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Definitions Term Definition Access A means of approaching, entering, exiting, communicating with, or making use of: used a browser to access a website; accessed her bank account online. Authentication To positively verify the identity of a user, device, or other entity in a computer system, often as a prerequisite to allowing access to resources in a system. Connection A communications link between two points: Established a connection to the Internet. Customer Data Device DSL One that buys goods or services. Distinct pieces of digital information. Data is usually formatted in a specific way and can exist in a variety of forms, such as numbers, text, etc. When used in the context of transmission media, data refers to information in binary digital format. A device is a unit of physical hardware or equipment that provides one or more computing functions within a computer system. It can provide input to the computer, accept output or both. A device can be any electronic element with some computing ability that supports the installation of firmware or third-party software. Digital Subscriber Line or Digital Subscriber Loop. Refers to the variety of different types of Digital Subscriber Line protocols – high-speed data transmission protocols that are compatible with regular copper telephone wire. DSL is typically used to provide a continuous, high-speed connection directly to an Internet Service Provider Home network Electronic mail. A service that sends messages on computers via local or global networks. A local area network (LAN) that connects the PCs in a home and lets users access the Internet simultaneously, share drives, share files and printers, and play head-tohead multi-player games. Internet A network of networks; a group of networks interconnected via routers. The Internet (with a capital I) is the world's largest internet. Internet Access Access to the Internet via a dial-up account via telephone circuit or direct connection. Email IP Address (IP). The IP part of TCP/IP; the protocol used to route a data packet from its source to its destination over the Internet. The unique 32 bit number assigned to each computer connected to the Internet and used by the TCP/IP protocol to route packets of data to their destinations. The number is usually written in shorthand "dotted octet" notation in which the 32 bit address is grouped into four sets of 8 bits. Each of those eight-bit sets is converted into a decimal number, and the four resulting decimal numbers are written separated by dots. Most Internet addresses consist of a network portion and a node portion. The address for a host must be unique on the network. When you connect to a web server, for example, you may tell your browser to connect to www.mysite.com, but your computer ultimately has to translate the name to its IP address,, before the connection can be made Network A group of interconnected computers, including the hardware and software used to connect them. Internet Protocol Router At a distance; in communications, referring to a system, application, or device that must be accessed through a network. Contrast local. An interconnection device that is similar to a bridge but serves packets or frames containing certain protocols. Routers link LANs at the network layer. A device that finds the best path for a data packet to be sent from one network to another. A router stores and forwards electronic messages between networks, first determining all possible paths to the destination address and then picking the most expedient route, based on the traffic load and the number of hops. A router works at the network layer (layer 3 of the OSI model); a bridge works at the data link layer (layer 2). A router does more processing than a bridge does. A router can be hardware or a combination of hardware and software. Service agreement A contract between a service provider and a customer that specifies what services the service provider will furnish Software Software is the program or set of programs that tell a computer what to do. Hardware is the physical part of a computer system; the machinery and equipment. Vaild Having legal force; effective or binding Validated To declare or make legally valid. Wireless Transmission via radio waves or satellite Remote