane __________
21. The motion of an earthquake begins _____fault inside the Earth ___________________.
22. Label the diagram with the following: Reverse fault, normal fault, thrust fault.
A: __normal__________
B:__thrust ______
C:____reverse ________
23. 3 Types of Earthquake waves:
1. __Primary (P-waves) ___________- (compression waves)
i. Moves back and forward (can pass through __liquids_______)
ii. Arrives (1st, 2nd, 3rd)
2. S waves – (_secondary waves____)
i. Moves __up & down (waves look like an ocean wave) __ (moving at right angles
to direction of motion)
ii. Arrives (1st, 2nd, 3rd)
3. ____L-waves___________________- surface waves
i. Cause the most damage
ii. Arrives (1st, 2nd, 3rd)
24. Earthquakes and volcanoes are found on the edges of ____tectonic plates
25. Tsunamis are created by _______oceanic earthquakes, oceanic volcanoes, and oceanic
mudslides ______________________________________
26. Review your geologic time scale worksheet.
1. How many mass extinctions are there? 5
2. How old is the Earth? 4.6 billion years
3. What major geological structure is found in N.C? Appalachian Mountain