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The Moving Crust
Based on Discover God’s Creation,
ch. 3-1, 3-2 & 3-3
3-1 Continental Drift
• As people explored
Earth more thoroughly,
they discovered new
facts that showed that
Earth had changed over
thousands of years.
• As the “new world” was
discovered and maps
were drawn more
accurately, it looked as if
the edges of some
continents fit together
like a jigsaw puzzle.
We are not sure when or over how many
years this happened, or what started the
• 1800— Alexander Von Humboldt found
mountains in South America that matched
mountains in Africa. Humboldt believed that the
continents had been separated by erosion.
• By 1912, Alfred Wegener, a German scientist,
suggested that long ago the continents were
joined in a large landmass.
• He called this landmass “PANGEA”. It appeared
that Pangea split into what we now call
continents. Once split, they slowly drifted to
where they are today.
Continental Drift Theory
Wegner based his theory on several ideas:
The coastlines and mountains of Africa and South
America looked as if they fit together like a jigsaw
Fossils found on the African continent matched
those found in South America.
Tropical plants were found frozen in the ice of
Although Wegner had these observations, he could not
explain how or why these sections had split and
drifted apart.
3-2 Sea-Floor Spread
• Sonar came into use during WWII
as a device to locate submarines.
• Sonar transmits sound waves that
bounce off objects. By recording the
time it takes sound waves to travel
out and bounce back, how far away
an object is can be measured.
• This has allowed geologists to draw
more accurate maps of the ocean
• Today, use is being made of space
• In spite of this, much of the ocean
floor is unexplored.
Ocean Floor Features
As geologists charted the ocean floor, they discovered new
• Trenches: long,
narrow canyons
in the deepest
parts of the
• Midocean
Ridge: a large
mountain range
that circles earth.
Ocean Floor Features
As geologists charted the ocean floor, they discovered new
• Rift Valley: a narrow valley running down
the Midocean Ridge. This area is warmer
than the surrounding areas.
• Pillow Lava: formed when molten rock
cools underwater. Found in the rift valley.
Sea-Floor Spread
• This theory says that magma from the mantle of
the earth pushes up and out at the rift valley.
• This upward movement of the magma causes
the sea floor on either side to spread out.
• As the magma pushes out, it pushes the sea
floor apart on either side and forms new ocean
• This continuing process causes the continents to
move farther apart.
Sea-Floor Spread
Ring of Fire
• The theory of sea-floor spread explained how
continents could have moved, but not WHY.
• When geologists began to mark maps where
earthquakes occurred and volcanoes were
located, they discovered a pattern.
• One of the patterns was named the “Ring of
Fire”. The Ring of Fire circles the Pacific Ocean.
• It is a place of intense volcanic and earthquake
• These patterns show that the earth is divided
into sections, or plates.
Plate Tectonics
According to the
plate tectonic
theory, the Earth’s
crust is broken into
seven major plates,
each a different size
and thickness.
These plates “float”
on Earth’s liquid
mantle. They are
often named for the
continents they
Plate Tectonics
• At the Midocean ridge, the plates move apart
about 1-2 inches a year. This is caused by two
• The first, convection currents, is created by the
motion of liquids and gases. As a liquid or gas is
heated, it rises, as it cools, it sinks.
• Geologists believe convection currents occur
inside Earth.
• These currents cause magma to rise at the
midocean ridge and push the plates apart.
Plate Tectonics
• The second force thought to
move plates is plumes.
• Plumes are columns of hot
magma that rise from the
• As a plume rises, it spreads
out below the plate, cools,
“locks” onto the plate, and
pulls the plate along as it
continues to move.
• If a plume breaks through the
crust, it forms a volcano.
Plate Tectonics
• As the plate continues to move because of the
action of the plume, the volcano stops erupting.
• Geologists believe that the Hawaiian Islands
were formed in this way.
Plate Tectonics
• Where the edges of the plates come
together, they form three kinds of
Plate Tectonics
• These boundaries are often identified by
large, spreading valleys.
• The Great Rift Valley of northeastern
Africa, like the valley in the midocean
ridge, is formed as two plates are pushed
apart by the upward movement of magma.
Great Rift Valley, Kenya, Africa
Plate Tectonics
• Colliding boundaries occur where two continental
plates collide.
• Mountain ranges such as the Himalayas in Asia are
formed in this way.
• When a continental plate collides with an oceanic plate,
the heavy continental plate slips below the lighter
oceanic plate.
• The continental plate melts and is absorbed back into
the mantle.
• Ocean trenches and volcanoes occur in these areas.
• The Andes are volcanic mountains formed where a
continental plate sinks below and oceanic plate.
Plate Tectonics
• Sliding boundaries occur where plates
slide past each other.
• Instead of sliding smoothly, the plates pull
on each other, causing tension to build up.
• When the plates slip suddenly, this tension
is released in an earthquake.
• An example is the San Andreas fault in
San Andreas Fault, California
• The earth is not solid and unmoving.
• Just as the tides in the ocean rise and fall each day,
the continents rise and fall each day as much as six
• Creationist viewpoint: The earth has many
evidences of catastrophes. It is possible that in
God’s original creation, there was only one huge
continent. Because of sin, all of creation began to
• The Bible mentions a gigantic flood, including such
forces as the “breakup of the deep”, and “huge
winds”. It also mentions a man named Peleg, and
tells us that “in his day, the earth was divided”. We
can only speculate on how this event changed the
surface of the earth.