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Plate Tectonics
• The crust is formed from continental and
oceanic crust
• The crust covers the whole Earth
Convection currents
• The crust moves on convection currents
formed from heat in the core.
convection currents
• pangea into the future
Tectonic plates
• Earth is separated into 12 major tectonic
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Plate Boundaries
• Where plates come together they form
• There are three types of boundaries.
1) Divergent
2) Convergent
3) Transform
Divergent Plate boundaries
• These boundaries exist where plates are
spreading apart.
• As plates spread magma wells up from the
• New crust is formed.
• Lots of volcanic activity and earthquakes.
Divergent plate boundary
Mid Atlantic Ridge
Mid Atlantic Ridge
• Iceland sits right on the mid-atlantic ridge.
• They live on a volcanic island.
As the plates continue to spread
what is going to happen?
Convergent Plate boundary
• At convergent
boundaries plates are
moving together.
• One plate moves under
the other one. This is
called subduction.
• The oceanic plate will
subduct under the
continental plate
because it is less dense.
Formation of mountains
• Mountains
• Formed at continental-continental plate
Pacific Northwest
•Along Washington and Oregon
This is why we have a lot of mountains
volcanoes, and earthquakes
When the plate sticks, pressure builds up until it releases. This is an earthquake.
Subducting crust melts and rises to the surface
Transform boundaries
• Large jagged edges
are slipping past
each other in a
transform boundary.
• When the edges
stick energy builds
up, when it
suddenly releases
that is an
Three types
• Shield
• Cinder cone
• Composite
• Formed at divergent or convergent
• Magma rises to the surface.
• Carbon dioxide builds up pressure.
• Pressure releases CO2, ash, lava, pyroclastic
Shield Volcanoes
• Largest in the
• Formed at
• Slow moving
magma builds
walls gradually
• Hawaii
Mauna Loa, Hawaii largest volcano in the world
Cinder cone
• Smallest volcanoes
• Formed from ash and
not lava
• Usually less than 300400 feet tall
• When they erupt they
force out gases, ash,
and lava in tiny bits.
Composite volcano
Composite Volcanoes
• pyroclastic flow
• “pyro” means fire, “clastic”
means rock, so it is a cloud of
rock, gas and fire.
• These flows can travel
hundreds of miles an hour
• Most volcanoes on the ring of
fire are composite volcanoes, a
mix between cinder cones and
• Most destructive eruptions
Lahar flow
• Lahars are caused by melting snow, ash, and
• The mix makes the water have a consistency
of wet concrete.
• Lahars can travel up to 70 mph.
Mt. St. Helen
• eruption of mt st helen
Hot spots
• The Earth’s crust is thin
• In the middle of plates, magma might well up
and melt some of the rock.
• These spots are called hot spots
• Hawaii is in the
middle of the Pacific
plate, not on a
Yellowstone National Park
yellowstone supervolcano
• When the crust shifts suddenly energy is
• The focus is the place in the Earth where the
energy is first released.
• The epicenter is the point on Earth’s surface
that is directly above the focus.
• Breaks in the crust of the Earth.
• Can form where plates meet and away from
the edge of a plate.
• Cracks in the Earth