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Ch. 11
Islamic Civilization
11.1 – The Rise of Islam
I. Daily Life in Early Arabia
 Much of the Arabian
peninsula is desert,
although there are
mountains in the
Oases (plural) are green areas
fed by an underground water
 Early Arabs formed tribes
that were headed by a
 The Bedouins were desert herders who traveled from
oasis to oasis to water their animals. Many Arabs
lived in villages near oases.
 Merchants who transported goods across the deserts
formed caravans to protect themselves from Bedouin
attacks. Caravans are traveling groups of merchants
and animals
 Trade grew, and merchants est. towns along the
trade routes. Makkah (Mecca) was the largest and
wealthiest trade center and is an important religious
site visited by pilgrims.
 In the middle of Makkah is the Kaaba (Ka’bah –
cube), a low square building surrounded by statues
of gods and goddesses. Inside is a large stone Arabs
believe came from heaven.
II. Muhammad: Islam’s Prophet
 Born approx. A.D. 570 in Mecca
 Father died before he was born; mother died before
he was 6 yrs.
 Lived with his grandfather until he died (8yrs.)
Grandfather showed him special favor
Was around the Ka’bah and the Assembly of the chief men of
 Lived with uncle
 Accompanied his uncle on merchant trips to Syria
 Married at age 25 to Khadijah she was 40. (A.D. 595)
 “Silent Period” – A.D. 595 to 610 – Muhammad
would retreat once a month to a cave for meditation
and spiritual reflection.
It was in the month of Ramadan (month of heat) that he is said
to have received his first revelation by the angel Gabriel.
 At first Muhammad preached only to family and
Khadijah and Ali (wife and adopted son), Zeyd (his servent)
Abu Bakr (best friend) were the first to accept his prophet
 After 3 years he began preaching in Mecca (Makkah).
 Message was not well received because Mecca was an
idolatrous city and Muhammad was condemning idol
His tribe was in charge of the Ka’bah, the holy place
that all Arabians made a pilgrimage to for worshiping
pagan deities. (this could hurt in the wallet)
Muhammad and his followers were persecuted
A.D. 619 – His wife Khadijah died at age 65. His
uncle also died
Trip to heaven – went to the Ka’bah, woken up by
Gabriel, Buraq took him to Jerusalem, to the temple
platform where he met Abraham, Moses, and Jesus.
 Went up to heaven where Muhammad received a
command that Muslims were to pray 50 times a day.
Moses got Muhammad to lower the number to 5 times.
This event eventually led to the building of the Dome of the
 A.D. 620 Muhammad claimed to have two dreams in which an angel
told him to marry the 6 yr old A’ishah, daughter of Abu Bakr.
In the meantime Muhammad also married a 30 yr old widow Sawdah.
The marriage to A’ishah was arranged and took place privately without the
knowledge of A’ishah.
At 9 yrs. old the marriage was official; A’ishah’s playmate still came over visit
even as they had done before the marriage.
 At first Muhammad’s efforts in Mecca were met with limited
Most converts were slaves and young people.
Then in A.D. 620 six men from a city 200 miles north of Mecca converted.
 While journeying of the six pilgrims began praying towards Mecca
instead of Jerusalem.
Later Muhammad received a revelation that it was indeed appropriate to
pray towards Mecca.
 Muhammad then moved to Medina
Called the Hijrah (flight) A.D. 622 all years after are
designated as A.H. (literally the “year of Hijrah”).
 The Quran (Muslim’s holy book) is broken up into
sections based on the years Muhammad was at Mecca and
the years he was at Medina.
 Medina was a Jewish town and Muhammad proposed an
alliance against the polytheist in the area.
 Jews cooperated with Muhammad because it was
politically smart but they did not fully accept the idea that
God would send a descendent of Ishmael and not Isaac.
 After the move to Medina Muhammad claimed to
have received a revelation that allowed Muslims to
attack the trading caravans in the area.
 “Sanction is given unto those who fight because
they have been wronged; and Allah is indeed able
to give them victory; those who have been driven
from their homes unjustly only because they said:
Our Lord is Allah” (Surah 22:39-40)
 Muhammad received 1/5 of all treasures from the raids.
 In the year following the Hijrah (move to Medina)
Muhammad received a revelation to change the direction
of worship from Jerusalem to Mecca.
 A.H. 2 – Muslims led by Muhammad try to intercept a
caravan traveling from Syria to Mecca. 1,000 Meccans
come to aid the caravan. There were only 350 Muslims.
About 50 enemies were beheaded.
Bickering broke out over the spoils
 (Return to Mecca – video clip)
Military Period (624-628)
 Raids lead to battles
 Battle of Badr A.D. 624 – Muslims won
 Battle of Uhad A.D. 625 – Muslims lost
 Battle of the Trench and Siege of Medina A.D. 627 –
Muslims outlasted the Meccans
 Treaty was signed in A.D. 628 – breached by the
 Conquest of Mecca took place in A.D. 630
Entered Mecca with no bloodshed and they converted to Islam.
 Muhammad was accepted as a prophet to
many of the people in Arabia.
 Muhammad was dissatisfied with the ways of
his town leaders and went into the hills to
pray. There he was visited by an angel who
told him to preach Islam.
 Muhammad returned to Makkah and told
people to worship one God, Allah.
Muhammad also preached that all people are
equal and that the rich should share
III. Islam’s Teachings
 Islam, Judaism, and Christianity have some beliefs in
The Quran is the holy book of Islam. Some moral
teachings found in the Quran are similar to the Bible.
Many Rules in the Quran apply to Muslims’ daily life.
The Five Pillars of Islam are belief, prayer, charity,
fasting, and pilgrimage.
The Sunna is the name given to customs based on
Muhammad’s words and deeds.
Islam’s law code is taken from the Quran and The
 Muhammad was able to convert most of the Arabian
Peninsula to Islam.
 March A.D. 632 – Muhammad makes his last
pilgrimage to Mecca; over ten thousand Muslims join
 He died in June A.D. 632