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Policies – Who needs them?
Web Standards
November 17, 2010
Policies – Who needs them?
• Policies communicate "what" action or
conduct is expected of individuals in
defined or general circumstances.
Policies – We need them
• Policies express values.
• Policies answer, “is it ok if I do or don’t
take a particular action.”
Policies – We need them
• UCSB policies support UCSB's research,
teaching, public service and operational
objectives, within UC policy and Federal
and State law.
Policies – Which Ones?
Web Standards Guide –
Created by the Web Standards and
Content Working Group (WSG)
Policies – Which Ones?
Within the Web Standards Guide,
see Policy Compliance
Web Standards – Policy Compliance
Advertising – Use of UCSB Name
Copyright Protection
Electronic Information Security
Privacy Notification Statement
Terms of Use and Third Party Links
Stewardship of data – online applications
Policies – Which Ones?
• All UCSB policies can be found online at
Advertising & UCSB’s Name
What’s in a Name?
Your creations present UCSB to the
Presenting UCSB
With the current pressures to find new
revenue streams, it’s exceedingly important
to know what’s permissible and what to avoid.
Advertising University’s Image and Name
Presenting UCSB
True or False
• Posting advertising on your academic
department’s primary Web page to
generate new revenue is a great way to
earn income for my department
Presenting UCSB
When you can/can’t
advertise and why
Presenting UCSB
advertising isn’t
permitted from
academic sites.
Presenting UCSB
Why isn’t it generally permitted?
 Tax liabilities (unrelated business income)
 Education Code restrictions on how our name is
used and with whom it’s affiliated
 University mission and use of resources
 Public perception, and
 Image
Presenting UCSB
However, advertising may be permitted on:
Extra Curricular Web Sites, such as Athletics
For more information see:
The UCSB online advertising guide
Affiliating UCSB
True or False
• It’s ok to display a vendor’s logo on your
department’s Web site
Affiliating UCSB
 It’s great to thank ZZ for sponsorship
 It’s appropriate to list ZZ as a sponsor
Affiliating UCSB
Acknowledging sponsors is different from
– No action commanded, contrasted with “Buy XX.”
– No endorsement or value statement, contrasted
with “YY is the best…”
Affiliating UCSB
Great examples of displaying sponsorships
Career Services
CNS Conference Sponsors
Economic Forecast Project
Presenting UCSB
 Refer to policy:
 Check the Advertising Guide and Matrix
 Contact [email protected]
Use of the University’s Marks
True or False
• The UCSB seal should be posted on your
faculty’s personal Web site
Use of the University’s Marks
What governs the use of UCSB’s name
and marks?
 California Education Code
 Use of the University’s Name Policy
 Use of the University’s Seal Policy
 Use of University Letterhead Memo
Use of Images or Intellectual
If the copyright doesn’t belong to the university
and your use isn’t “Fair Use,” you must obtain
written permission to display another’s image or
Use of Images or Intellectual
To request permission to use photographs, film, or
music use:
“Release & License to Use Photograph, Film, and/or Music”
To request permission to use images of identifiable
individuals, their names, or voices use:
“Release & License to Use Image, Name, and /or Voice”
Use of Images or Intellectual
If the University owns the copyright, as a
courtesy, ask permission to use another
person’s art, photography, et al.
Use of Images or Intellectual
True or False
• You have the right to post images of your
department staff on your staff resource page
• You don’t need permission to include on your
Web site or department publication a photo of
an individual taken at a public function
The standard copyright statement
to post on Web pages is:
Copyright (c) 2010 The Regents
of the University of California, All
Rights Reserved
 Protects UC’s ‘marks’ and your posted
 If you don’t copyright your posted
pages/materials, because it’s online, it’s
generally assumed the material is part of
the public domain
UC Copyright Education Web site
Terms of Use
Use the terms of use statement as is or extract
from it to fit your specific needs.
Terms of Use
University of California, Santa Barbara
Copyright © 2008-09 The Regents of the University of
California, All Rights Reserved.
UC Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara CA 93106-6105
Site Information • Terms of Use
Last Modified 10-apr-10
Terms of Use
 Informs site users of our commitment to
the stewardship of their information
 Provides a generic statement to hold site
users accountable for Unauthorized Use of
Data/Online Applications
Terms of Use
 For a complete list of what is included in
the Terms of Use statement see
Representing UCSB
How you collect, display and protect
data reflects on the University
Web Site Privacy Notification
If you
– Collect Personal Information from Site Visitors
– Collect General Information from Site Visitors
 Read UCSB Advisory on Privacy Notification
 Add Privacy Notification Statement to your
Information Stewardship
If you
– Collect, maintain, use, and/or disseminate
information about individuals
Know your stewardship responsibilities
Information Stewardship
 Include the following statement on the login
page of any UCSB online application that gives
access to user data:
"This is official University of California Santa Barbara
information. Access to, disclosure of, or use of this information
without appropriate authorization may result in disciplinary
action and/or criminal prosecution. See UCSB Rules of
Conduct (Adapted from BFB-RMP-8 Exhibit D)."
Resources: Civil Code Section 1798.55–1798.57
Information Stewardship
Student Records
 "Policies Applying to Campus Activities,
Organizations, and Students, Part B, Policies
Applying to the Disclosure of Information from
Student Records.”
 “Student Records – Disclosure of Information”
and “FAQ”
Information Stewardship
Health Information
UCSB Implementing Guidelines for UC Health
Insurance Portability And Accountability Act
(HIPPA) Privacy Policy
Information Stewardship
University Information
 UC Business and Finance Bulletin IS 3,
“Electronic Information Security”
 SB 1386 and AB 1298 Guidelines for UCSB
(Reporting security breach of restricted
Information Stewardship
University Information
 Business and Finance Bulletin RMP7, “Privacy of and Access
to Information”
 Business and Finance Bulletin RMP-8, “Legal Requirements
on Privacy of and Access to Information”
 “Rules of Conduct for University Employees Involved with
Information Regarding Individuals”
 UC Protection of Personal Information
Information Stewardship
Other Information Technology
Policies and Resources
 “UC Electronic Communications
Policy” (ECP)
 “UCSB Interim ECP Implementing
 UC-Information Resources &
Communications (IR&C)
 UCSB-Office of Information Technology
Policies – Where are They?
Where can you find:
 Policies you need,
 University Web Standards to facilitate presenting
the University excellently,
 How to respond when you receive questions about
advertising, using images, stewardship, et al.
Policies – Where are They?
University of California, Santa Barbara
Policies and Resources
[email protected]