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Name: ________________________
Section: ____________
Assigned March 6
Due March 7
Ancient Greece Review
Geography of Greece:
Greece is on what continent: Europe
What geographic feature makes farming in Greece difficult: mountains
Sea between Greece and Italy: Ionian
Sea between Greece and Asia Minor: Aegean
Why was it difficult to unite Greece under one government: the mountains make communication
____Agora___ is an outdoor market area
Are the Greeks monotheistic or polytheistic?: circle one
The difference between aristocracy and democracy:
Aristocracy: a small group of wealthy people rule the government
Democracy: of,by,for the people
Demos is Greek for:
common people
Who lived on Mount Olympus:
the Greek Gods
What two epics did Homer write:
_Iliad_: about the Trojan war
__Odyssey_: about a hearo from the war named ___Odysseus _
Define the following:
Polis – greek city-state
Acropolis- high city
Name: ________________________
Section: ____________
Assigned March 6
Due March 7
Helots – people taken during war time and forced to work for the whole polis
Assembly- gathering of citizens
Sparta is located on what peninsula:
What age to Spartan warrior enter military training and what age do they return home:
7 and 30
Describe the roles of Spartan women? What did they do while the boys were away?
Women were responsible for being strong like the men to produce strong babies. They protect
the city while the men are gone.
Athens government was a __Democracy _
Pericles was from which city-state:
Where is troy located and give the modern day name: Asia Minor in modern day Turkey
Describe the events in which the Trojan horse was used: The Greeks built a wooden horse. The Trojans
pulled it into the city. There were Greeks hiding in the horse, they came out and burned Troy to the
ground. The Greeks won!
Greek philosophers:
Before philosophers, Greeks thought sickness was due to what?
The gods being displeased
Why was the Parthenon built, who was it built for, what happened to it?
Temple, built for Athena and it was partially destroyed
During the golden age, who was the most power city-state?
What is the Delian League, who was in it:
Athens, Sparta and smaller city-states
Name: ________________________
Section: ____________
Assigned March 6
Due March 7
Why did the Spartans form their own league:
They did not like the Athenians being in control
___Sparta___ and ____Athens__ fought in the Peloponnesian war
Athens had power of the ____Sea__
Sparta had power of the __Land__
What is a plague?
A fast spreading disease
Greco-Persian war:
Who fought in the Greco Persian war:
Greeks and Persians
What type of government began developing around 500 B.C. within the city-states ?
After Athens sent the ships to help the Greek rebels, what did Persia do?
Persia invaded GreeceWho was the King of the Persian empire?
How did Marathon get its name? What was the runner’s name?
Phidipides ran 26.2 miles from Marathon to Athens to announce the Athenian victory.
Who was Daruis’ son? And who did he fight?
Xerxes and he fought the Spartan King Leonidas
Battle of Thermopylae: who was fighting? What was the name of the traitor?
Sparta and Persia and the traitors name was Ephialtes
When Persia was marching on Athens, the Athenians fled to the island of _Salamis_
Who won the battle of Salamis: Athens
Name: ________________________
Section: ____________
Assigned March 6
Due March 7
Define channel: narrow path of water
The last battle of the Greco-Persia war was?
Battle of Plataea
Possible short Answers:
List the differences between Sparta and Athens: use bubble maps done in class
Sparta: military, aristocracy, focused on war, men and women had rights and were needed for the
success of the city-state
Athens: all about intellect, education, strong navy, democracy
What is Philosophy, who were the 3 most famous philosophers form Greece and 3 facts about them.
Philosophy is the study of truth and knowledge
Socrates: the oldest, all about questions, Socratic Method
Plato: taught by Socrates, thought that aristocracy was the best government, thought that
people could not make decisions, teacher to Aristotle
Aristotle: choices, believed in education, taught alexander the great, taught by Plato
Explain the difference between an aristocracy and democracy. Which city-states used each one.
Aristocracy: used by Sparta and a government in which a small group of wealthy people are in charge of
the government
Democracy: Athens used it and a government in which the people make the decisions. Of the people, by
the people, for the people