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The Sun
The Planets (Inner and Outer)
Asteroids and Comets
Ball of gas whose heat is
generated by nuclear fusion
reactions in its core.
Center of Solar System – center of mass
Gravitational force holds all other bodies
in their orbital pattern.
Made of Hydrogen (71%) and Helium
(~27%) and other elements (Carbon, Iron,
Uranium, etc)
the common center of mass around which two or more bodies
revolve; the point around which they both orbit each other
the common center of mass around which two or more bodies
revolve; the point around which they both orbit each other
All planets orbit
counterclockwise around the
 Two types:
Inner and Outer planets
Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars
Also called terrestrial planets
because they are “rocky”
Little or no atmosphere
Composed mainly of silicon and
oxygen. Also, aluminum,
magnesium, sulfur, and iron
Silicon is outnumbered by hydrogen
(25,000 to 1) but because it is warm
near the Inner Planets the hydrogen,
methane, ammonia cannot condense
Remember Step 2 in Solar Nebula
If only “rocky” or material condenses the
planet will be “rocky”
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and
Also called “Gas Giants”
Most have deep, hydrogen-rich
Made of water vapor, carbon
dioxide, frozen ammonia, and/or
frozen methane
Have no true “surface”
Their atmospheres thicken with
depth so there is a transition from
gas to somewhat liquid materials on
what would be the “surface”
Possible that the center is solid if
differentiation is happening just as it
did on Earth.
Satellite: a body that orbits a planet
Over 200 total moons/satellites have
been recognized thus far.
More details about specific moons later on!
Asteroids: rocky bodies with
diameters that range from a few
meters up to 1000 km (1/10 size
of Earth!)
 Comets: icy bodies about 10 km
or less.
Asteroids: originate in the Asteroid
belt (large orbital belt in between
Mars and Jupiter)
Comets: originate either in the Oort
cloud (region that surrounds Solar
System-full of frozen material) OR in
the Kuiper belt (region just beyond
What element is most prominent in the
What planets are the inner or
“terrestrial” planets?
What planets are the outer or “Gas
Giant” planets?
What is another word for satellite?
Where do comets originate? Where do
asteroids originate?