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Rome Test
1. Important long-term contributions of ancient Greek and Roman civilizations are primarily found in the area of:
military technology
religious doctrine
c. economic policy and planning
d. government and law
2. I became the undisputed master of the Roman Empire around 49 BC. This was the beginning of a reign of
reforms in the Roman society and government. I proclaimed myself a dictator for life, and was murdered for it.
Who am I?
Julius Caesar
c. Charlemagne
d. Aristotle
3. After the Western Roman Empire fell to Germanic invaders in the 5th century A.D., the Eastern part of the
empire eventually became known as what?
Byzantine Empire
Carthaginian Empire
c. Persian Empire
d. Islamic Empire
4. This location began as a monarchy, and then moved to a republic, where citizens elect their leaders. Yet, this
same system had slaves. Also, most women could not take part in government. Where was this?
c. Constantinople
d. Rome
5. A major reason for the decline of the Roman Empire was what?
a series of military defeats in Africa
political corruption and the instability of the government
the abolition (stopping) of slavery throughout the Empire
continued acceptance of traditional religions
6. What natural features made Rome an ideal place to settle?
Arabian Sea
Gobi Desert
c. Mediterranean Sea
d. Nile River
7. Which statement best explains the importance of Ancient Rome’s large system of roads?
the Roman population was highly mobile
foreign trade was the main basis of the Roman economy
the Roman government prevented unemployment by funding public-works projects
efficient transportation was an economic and military necessity in the Roman Empire
8. Which statement, from the text below, best explains why the Roman Republic used a different type of
democracy than the Greek city-states?
‘The Roman political system was heavily influenced by Greek political philosophy. However, as the Empire grew, democracy
in the Roman Republic was different from democracy in the Ancient Greek city-states. The Greek city-states had a direct
democracy, where all citizens had a say in the laws, whereas the Roman Republic had a representative democracy, where
elected officials made the laws’
Roman citizenship was highly limited due to the class divisions in Roman society
The Roman Republic was too large and diverse for direct democracy to be effective
Roman society was not as influenced by social status as Greek society was
Most Romans had to serve in the military because the Republic was more vulnerable to foreign invasion
9. The size of the Roman Empire made it difficult for the Romans to do what?
foster trade relations between the different regions of the empire
ensure effective government and adequate military protection for the entire empire
establish a central capital city upon which everyone could agree
continue to make cultural and technological innovations
10. The two-century period of Roman history known as the ‘Pax Romana’ was what?
more beneficial to plebeians than it was to patricians
a result of Roman peace treaties with all of the nations that it bordered
essential to the stability of the Roman Republic
an extended period of internal peace and prosperity throughout the empire
11. Which principle was central to the organization of the Roman Republic?
personal freedom
direct democracy
c. limited government
d. separation of powers
12. The Council of Plebs had which function in the Roman Republic?
it protected the rights of the common people
it elected the consuls
c. it chose the plebeian members of the Senate
d. it ran the local government in Roman colonies
13. How was the Roman Empire different from the Roman Republic?
all governmental positions were abolished (done away with) under the Empire
in the Empire, only patricians had the right to occupy public offices
the Empire was run by a single ruler for life instead of by two elected consuls
the Empire focused on protection of its borders rather than on expansion
The Decline of the Roman Empire
Historians debate why the Roman Empire came to an end. They explain it could have been due to weak emperors, plagues and
disease, or lack of government participation by the people. Weak emperors could have caused political confusion. Plagues and
diseases spread among some parts of the population. Less participation by the upper classes in political and economic decisions may
have meant they were becoming lazy and more interested in relaxation or leisure. The empire was strongest when people were
making great achievements in art, architecture, math and science. Near the end of the Roman Empire, these intellectual thoughts
had diminished.
14. What statement is NOT correct according to this passage?
a civilization can only survive with great achievements in thought
plagues or disease can weaken a civilization
good political leadership maintains order, reduces confusion in a civilization
weak emperors can sometimes be a benefit for certain civilizations
15. The main idea of this passage is what?
to detail the strengths of Roman civilization
to explain the fall of the Roman Empire
c. to argue that the Roman Empire was superior to the Greeks
d. to explain the reason for plagues in the late Roman Empire
16. From the passage, what was a cause that historians debate to be a reason the Roman Empire fell?
lack of participation in government
weak leadership
c. disease and plagues
d. all of the above
17. The Coliseum in ancient Rome was used for
training soldiers
holding political rallies
c. entertaining the public
d. buying and selling slaves
18. In Ancient Rome, an ordinary working male citizen was called a:
a. patrician
c. fjord
d. polis
19. Who took control of Rome in 27 B.C. and became the first emperor?
a. Constantine
c. Virgil
b. Aristotle
d. Augustus
20. The decline of the Roman Empire was accelerated by which factor?
a. war with trade partners
c. the rise of an Islamic Empire
b. the spread of Christianity
d. invasions by Germanic / barbarian tribes