Marked Catalog Copy - East Carolina University
... requirement. RP: BIOL course. Evolutionary theory, human evolution, and formation of human variability, adaptation and genetics, and our relationship with other primates. 2016. Biological Anthropology Laboratory (1) (FC:SC) Same as BIOL 2016 May not count toward foundations curriculum science requir ...
... requirement. RP: BIOL course. Evolutionary theory, human evolution, and formation of human variability, adaptation and genetics, and our relationship with other primates. 2016. Biological Anthropology Laboratory (1) (FC:SC) Same as BIOL 2016 May not count toward foundations curriculum science requir ...
happiness in nations - Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam
... evaluating the quality of houses. Both societies and houses are things people live in. The quality of a house is typically assessed by means of multiple criteria. Some of these also apply to societies. In the first place a house must be constructionally 'solid'. We do not want a house that is about ...
... evaluating the quality of houses. Both societies and houses are things people live in. The quality of a house is typically assessed by means of multiple criteria. Some of these also apply to societies. In the first place a house must be constructionally 'solid'. We do not want a house that is about ...
Arapesh Warfare: Reo Fortune`s Veiled Critique of
... There is, however, one situation where the acceptability of the personal in the ethnographic seems to break down, and that is in cases of critique. How can the personal shaping of a ...
... There is, however, one situation where the acceptability of the personal in the ethnographic seems to break down, and that is in cases of critique. How can the personal shaping of a ...
... enhance understanding of human behavior and social organization. 3026. Forensic Anthropology (3) (S) P: ANTH 2015, 2016, or consent of instructor. May not count toward foundations curriculum requirement. Human osteology, establishing a biological profile, analysis of trauma and manner of death, and ...
... enhance understanding of human behavior and social organization. 3026. Forensic Anthropology (3) (S) P: ANTH 2015, 2016, or consent of instructor. May not count toward foundations curriculum requirement. Human osteology, establishing a biological profile, analysis of trauma and manner of death, and ...
Marked Catalog Copy - East Carolina University
... cultures of Mesopotamia and surrounding areas with an emphasis on changes to the socio-economic organization in response to environment and cultural factors. 3150. Applying Anthropology to Contemporary Cultural Issues (3) (S) P: ANTH1000 or 2010 or 2200 or consent of instructor. Experiential learnin ...
... cultures of Mesopotamia and surrounding areas with an emphasis on changes to the socio-economic organization in response to environment and cultural factors. 3150. Applying Anthropology to Contemporary Cultural Issues (3) (S) P: ANTH1000 or 2010 or 2200 or consent of instructor. Experiential learnin ...
PDF of this page - University of Illinois at Urbana
... Anthropology was first envisioned as a holistic discipline, combining insights from the study of human anatomy and evolution, research on material remains of human settlements, and the analysis of social interaction in language and other cultural practices. Following this tradition, this course expl ...
... Anthropology was first envisioned as a holistic discipline, combining insights from the study of human anatomy and evolution, research on material remains of human settlements, and the analysis of social interaction in language and other cultural practices. Following this tradition, this course expl ...
Schools and Programs - The University of Kansas
... lecturers from different cultural traditions offer indigenous perspectives on their foodways. LEC. ANTH 345. Introduction to Human Evolutionary Biology. 4 Hours N. This course takes students on the evolutionary journey of the human species: from the origin of the primate order to modern human popula ...
... lecturers from different cultural traditions offer indigenous perspectives on their foodways. LEC. ANTH 345. Introduction to Human Evolutionary Biology. 4 Hours N. This course takes students on the evolutionary journey of the human species: from the origin of the primate order to modern human popula ...
PDF of this page
... Ethnographic study of religious practice and social life of contemporary Muslim communities worldwide, including shared tradition, cultural diversity, community and personhood, gender, politics, and Islamic revitalization. Prerequisite: ANTH 021 or ANTH 028. ANTH 157. Doing Anthropology. 3 Credits. ...
... Ethnographic study of religious practice and social life of contemporary Muslim communities worldwide, including shared tradition, cultural diversity, community and personhood, gender, politics, and Islamic revitalization. Prerequisite: ANTH 021 or ANTH 028. ANTH 157. Doing Anthropology. 3 Credits. ...
