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Name:____________________________________________________ Period:____________ Date:________
Dynamic Earth Interactive Web Quest
Directions: Go to Mrs. Balducci’s website and locate the Chapter 7 The Restless Earth Links. Click on the
Dynamic Earth Interactive website link.
1.) Read the Introduction. Then click on the red arrow where it says Start your exploration
with Earth’s Structure.
2.) Read Earth’s Structure, What’s inside the earth? Roll your mouse over the diagrams to
read more information about Earth’s interior.
a. List Earth’s layers from innermost to outermost.
b. What is the lithosphere? __________________________________________________________
c. What is the asthenosphere? ________________________________________________________
3.) Locate the red arrow at the bottom of the page and click on Next Chapter: Plate Tectonics. Follow the
directions on the Plate Tectonics page. Read the information on the page and then click on How Do
We Know This?
a. What evidence did Alfred Wegner discover along the coastlines of continents?
i. _______________________________________________________________________
ii. ________________________________________________________________________
iii. ________________________________________________________________________
b. What is Pangaea?_______________________________________________________________
What is the plate tectonics theory? ________________________________________________
4.) Locate the red arrow at the bottom of the page and click on Continents Over Time. Follow the
directions on the next page and complete the activity.
a. What do some scientist believe will happen to the continents in the future? _______________
5.) Move on to the next chapter, Plate Boundaries, to learn how plates interact. Carefully read the entire
page and answer the following questions as you read:
a. Are the earth’s continents constantly moving? Why? __________________________________
b. What is continental crust? ________________________________________________________
What is oceanic crust? __________________________________________________________
d. What is a boundary? ____________________________________________________________
e. Look at the map and name two tectonic plates that form a boundary.
f. What is a convergent boundary and give an example. _________________________________
Draw two arrows representing a convergent boundary: ________________________________
h. What is a divergent boundary and give an example. ___________________________________
Draw two arrows representing a divergent boundary: _________________________________
What is a transform boundary and give an example. __________________________________
Draw two arrows representing a transform boundary: _________________________________
6.) Use the map at the bottom of the page to see where the three types of plate boundaries are found
throughout the world.
7.) Locate the red arrow at the bottom of the page and click on Plates & Boundaries Challenge. Complete
the challenge using your textbook page D11. When you are finished move on to the next chapter.
8.) Read the Slip, Slide, & Collide page and answer the following question:
a. Give examples of geological phenomena we experience on Earth that are caused by the
slipping, sliding, and colliding of tectonic plates. ______________________________________
9.) Locate the red arrow at the bottom of the page and click on See what happens at different plate
a. Convergent Boundaries – Colliding Plates
What happens at convergent boundaries, where an oceanic plate and a continental plate
What forms where the oceanic plate and continental plate collide?
What happens at convergent boundaries, where two oceanic plates collide?
What happens at convergent boundaries where two continental plates collide?
b. Divergent Boundaries – Spreading Plates
What happens at divergent boundaries that are located in the middle of the ocean?
What happens at divergent boundaries that are located along two continental plates?
c. Transform Boundaries – Grinding Plates
How does a transform boundary produce an earthquake?
10.) Locate the red arrow at the bottom of the page and click on Plate Interactions Challenge. Write
down your score here: __________________
11.) Congratulations you’ve completed your Dynamic Earth Interactive Webquest. Now take the test to
see how much you’ve learned during this interactive. You can find the link for the test along the
green bar at the top of the screen. It is the last link called “test skills” on the right.
Write down your test score here: ___________