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Chapters 10 and 18
Why study the Muslim World?
-About _______________ of the world’s inhabitants – more than one ___________ people – are
Muslims. Islam is the _____________ most widely followed religion in the world today.
-The conflict between _______________________________________________ in modern times over
land in Southwest Asia is rooted in this period.
-The _____________ of Islam into Sunni, Shi’a, and Sufi branches that began under the Umayyads
continues today.
-Islamic scholars preserved the insights of the _____________ that continue to shape modern societies.
-__________________ is the best known of many Muslim advances in math.
-Modern ______________________ developed from letters of __________ used by Muslim merchants.
-The heritage of religious _____________, scholarly achievement, and economic prosperity of these
years provides a model that many Muslims wish to follow today.
Setting the Stage:
The Arabian Peninsula
Connection to 3 Continents
_______________, _____________, and _________________
Mostly desert with few oases for little _________________
Desert inhabited by ______________________ herders
Arab nomads organized into tribes and clans
Had ideals of __________________________ to the family
Possessed _______________________________
Would become part of _________________ way of life
Chapters 10 and 18
Pilgrims come to Mecca to ______________ at the Ka’aba, an ancient ____________
Arabs associate shrine with Hebrew prophet _____________________ and monotheism
Some tribes worship many gods and spirits, bring _________ to Ka’aba
Some Arabs believe in one God—____________ in Arabic
The Prophet Muhammad
Early Life
Around A.D. 570 ______________________ is born into a powerful Meccan clan
Becomes a ____________, marries wealthy _______________________________, Khadijah
By age 40, Muhammad spends much time in _______________________________________
He hears angel ___________________ tell him he is a messenger of ____________
Muhammad founds religion of ______________—“submission to the will of Allah”
Many join him and become _________________—“one who has submitted”
The Hijrah
Muhammad’s followers are ______________; together they leave Mecca in 622
Hijrah—the Muslim migration from Mecca to Yathrib (renamed Medina)
Muhammad attracts many more _______________, becomes great leader:
-political leader—joins ________________________ of Medina as a single community
-religious leader—draws more _______________ to Islam
-military leader—tackles growing ________________ between Mecca and Medina
Chapters 10 and 18
Returning to Mecca
In 630, Muhammad and 10,000 followers return to _____________
Meccan ___________________ surrender
Muhammad destroys _______________ in Ka’aba
Meccans _____________ to Islam
Muhammad _______________ Arabian Peninsula
Beliefs and Practices of Islam
The main teaching of Islam is that there is only one god, _____________
People are responsible for their own actions; there is __________________________
Islamic monument in Jerusalem—_______________________________
Muslims believe Muhammad rose to ____________________ here to learn Allah’s will
Jews believe Abraham was prepared to __________________________ Isaac at same site
The Five Pillars
Muslims must carry out five duties—the ________________________________________
-statement of _____________ to Allah and to Muhammad as his prophet
-_____________ five times a day, can use a mosque—Islamic house of worship
-give alms, or _______________ for the poor
-_____________ between dawn and sunset during holy month of Ramadan
-perform the hajj—_____________________________________—at least once
Sources of Authority
Original source of __________________ for Muslims is Allah
_________________—holy book, contains revelations Muhammad received from Allah
Muslims follow ________________—Muhammad’s example for proper living
Guidance of Qur’an and Sunna assembled in body of law—________________
Chapters 10 and 18
Links to Judaism and Christianity
To Muslims, Allah is same God worshiped by _________________________________________
Qur’an, Gospels, Torah—contain _________________________ as revealed through others
Muslims, Christians, and Jews trace their roots to ____________________
All three religions believe in _______________________________________________________
Shari’a law requires Muslim leaders to extend religious _________________
Islam Expands
Chapter 10, Section 2
Muhammad’s Successors Spread Islam
A New Leader
In 632 Muhammad ______________; Muslims elect Abu-Bakr to be first caliph
____________, title for Muslim leader, means “successor” or “deputy”
“Rightly Guided” Caliphs
First four caliphs guided by the _______________ and Muhammad’s actions
______________, armed struggle against unbelievers, used to expand Islam
By 750, Muslim empire ______________ from Atlantic Ocean to Indus River
Reasons for Success
Muslim ______________ are well disciplined and expertly commanded
Byzantine and Sassanid empires are ______________ from previous conflict
Persecuted citizens of these empires ______________ Islam
Attracted to Islam’s offer of _____________________________________
Chapters 10 and 18
Treatment of Conquered Peoples
Muslim invaders ________________ other religions