Individualism and Freedom
... society in which many cultures are embraced, in which people are respected for their cultural identity, in which both the state and the members of its ethnic and national majority (if there is one) go out of their way to tolerate and accommodate practices that are quite different from their own. Jer ...
... society in which many cultures are embraced, in which people are respected for their cultural identity, in which both the state and the members of its ethnic and national majority (if there is one) go out of their way to tolerate and accommodate practices that are quite different from their own. Jer ...
Margaret Mead`s Uses of Imagery - Virginia Review of Asian Studies
... photography, using photography even as a metaphor. Writing the book, she said, "has been rather like editing a film for which the photography has been done so generously that there is a great abundance of material from which to choose to make any point." Pictures of family and friends gave her evide ...
... photography, using photography even as a metaphor. Writing the book, she said, "has been rather like editing a film for which the photography has been done so generously that there is a great abundance of material from which to choose to make any point." Pictures of family and friends gave her evide ...
PDF of this page - UVM Catalogue
... struggles, feminism, revolution, family law, citizenship, expressive culture, and conflict through ethnography of the Middle East. Prerequisite: ANTH 021. ANTH 155. Anthropology of Islam. 3 Credits. Ethnographic study of religious practice and social life of contemporary Muslim communities worldwide ...
... struggles, feminism, revolution, family law, citizenship, expressive culture, and conflict through ethnography of the Middle East. Prerequisite: ANTH 021. ANTH 155. Anthropology of Islam. 3 Credits. Ethnographic study of religious practice and social life of contemporary Muslim communities worldwide ...
... difference concerns the group's relationship with the medical profession. Alcoholics Anonymous has a clear-cut position in this respect: they believe that there is no point in consulting doctors since they are not themselves alcoholics and are therefore unable to understand a heavy drinker. The Vie ...
... difference concerns the group's relationship with the medical profession. Alcoholics Anonymous has a clear-cut position in this respect: they believe that there is no point in consulting doctors since they are not themselves alcoholics and are therefore unable to understand a heavy drinker. The Vie ...
The Inventiveness of a Tradition: Structural Anthropology in the
... morally appropriate attitudes with respect to colonialism or racism, for example, but instead of facilitating the understanding of other cultures would rather make “cultural logics disappear” (ibid.: 406). Although European anthropology might have been slightly less in thrall to afterologies than el ...
... morally appropriate attitudes with respect to colonialism or racism, for example, but instead of facilitating the understanding of other cultures would rather make “cultural logics disappear” (ibid.: 406). Although European anthropology might have been slightly less in thrall to afterologies than el ...
Anthropology - Humboldt State University
... ANTH 351. Archaeological Materials Analysis (4). This course will serve as a hands-on introduction to interpreting artifacts from sites. It will cover phases of analysis including: defining problem, attributes, cataloging data, analyzing data, and interpreting results. ANTH 352. Experimental Archaeo ...
... ANTH 351. Archaeological Materials Analysis (4). This course will serve as a hands-on introduction to interpreting artifacts from sites. It will cover phases of analysis including: defining problem, attributes, cataloging data, analyzing data, and interpreting results. ANTH 352. Experimental Archaeo ...
Rethinking hybridity and mestizaje
... Robert Young has usefully elaborated the distinction between these two ways of conceptualising hybridity and mixture. Drawing on Bakhtin and Hall, he outlines first a hybridisation that is “organic” (Bakhtin’s term) and that merges different identities into a new forms that may also be contestatory ...
... Robert Young has usefully elaborated the distinction between these two ways of conceptualising hybridity and mixture. Drawing on Bakhtin and Hall, he outlines first a hybridisation that is “organic” (Bakhtin’s term) and that merges different identities into a new forms that may also be contestatory ...
Rap music and hegemony - ThinkIR: The University of Louisville`s
... An event that should be seen as a microcosm of the large-scale changes that were happening at this time can be credited as one of the main instigators of the Hip Hop movement. The well-known urban planner Robert Moses had a dream. His dream was to build an expressway that would connect New Jersey to ...
... An event that should be seen as a microcosm of the large-scale changes that were happening at this time can be credited as one of the main instigators of the Hip Hop movement. The well-known urban planner Robert Moses had a dream. His dream was to build an expressway that would connect New Jersey to ...
