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Márcio Padilha April 6, 2007 Cultural Anthropology Quiz #3 Chapters 8, 9, 10 & 11 1. The woman who agrees to marry a female husband is usually ________________. a. a woman at the end of her child-bearing years who wishes to start a new life 2. Serial monogamy tends to occur in societies where ____________. c. a woman with dependent children, isolated from her parents, marries a series of partners to get the assistance of another adult. 3. The form of marriage historically favored by the ancient Hebrews and Greeks as well as modern Arabs has been: c. the levirate 4. Endogamy is ____________. d. marriage within a particular group of individuals 5. In all cultures, the ___________ provides an absolute prohibition on sexual contact between certain kin, but the definitions of who constitute close kin vary from culture-toculture. b. incest taboo 6. Anthropologists suggest that ____________ residence arrangements, far from being arbitrary, are adaptive in nature. b. post-marital 7. When World War II ended, which of the following occurred among the U.S.'s population? e. All of the above occurred 8. When the economy is based on ____________ and when the man does most of the productive work, the bride's people may give a dowry that protects the woman against desertion and is a statement of her economic status. c. intensive agriculture Márcio Padilha April 6, 2007 9. The independent nuclear family in Europe emerged in the ____century A.D. in response to regulations imposed by the Roman Catholic Church. b. fourth 10. Unilineal descent_________________________________. b. provides an easy way of restricting descent group membership so as to minimize problems of divided loyalty and the like 11. ____________descent groups are associated with horticultural societies in which women are the breadwinners. c. matrilineal 12. ___________descent is likely to be found in societies where male labor is a prime factor and where pastoralism and intensive agricultural are practiced. e. Patrilineal 13. The primary way in which women in ___________ can exert any influence over the men in their family is through the village women's gossip, which can cause a loss of face for their husbands and fathers-in-law. b. Taiwan 14. Among the ______________, an individual might inherit grazing lands from his father's patrilineal group, and livestock and ritual knowledge from his mother's matrilineal group, thus providing a classic example of double descent. d. Yako of Nigeria 15. The __________system of kinship terminology is usually associated with ambilineal descent. d. Hawaiian 16. Crow kinship terminology is associated with___________descent. c. matrilineal 17. This ____________system of kinship terminology gives a separate term for each relative. a. Sudanese Márcio Padilha April 6, 2007 18. The PTA, Girl Scouts, Great Books Discussion Clubs, the Democratic Party, Neighborhood Watch groups, United Professors of California, the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals—all of these are________. d. common-interest associations 19. Which of the following describes a caste system? d. a special form of social class in which membership is determined by birth and remains fixed for life. 20. Which of the following could have contributed to the emergence of social stratification? e. All of the above Choose two of the following and write a paragraph length response for each. 1. Why is the incest taboo of central importance for anthropology? Why is it so central importance to so many societies? Because it defines the dynamics of accepted behavior within the family which is, in turn, the building block of society. By understanding the guidelines that frame this concept, the anthropologist can delineate the altitudinal model as to the transactional relationships within the group in question. 6. What is polygyny? How does it address the needs of the cultures it operates in? Polygyny is the practice where one man marries more than one wife as a direct relation of his wealth which, in turn, is not reflection of assets ownership rather than of liquidity. With that being so, if wealth is expressed by owning 50 pigs, there must be a labor force to care for the animals and that, due to wealthy man’s lack of liquidity, is addressed by the one-manwith-multiple-wives relationship.