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Chapter 26, Section 1:
Heritage of the Middle East
The Arabian Peninsula (Saudi Arabia) in
the city of Mecca Islam was born
Muhammad – the prophet of Islam, had
the Koran revealed to him by the angel
Born 570 AD in Mecca worked for a wealthy
widow (Khadija) whom he later married
Frequently retreated to caves to pray and fast
ca. 610 AD First revelation occured
The Rise of Islam
Hejira (hih ji ruh)
Migration of Muhammad from Mecca to
Medina in 622, he and his followers were
forced out
630 – he returned to Mecca
and captured the city, Islam
began to spread quickly
Islam = Submission
Teachings of Islam
5 pillars of Islam
Profession of Faith (Shahada)
Pray 5 times per day (Salat)
Giving of Alms (Zakat)
Fasting during Ramadan (Sawm)
Hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca)
Koran (Qur’an)
Exact word of God written in
Hadith – Sayings and actions
of Muhammad
People of the bookJews and Christians
Book = Bible
Allah= God = Yaweh
Expansion of Islam
Map on pg. 572
Islamic Divide
Rashidun – Right Guided Caliphs
Reason for Split between Shi’a and Sunni
Deals with succession of Muhammad
Divisions within Islam
Sunni and Shi’a
Caliph – successor to the prophet
Ali, son in-law of Muhammad, murdered
Umayyad Dynasty (Sunni – majority)
Ali’s son murdered
Shi’a – believed only decedents of Ali
could be Caliph (minority)