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Text 2
Johann K. Brunner
Mathematics, October 2010
Basics in Mathematical Logic
In mathematics we generally deal with assertions (or statements), which are sentences
that are either true or wrong, like "The mathematics course is the …rst course in the
Innsbruck-Linz PhD-program in Economics".1
:A (= nonA) is the negation of an assertion A. :A is true if A is wrong and wrong if
A is true. By using the logical operators AND (^); OR (_), assertions can be combined
to a new assertion: Let A and B be assertions,
- then C = A ^ B is a new assertion, which is true if A and B are both true, otherwise
it is wrong.
- then D = A _ B is a new assertion, which is true if at least one of A and B is true,
it is wrong if both A and B are wrong.
Clearly, combined assertion like C or D can again be combined to more complex
A particularly important combination of two assertion A, B is
A ) B; which is de…ned as :A _ B:
A ) B should be read as "A implies B" or "If A then B". Note that if we know that the
assertion A ) B is true and that A is true, it follows that B must be true. On the other
hand, if we know that A ) B is true and that B is wrong, then A must be wrong as well
(i. e., :A must be true).
Thus, we do not talk about phrases that express emotions ("What a wonderful day!") or requests
("Come with me!").
In fact, the assertion A ) B is completely equivalent to the assertion :B ) :A
(which, by de…nition means B _ :A; which clearly is true whenever :A _ B is true).
If A ) B is true, we say that A is a su¢ cient condition for B, while B is a necessary
condition for A. (Note the di¤erence!)
Example: If a natural number is divisible by 6 (without rest), then it is divisible by 3
(without rest).
Two assertions A; B are called equivalent, if both A ) B and B ) A hold, which is
abbreviated by A , B: If A , B holds, A is true if and only if B is true (and, trivially,
the other way round).2
Example: A natural number is divisible by 6 (without rest) if and only if it is divisible
by 3 (without rest) and by 2 without rest.
Theorems and proofs
An interesting mathematical statement (= assertion) is usually called a theorem or a
proposition. A lemma is a statement which is itself not that important, but is useful to
prove a theorem or a proposition. Statements typically have the form "A ) B"; where
A is a - possibly combined - statement (the assumption(s) or condition(s)) and B is a possibly combined - statement (the implications(s) or consequence). Frequently, not all
assumptions are mentioned explicitly, because it is understood that the statement is made
within a given framework.
To give an example:
Theorem 1: If good i is a normal good, it cannot be a Gi¤en good.
Here it is understood that we argue within the standard consumer theory, where households can consume n di¤erent goods, maximise utility and observe the budget constraint.
In order to prove a statement A ) B; we transform A and B until we arrive at a
formulation which is known to be true. That is, we try to …nd implications of A (or
equivalent statements of A) which are known to imply B, or to imply a known su¢ cient
Instead of "if and only if" sometimes the abbreviation "i¤" is used: A , B means A is true i¤ B is
condition for B.
Proof of Theorem 1: Consider the demand function fi for good i, depending on
prices p1 ; :::; pn and the budget b, fi (p1 ; :::; pn ; b):
Good i is a normal good by assumption, which means that
By the Slutsky-equation, the (uncompensated) price-e¤ect can be separated into a substitution e¤ect and an income e¤ect:
@f c
= i
where fic denotes the compensated (or Hicksian) demand function and xi = fi (p1 ; :::; pn ; b)
denotes the quantity of good i.
We know from standard consumer theory that the own compensated price e¤ect is
always negative:
< 0:
If we use (1) and (3) in (2), we …nd
< 0; which means that good i is not a Gi¤en good.
Note that equivalent ways to express the meaning of Theorem 1 would be:
A normal good is never a Gi¤ en good.
Let good i be a normal good. Then good i cannot be a Gi¤ en good.
Moreover, as :B ) :A is equivalent to A ) B; Theorem 1 can also be written as: If
good i is a Gi¤ en good, then it cannot be a normal good.
In fact, a statement A ) B is sometimes proved by contradiction, i. e. by showing
that if B is wrong it follows that A is also wrong (:A is implied by :B):
A speci…c technique to prove a statement is called proof by induction. This technique
a proof.
or the letters QED - "quod erat demonstrandum") is frequently used to designate the end of
can be used, if natural numbers are involved in the statement. It consists of two steps:
Step 1: show that the statement is true for some (low) natural number n0 ; usually for 1.
Step 2: show that if the statement is true for some arbitrary number n, then it is also
true for the number n + 1:
These two steps allow the conclusion that the statement is true for all natural numbers.
To give an example:
Theorem 2: Let n be a natural number. Then sum of the …rst n odd numbers is
equal to n2 ; i. e.:
1 + 3 + 5 + ::: + (2n
1) = n2 :
Proof of Theorem 2:
Note …rst that the sum on the left-hand-side (LHS) of (*) consists indeed of n successive
odd numbers, starting with 1.
Step 1: Let n = 1. Then the statement is true because 2n
1 = 1 (the sum in (*) has
only 1 element), and 1 = 12 :
Step 2: Assume that the statement is true for some arbitrary (but odd) number n:
1 + 3 + 5 + ::: + (2n
1) = n2 :
Add the next odd number 2n + 1 on both sides to get
1 + 3 + 5 + ::: + (2n
1) + (2n + 1) = n2 + 2n + 1
Now we have the sum of the …rst n+1 odd numbers on the LHS. Clearly, the righthand side (RHS) is equal to (n + 1)2 : Thus the statement is true for n + 1; given
that it is true for n.
Conclusion: The statement is true for all natural numbers.