Christians, Jews receive special consideration as “____________________________________”
Internal Conflict Creates a Crisis
Rise of the Umayyads
Struggles for power end the elective system of choosing a _______________
________________ family, Umayyads, take power; move Muslim capital to Damascus
Sunni—Shi’a Split
Shi’a—“party” of Ali—believe caliph should be Muhammad’s __________________
Sunni—followers of Muhammad’s _________________—support Umayyads
Sufi followers pursue life of __________________________________; reject Umayyads
In 750, a rebel group—the Abbasids—topple the Umayyads
Muslim Culture
Chapter 10, Section 3
Muslim Society
Four Social Classes
Muslim ________________: Muslims at birth, converts, protected people, slaves
“______________________________” were Jews, Christians, Zoroastrians
Role of Women
Women enjoy _______________________ but expected to _____________ to men
Women’s responsibilities vary with husbands’ ________________
Chapters 10 and 18
Muslim Scholarship Extends Knowledge
Muslims Support Learning
Muslims use _________________________________ to help fulfill religious duties
Muhammad valued power of _____________________, study, scholarship
Muslim scholars _________________ and translate scientific, philosophical texts
_______________________________—Bagdad institute: library, academy, translation center
Art and Sciences Flourish
Muslim Literature
Qu’ran is standard for ________________________; praise for Muhammad, Islam
Abbasid caliphate poets write of _____________________________________________
Popular literature includes _________________________________________________
Muslim Art and Architecture
Islam discourages images of _______________ things, artists turn to ___________________
Calligraphy—art of beautiful ______________________
Architecture of Muslim _________________ is blend of many cultures
Medical Advances
Persian al-Razi is greatest _____________________, from 500 to 1500
Al-Razi writes encyclopedia of _________________________________
Math and Science Stretch Horizons
Muslim scientists solve problems through ____________________________
Al-Khwarizmi develops _____________________ and writes textbook
Mathematician Ibn al-Haytham changes ideas about ________________
Chapters 10 and 18
Philosophy and Religion Blend Views
Scholars Promote New Ideas
Ibn Rushd is criticized for blending _____________________________________ with Islam
Jewish philosopher Maimonides faces ______________________ for his ideas
Blends philosophy, religion, science in The Guide for the Perplexed
The “Ideal Man”
Muslims recognize values of many cultures; enjoy a blended culture
The ideal and moral perfect man should be of East Persian derivation, Arabic in faith, of Iraqi
education, a Hebrew in astuteness, a disciple of Christ in conduct, as pious as a Greek monk, a
Greek in the individual sciences, an Indian in the interpretation of all mysteries, but lastly and
especially a Sufi in his whole spiritual life
Quote from The World of Islam
The Muslim World Expands
Chapter 18
The Ottomans Build a Vast Empire
Chapter 18, Section 1
Turks Move into Byzantium
Turkish Warriors
Many Turks live in _________________, on edge of Byzantine Empire
Many see themselves as ghazis—warriors who fight for _____________
Chapters 10 and 18
Osman Establishes a State
From 1300 to 1326, Osman, successful ghazi, builds state in Anatolia
Europeans call him Othman and followers ____________________
Ottomans win battles because they use ____________________________________
Successors expand state through ____________________________________________
Osman Establishes a State
Orkhan, Osman’s son, declares himself ________________—overlord
In 1361, Turks conquer Adrianople
Ottomans rule ________________ over conquered peoples
Timur the Lame Halts Expansion
Timur the Lame—Tamerlane—rises to power in Central Asia
Timur defeats ___________________ in 1402, burning _________________
Powerful Sultans Spur Dramatic Expansion
Murad II
Murad II begins ______________________
Mehmed II Conquers Constantinople
Murad’s son, Mehmed II, conquers ____________________________ in 1453
Opens city to _____________________________________________________ and rebuilds
Ottomans Take Islam’s Holy Cities
In 1512, Selim the Grim, Mehmed’s grandson, comes to power
He defeats Persian Safavids and pushes into _______________________
Conquers Mecca, Medina, and Cairo: important __________________________
Chapters 10 and 18
Suleyman the Lawgiver
A Great Ruler
Suleyman the Lawgiver, Selim’s son, rules from 1520 to 1566
The Empire Reaches Its Limits
Suleyman conquers Belgrade (1521) and Rhodes (1522)
Ottomans control eastern ______________________________
Turks take North African coastline, control inland ______________________
Suleyman’s forces advance to Vienna
By 1526, Ottoman Empire is the ____________________ in the world
Highly Structured Social Organization
Suleyman creates ______________________, reduces bureaucracy, simplifies taxation
Army uses devshirme—________________ boys from conquered lands
Trains 30,000 elite soldiers—janissaries—loyal only to the __________________
Jews and Christians allowed to _________________________________________
Cultural Flowering
Suleyman’s broad interests lead to flourishing of ______________________________
Sinan, brilliant ___________________, designs magnificent Mosque of Suleyman
