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Answer Key_
Name: _
Period: _____ Date: ____________________
Ch 7.3 Pretest: Cell Transport
Matching: Match the term on the right with the definition on the left.
E __ when a cell expands so much from osmosis
1. __
that the cell membrane breaks
B__ the molecule used by the cell for energy
2. __
O__ general term for cell transport not using
3. __
A. active transport
C. carrier protein
D. concentration
the cell’s energy. Energy is provided by
random motion of the substance’s
E. cytolysis
F. diffusion
G. endocytosis
concentration of dissolved substances
H. equilibrium
I. exocytosis
substances within the cell
J. facilitated diffusion
K. hypertonic
things in/out of the cell
L. hypotonic
M. isotonic
even out concentrations in/out of the cell
N. osmosis
O. passive transport
amounts of solid material
P. phagocytosis
Q. pinocytosis
things across
R. plasmolysis
S. vesicle
K__ when a solution outside the cell has a higher
4. __
S__ general term for an organelle used for storing
5. __
J__ passive transport where proteins help take
6. __
N__ process where water enters/leaves the cell to
7. __
P__ active transport where cells take in large
8. __
C__ protein in the cell membrane that helps move
9. __
F__ process where molecules simply move from
10. __
high to low concentration
Q__ active transport where cells take in large amounts of liquids
11. __
12. __ __ process where large amounts of substances leave the cell
L__ solution where the concentration of solutes outside the cell is lower than
13. __
D__ difference in concentration outside and inside the cell; reason why things
14. __
move from higher to lower concentration
R__ process where a cell shrinks because it has been put in a hypertonic
15. __
A__ general term for cell transport involving energy from the cell
16. __
H__ although movement of molecules does not stop, there is no net movement.
17. __
Balance has been achieved inside and outside the cell
G__ general term for active transport where large amounts of substances are
18. __
taken into the cell and placed in vesicles
M__ a solution that has a concentration of solutes equal to that of a cell
19. __
Explain these three terms with relation to the cell membrane:
20. Phospholipid bilayer
Two layers of phosphate and lipid molecules
back to back. The outside is hydrophilic (“water
loving”; water soluble; polar) while the inside is
hydrophobic (“water hating”; water insoluble;
21. Fluid mosaic
Besides phospholipids there are other
molecules (carbohydrates, proteins) that make it up.
It is dynamic and moving.
22. Selectively permeable
Only certain things are chosen to pass
through. Others are kept out.
23 - 24. There are basically two kinds of cell transport: active and passive. What is
the difference? Give an example of each.
Active takes energy from the cell (ATP) and can
go against a concentration gradient (from low to high
concentration). Endocytosis, exocytosis, pinocytosis,
phagocytosis and protein pumps are all examples.
Passive does not take energy from the cell and
goes with a concentration gradient (from high to low
concentration). Diffusion, osmosis and facilitated
diffusion are all examples.
25. – 27. Describe diffusion:
 Example of active/passive (circle one)
into/out of the cell (circle one or both!)
Moves things
For large/small molecules (circle one or both!)
with/against concentration gradient (circle one)
(circle one)
not use carrier proteins (circle one)
28. – 30. Describe facilitated diffusion:
 Example of active/passive (circle one)
into/out of the cell (circle one or both!)
Moves things
Specific/not specific
Uses/does not use carrier proteins (circle one)
with/against concentration gradient (circle one)
large/small molecules (circle one or both!)
(circle one)
31. – 33. Describe osmosis:
 Example of active/passive (circle one)
into/out of the cell (circle one or both!)
Moves things
Moves with/against concentration gradient*
For large/small molecules (circle one or both!)
Specific/not specific
of water (circle one)
(circle one)
not use carrier proteins (circle one)
34. - 36. Describe protein pumps:
 Example of active/passive (circle one)
into/out of the cell (circle one or both!)
Moves things
Moves with/against concentration gradient*
Specific/not specific
Uses/does not use carrier proteins (circle one)
can (circle one)
large/small molecules (circle one or both!)
(circle one)
37. – 39. Describe endocytosis:
 Example of active/passive (circle one)
into/out of the cell (circle one or both!)
Moves things
Moves with/against concentration gradient
Specific/not specific
* can (circle one)
large/small molecules * large amounts (circle one or both!)
(circle one)
not use carrier proteins * vesicles (circle one)
40. – 42. Describe exocytosis:
 Example of active/passive (circle one)
Moves things into/out
of the cell (circle one or both!)
Moves with/against concentration gradient
Specific/not specific
* can (circle one)
large/small molecules * large amounts (circle one or both!)
(circle one)
not use carrier proteins (circle one)
Define and tell what a cell would do in each kind of solution below:
43. Hypotonic
Solution has lower concentration than cell
Net movement of water is into the cell and it
expands and may explode! (cytolysis)
44. Isotonic
Solution has the same concentration compared
to the cell
Water moves both into and out of the cell at an
equal rate, and the cell does not change size.
45. Hypertonic
Solution has higher concentration than cell
Net movement of water is out of the cell and it
shrinks! (plasmolysis)
Identify each image as: diffusion, facilitated diffusion, osmosis, protein pump,
exocytosis or endocytosis.
Protein Pump_
46. _
48. __
47. _
49. _Facilitated
50. _
51. _