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Human Systems
I. Circulatory system
A. Functions
a. Transportation of:
1. oxygen
2. carbon dioxide
3. food molecules
4. waste products
5. hormones
b. Protects the body from disease
B. Parts of the circulatory system:
a. Heart
1. Pumps blood through circulatory system
2. 4 chambers
a. left and right atria - receive blood
b. left and right ventricles – pump blood out of heart
b. 3 Types of blood vessels:
1. Arteries - carry blood away from heart
2. Veins - carry blood toward the heart
a. contain valves – prevent the backward flow of blood
3. Capillaries - Smallest blood vessels (walls are one cell layer thick)
a. small size allows for diffusion of oxygen and nutrients from blood
to cells
c. Components of blood:
1. Blood cells:
a. red blood cells (rbc) - carry oxygen
b. white blood cells (wbc)- fight disease; guard against infection
2. Platelets
a. cell fragments that cause clotting when a blood vessel is damaged
J – right atrium
G – right ventricle
C – left atrium
F- left ventricle
A – aorta
B – pulmonary artery
II. Digestive System
A. Function – to chemically and mechanically break down and foods, causing the absorption of
nutrients into the blood stream.
B. Digestion pathway:
a. Mouth  esophagus  stomach  sm. intestine  lg. intestine  rectum
(chewing) &
Chemical (saliva)
Peristalsis moves the
food down
(acids) &
digestion &
occur here
b. Other digestive organs (not part of food pathway)
1. Liver
a. produces bile that helps to break down fats
b. bile is stored in the gall bladder
2. Pancreas
a. produces enzymes that are help break down food
b. produces a substance that neutralizes stomach acid
c. produces hormones that regulate blood sugar
A – Esophagus
B – Gall bladder
C – Liver
D – Stomach
E – Duodenum
F – Pancreas
G – Small intestines
H – Large intestines
III. Endocrine System
A. Function
a. Release hormones into the bloodstream from glands
b. Hormones – chemicals that travel through the bloodstream and affect activities of
cells (target cells) in other parts of the body
c. Feedback inhibition (negative feedback) – occurs when an increase in a substance
leads to an inhibition of the process that produced it
IV. Excretory system
A. Function – removes wastes, such as urea, from the body
B. Excretory organs
1. Kidneys – (2) remove waste and extra salts, drugs, sugars, and water from the
a. contains many nephrons – filtering units
2. Ureters – 2 tubes that carry wastes from each kidney to the bladder
3. Bladder – temporary storage of urine
5. Urethra – empties urine from body
V. Immune System
A. Function
a. Fights infection through the process of immunity
B. Nonspecific Defenses
a. First Line of Defense
1. Skin – prevents pathogens from entering body
2. Secretions – mucous, saliva, tears, oil and sweat, prevents the growth
of bacteria
b. Second Line of Defense
1. Inflammatory response
a. swelling
b. white blood cells move to injured area
c. platelets and clotting factors move to injured area
d. fever – slows or stops the growth of pathogens
VI. Integumentary System (skin, hair and nails)
A. Functions of skin
1. barrier against infection
2. helps control body temperature (sweat glands)
3. removes waste products (urea in sweat)
4. protects from damaging UV rays from sun
B. Functions of Hair
1. Hair on head protects from UV rays
2. Hair in nose prevent dirt and particles from entering respiratory path
A = upper epidermis
B = dermis
C = subcutaneous layer
D = sweat gland
E = sebaceous gland
Muscular System
F = pore
A. Functions of the muscular system
1. Movement (bones can’t move without muscles!)
2. Produce body heat
B. 3 Types of muscle tissue:
1. Skeletal muscle – move bones
2. Smooth muscle - line the internal organs (intestines)
3. Cardiac muscle – make heart chambers contract
A = skeletal muscle
B = smooth muscle
C = cardiac muscle
VII. Nervous System
A. Function
a. Controls and coordinates functions in the body
b. Responds to internal and external stimuli
B. Neurons – nerve cell that transfer messages around the body
a. Dendrite – part of neuron that receives messages
b. Axon – send messages
c. Cell body – contains the nucleus and cytoplasm
d. Myelin Sheath – insulating membrane around the neuron
A – Dendrite
B – Cell body
C – Axon
D – Myelin
E - Nucleus
C. Divisions of the nervous system
a. Central Nervous System
1. Brain
2. Spinal Cord
b. Peripheral Nervous System
1. somatic – sensory & motor
2. autonomic – involuntary activities
VIII. Reproductive Systems
A. Male
a. Function - to produce and deliver sperm
(doesn’t start until puberty)
b. Testosterone is the hormone needed to produce sperm
B. Female
a. Function – to produce ova (eggs) ; to prepares body to nourish and developing
embryo (baby)
b. Active sex cells are not produced until after puberty
c. A fertilized egg is called a zygote
d. The zygote & later the embryo are nourished by the placenta.
C. Reproductive structures:
Diagram I – Female
A – ovary (2) – produces & releases eggs
B – Uterus – baby develops within
C – Vagina – birth canal
D – Urethra – urine pathway
E – Bladder – stores urine
F – Fallopian tube (2) – eggs travel through
fallopian tubes from ovary to uterus;
fertilization occurs here!
Diagram II – Male
G – Bladder – stores urine
H – Seminal vesicle – releases seminal fluid
I – Bulbourethral gland – releases seminal
J – Epididymis – sperm storage
K – testes (2) – produce sperm
L – Urethra – pathway for urine and sperm to
exit the body
M – Vas deferens – Pathway of sperm and
N – Prostate gland – releases seminal flui
* seminal fluid nourishes sperm and protects
them from the acidity of the female
Menstruation occurs once a month
& lasts about a week.
IX. Respiratory system
A. Function
a. exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide
B. Parts of respiratory pathway:
a. mouth and nose – air enters
b. pharynx – path for air and food
1. epiglottis covers air pathway when you swallow food
c. larynx – contains vocal cords
d. trachea - windpipe
e. bronchi – 2 main air branches that bring air in/out of lungs
f. bronchioles – smaller air branches in lungs
g. alveoli – tiny air sacs in lungs; *where gases are exchanged
C. Diaphragm – large muscle that controls breathing
D. Particles are filtered out of the lungs by cilia – tiny hairs inside
respiratory pathway that sweep mucous with particles up and out of
A – alveoli
B – bronchioles
C – diaphragm
D – bronchus
E – trachea
F- larynx
G - pharynx
X. Skeletal system – 206 bones in human body!
A. Functions of skeletal system:
1. Support body
2. Protect internal organs
3. Movement
4. Stores minerals
5. Produces blood cells
B. Development of bone
1. ossification - cartilage becomes bone
C. Movement
1. Movement occurs when muscles contract (shorten) and pull
the bone
2. Ligaments attach bone to bone
3. Tendons attach muscle to bone