What kinship does—and how - HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory
... iage—may, without dissolving ties of birth, lead to a “thinning” of those ties where adult children move away from the natal home, and this effect will tend to be compounded if distances are great and visits are rare. But these are complex matters— paradoxically, moving away may also intensify nosta ...
... iage—may, without dissolving ties of birth, lead to a “thinning” of those ties where adult children move away from the natal home, and this effect will tend to be compounded if distances are great and visits are rare. But these are complex matters— paradoxically, moving away may also intensify nosta ...
... professionalism, hard work, and dedication towards making my project successful. We are also grateful for the hospitality and friendship they and their families showed us during our stay in Catacamas. My dissertation fieldwork was made possible through a grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation th ...
... professionalism, hard work, and dedication towards making my project successful. We are also grateful for the hospitality and friendship they and their families showed us during our stay in Catacamas. My dissertation fieldwork was made possible through a grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation th ...
Anthropology Courses (ANTH)
... ANTH:2102 Anthropology of Marriage and Family 3 s.h. Classic anthropological theories of kinship and marriage, including topics such as cousin marriage and incest; recent work on new reproductive technologies and transnational marriage. Same as GWSS:2102. ANTH:2103 Introduction to Global Health Stud ...
... ANTH:2102 Anthropology of Marriage and Family 3 s.h. Classic anthropological theories of kinship and marriage, including topics such as cousin marriage and incest; recent work on new reproductive technologies and transnational marriage. Same as GWSS:2102. ANTH:2103 Introduction to Global Health Stud ...
Chapter 2 Malinowski as Applied Anthropologist
... else would happen?,” no bad directive whether one is an applied or an academic anthropologist. In fact, while functionalism never was very much a theory it provided a good working method. Today, of course, one would use other terms since each generation needs it[s] own vocabulary--and so we might cl ...
... else would happen?,” no bad directive whether one is an applied or an academic anthropologist. In fact, while functionalism never was very much a theory it provided a good working method. Today, of course, one would use other terms since each generation needs it[s] own vocabulary--and so we might cl ...
explained answers - Undergraduate Study
... reflection in literature, there is nothing to support the idea of an imaginative or a factual interpretation by scholars. Option D is too extreme; while cultural anthropologists may think of the lives of their subjects as different, they may in some cases (though not with the ancient Greeks) 'come v ...
... reflection in literature, there is nothing to support the idea of an imaginative or a factual interpretation by scholars. Option D is too extreme; while cultural anthropologists may think of the lives of their subjects as different, they may in some cases (though not with the ancient Greeks) 'come v ...
Slide 1
... • Even if we think that it only takes a single exceptional genius to explain a particularly tricky phenomenon or aspect of reality, such inventions are worthless if they cannot be conveyed to others by using language, which is an essential part of human reality. ...
... • Even if we think that it only takes a single exceptional genius to explain a particularly tricky phenomenon or aspect of reality, such inventions are worthless if they cannot be conveyed to others by using language, which is an essential part of human reality. ...
Human, Social, and Political Sciences Admissions Assessment
... reflection in literature, there is nothing to support the idea of an imaginative or a factual interpretation by scholars. Option D is too extreme; while cultural anthropologists may think of the lives of their subjects as different, they may in some cases (though not with the ancient Greeks) 'come v ...
... reflection in literature, there is nothing to support the idea of an imaginative or a factual interpretation by scholars. Option D is too extreme; while cultural anthropologists may think of the lives of their subjects as different, they may in some cases (though not with the ancient Greeks) 'come v ...
Anthropology`s Multiple Temporalities and its Future in
... A century has passed since James Frazer received an offer in 1907 from the University of Liverpool to take up the world’s first university chair in social anthropology (Ackerman 1987: 2078). Frazer was the archetypal ‘armchair anthropologist’: an erudite classical scholar whose knowledge of obscure ...
... A century has passed since James Frazer received an offer in 1907 from the University of Liverpool to take up the world’s first university chair in social anthropology (Ackerman 1987: 2078). Frazer was the archetypal ‘armchair anthropologist’: an erudite classical scholar whose knowledge of obscure ...