The Empire Declines Slowly
Gradual Fall
Suleyman _______________________________ and ________________ another
Third son inherits ____________________ but rules weakly
Later sultans _______________________________ and leave their sons _______________
Long line of __________________________ leads to empire’s eventual fall
Chapters 10 and 18
Cultural Blending
Chapter 18, Section 2
Patterns of Cultural Blending
Cultural Blending in Persia
Between 16th and 18th centuries a ____________________________________ ruled Persia
Safavid Empire—Shi’ite Muslim dynasty from 16th to 18th centuries
Causes of Cultural Blending
Changes occur through __________________________________________________________
Results of Cultural Blending
Changes in ____________________, religion, government, use of technology
Racial and ethnic blending, ____________________________
Cultural styles adapted into _____________________________________________
The Safavids Build an Empire
Safavid Origins
Begins as __________________________________ named for founder
Safavids concentrate on building powerful ____________________
Isma’il Conquers Persia
Fourteen-year-old Isma’il conquers _________________ by 1451
Takes title of _________________—king
Makes Shi’a Islam official _________________; kills _________________
Son, Tahmasp, greatly ________________ empire
Chapters 10 and 18
A Safavid Golden Age
Abbas the Great
Shah Abbas—____________________________________—takes throne in 1587
Helps create a thriving Safavid ___________________
Reforms military and government; brings in ______________________________
A New Capital
Esfahan—new capital—is one of the world’s most _____________________ cities
Art Works
Chinese artisans blend __________________________________________ styles
_________________________________________ becomes national industry
The Dynasty Declines Quickly
The Safavid Empire Weakens
Abbas kills and blinds his __________________________________________
Safi, Abbas’s incompetent grandson, leads to empire’s ____________________
By 1722, the empire is losing land to the _________________________________
Nadir Shah Afshar expands the empire, but it falls apart in 1747
Chapters 10 and 18
The Mughal Empire in India
Chapter 18, Section 3
Early History of the Mughals
Mongol Invaders
Mughals, or ________________, invade northwestern India
Muslims and ______________ fight for almost 300 years
In 1000, loose empire of Turkish warlords—Delhi Sultanate—forms
Delhi Sultanate
Sultans rule from Delhi between 13 and 16 centuries
Timur the Lame ________________ Delhi in 1398
Babur Founds an Empire
Babur becomes king of small land in Central Asia at ________
Is _______________________ and driven south into India
Army conquers much of northern India, forming _______________________
Son Humayun loses most of the territory Babur conquered
Babur’s grandson succeeds Humayan
Akbar’s Golden Age
Babur’s Grandson
Akbar—“______________________________”—rules India from 1556 to 1605
A Military Conqueror
Akbar uses ____________________; names native Indians as officers
Chapters 10 and 18
A Liberal Ruler
Akbar allows ______________________________ and abolishes ________ on non-Muslims
Akbar allows _________________________ a chance to serve in high government office
Hindu finance minister develops better tax plan; __________________________
Akbar gives land to his officials, then _______________ it when they ___________
A Flowering of Culture
Many cultures ________________, mixing art, education, politics, and language
New _____________________ like Hindi and Urdu emerge
The Arts and Literature
Book illustrations, called _________________________, flourish
Hindu ______________________ reemerges during Akbar’s rule
New architectural style named for Akbar develops
Akbar’s Successors
Jahangir and Nur Jahan
Akbar’s son, Jahangir, allows _______________ Nur Jahan to control government
Nur Jahan appoints her ___________________ prime minister
Nur Jahan favors son Khusrau over ______________________
Khusrau rebels, supported by Sikhs, __________________________________ group
Sikhs become ____________________ of Mughal hatred
Chapters 10 and 18
Shah Jahan
Shah Jahan—Jahangir’s son and successor, marries _________________________
_______________________ all competitors for throne
His wife dies while ____________________________ to her ____________ child in 1631
____________________________—huge marble tom Shah Jahan builds for his __________
Taj Mahal is one of the most beautiful buildings in the world
The People Suffer
People suffer _____________________ for wars and monuments
Shah Jahan’s third son—Aurangzeb—______________________________ and takes over
Aurangzeb’s Reign
Rules between 1658 and 1707; expands empire to its _________________
Strictly enforces ____________________________ and attempts to get rid of Hindus
Hindus _________________ and Sikhs become __________________
Levies oppressive _________________ on Hindus, causing more rebellion
The Empire’s Decline and Decay
The Mughal Empire Crumbles
Over ____________________ people _____________ of famine while Aurangzeb wages war
Emperor becomes a figurehead; empire breaks into separate states
Meanwhile, ___________________ arrive from England, Holland, France, Portugal
______________________ traders gain key ports