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Jackie Collins
Date of Birth: 05-09-1993
83 Nothumberland Park
Erith, Kent
Telephone: 01322 336313
Mobile Telephone:
Email: [email protected]
Age: 22 years
07956 394951
Core Skills and Experience
I am very hard working, work well with others and I am enthusiastic. I will undertake any
challenge that is presented to me and perform to the best of my ability. I have achieved a
black belt in karate which has given me many skills such as discipline and motivation. I have
experience in performance and for three years I studied Drama at the University of
Previous Jobs
Greggs Bexleyheath
The London Dungeon
Team Member (Weekends)
Sales Assistant (Seasonal)
Erith School (2005-2010)
GCSE English…………......C
GCSE English Literature....C
GCSE Maths………………C
BTEC Science……….........C
GCSE R.E. (0.5 award)…..C
GCSE P.E.…………………B
GCSE I.T…………………..C
BTEC Sport..………………D*
GCSE Drama……………...D
Erith School 6th Form (2010-2012)
A Level Film…………........D
Performing Arts BTEC…...D*D
University of Greenwich (2012-2015)
BA (Hons) Drama…………..2:1
Work Experience
October 2010
Geoffrey Witworth Theatre
Additional Skills, Attributes and Hobbies
Black Belt in karate
Performed at Danson Festival 2011 and 2012
Performed for Big Dance at Trafalgar Square 2012
Performed at Olympic Torch Ceremony at Danson Park 2012
1st Barnehurst Ranger
Race For Life 2013
Performance - Mrs Cadogan in Emma Hamilton's Attitudes renewed by Akleriah at The
Queen's House 2014
Performed at Greenwich Theatre in Spring Awakening by Frank Wedekind 2015
Jack Petchey Outstanding Achiever Award 2015
Mrs J Turner
Erith School
Avenue Road
Erith, Kent
Telephone: 01322 348231
Miss South
Erith School
Avenue Road
Erith, Kent
Telephone: 01322 348231
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am interested in applying for your advertised position.
I have a love for theatre and would love to have the incredible opportunity to work for you. I
am very enthusiastic, reliable and I always perform any task to the best of my ability.
I studied Performing Arts BTEC at Erith School for two years from 2010-2012. I performed
in many plays during this course which included Mother Courage and Her Children by
Bertolt Brecht. I enjoyed this course as I was able to both perform and work back-stage.
Earlier this year I finished studying a three year course called BA (Hons) Drama at the
University of Greenwich. This course required me to work with others as a team; I feel that
this has given me great team-work and communication skills. I also gained great
communication skills by performing in front of audiences. I enjoyed performing and I also
enjoyed learning about theatre history. I had the opportunity to perform at Greenwich Theatre
in Frank Wedekind's play version of Spring Awakening for my university where I portrayed
more than one character.
I have previously worked at The London Dungeon as a Sales Assistant (seasonal). I was
required to wear a costume, engage to customers and promote the attraction enthusiastically.
The responsibilities that I had to carry out were to check customers tickets, manage queue
lines and sell tickets.
In 2009 I had the opportunity to do work experience in an amateur theatre called Geoffrey
Whitworth Theatre. Some of the jobs that I undertook during my experience were to make
sure that the costumes were organised and I helped to clean props.
I have also worked in Greggs as a Team Member which gave me the experience of providing
customers with a friendly service, team-work and standing on my feet for long periods of
time. I served customers who did not speak English friendly and with patience; I wanted to
make sure that they were satisfied and given the correct order.
Activities that I like to undertake are going to the theatre and going to 1st Barnehurst
Rangers. My Ranger unit gave me the opportunity to be awarded with the Jack Petchey
Outstanding Achievement Award this year and it also has given me the opportunity to help
organize events for Girl Guides. I have also gained a Black Belt in karate which has given me
skills such as discipline and motivation.
If I am hired I will work incredibly hard, convey a friendly service and make sure that
everyone is satisfied.
Thank you for considering me for your position and I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Yours sincerely,
Jackie Collins