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Econsultancy training: Winter 2015
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From insight to execution –
training from the experts.
For the last 15 years, Econsultancy has been talking about,
analysing and celebrating everything that makes working in
the digital space so exciting.
We live and breathe digital and distil our insight into training that feels like so
much more than just a day out of the office.
Because at Econsultancy, it’s not just about the training. It’s about the research
and the expertise that lies within our network.
Trainers who practice what they preach on a daily basis and who mentor and
advise business leaders from the world’s biggest brands.
A team of hard-working, passionate analysts who make it their job to get to the
bottom of the newest innovations, the latest trends and the most pertinent
questions in digital marketing and ecommerce.
Some of the most inspiring events on the marketing industry’s calendar.
All run by Econsultancy.
Join some of the most engaged professionals within the industry for training that’s
relevant, thought-provoking and contains content that’s streets ahead of the rest.
Find out more:
What kind of training would suit you best?
Fast Track
Attend a Fast Track course for essential digital
marketing know-how. Our Fast Track courses attract
a wide variety of professionals – from graduates to
senior business leaders. Even those who have been
digital specialists for years find our Fast Track
courses beneficial.
Over three-days, gain both a theoretical and
practical understanding of a specific subject.
Suitable for digital practitioners who would like
to consolidate their knowledge and apply more
sophisticated techniques, these courses provide
the kind of in-depth knowledge that can take years
to learn on the job.
One day training courses
Jam-packed with insight, case studies and practical
techniques you can use straight away, one day
courses provide best practice knowledge and an
opportunity to discuss your most pressing issues
with an expert.
A comprehensive introduction to core digital
skills, delivered through convenient, interactive
online modules. Available as part of your
Econsultancy subscription.
Advanced workshops
In-company training
Benchmark your knowledge and practices against
those in a range of industries in these discussionled workshops. Move your strategy to the next
level and explore new ways of addressing your
biggest obstacles.
From running one of our courses at your offices, to
developing an entirely bespoke training programme
designed with your team, organisation or sector’s
specific requirements in mind, in-company training
ensures delegates come away with the most relevant
insight for them.
To find out more visit: or phone +44 (0)20 7269 1470
Digital marketing training – your starting point
Whether you’ve been ‘doing digital’ for a long time or are just
starting out, it pays to get the fundamentals right.
These are our recommended, absolute essentials – the courses every good digital
marketer needs to ensure they’re setting off on the right track.
• Fast Track Digital Marketing
• Digital Content Strategy
• Fast Track Social Media
• Online Copywriting
Catch up on your reading:
Report: Skills of the Modern Marketer
See how your own skills line up with the requirements of senior marketers.
As technology changes the way brands interact with customers, being technically
adept and more data focused are often considered key for marketers. However,
having the ability to embrace change, spot opportunities and adapt quickly are also
hugely important.
In this thought-provoking research, Ashley Friedlein sets out to define which skills
are most in demand and what makes for a truly effective marketer.
To find out more visit:
“Digital marketing
isn’t complicated it’s just hard!”
Russell Davies of Government Digital
Service speaking at the Festival of Marketing.
Create a story around your brand
Inspire, inform and educate your customers by creating and
curating relevant, quality content. These courses will give
you the know-how to build a story around your brand and
create a connection with your customers that goes beyond
a simple transaction.
• Digital Content Strategy
• Content Marketing and Editorial Planning
Tim Fidgeon
Online copywriting and content marketing
Tim Fidgeon has been helping companies develop
market-leading digital strategies, experiences and
content since the late 90s. He is now a freelance trainer
and consultant working with many brands including
Coca-Cola, Sony, Vodafone and General Motors.
• Content Marketing for Web, Mobile and Social Media
• Online Copywriting
• Online Copywriting – Advanced
• Online Video Marketing Strategy
Get some reading time in:
Report: 100+ Practical Content Marketing Tips
Providing a wealth of advice into how you can optimise the creation, promotion and
measurement of content, this practical report draws on many of the learnings from
writing for and editing the Econsultancy blog, although the lessons apply equally
well to other types of content.
To find out more visit:
Engage and retain your customers
Your tra
• Social Media & Online PR
• Email Marketing
• Online Community Management
• Email Marketing – Advanced
• Social Media & Online PR – B2B
• eCRM
• Facebook Marketing for Brands
• Masterclass: eCRM
• Fast Track Social Media
Read about customer retention:
Blog post: What is customer retention and why do you need it?
The beginners’ guide to customer retention, this highly informative blog post will
show you exactly what it is that makes for successful customer retention with
plenty of useful examples included.
To find out more visit:
Your current customers are your biggest asset. Develop
great relationships with them by adding value and building a
community – join us on one of these fascinating courses that
will show you how you can create long-lasting customer loyalty.
Michelle Goodall
Social media
Formerly Digital Director at Top 20 PR Agency Lexis PR,
Michelle has over 14 years strategy communications
consultancy and implementation experience. She was
on the London 2012 PR contingency committee and
has been listed on Freshnetwork’s Top 20 social media
speakers and experts.
Integrate your activity
“The straight shot from
discovery to checkout no
longer exists. Instead, it
has been replaced by a
zigzagging, interwoven path
of touchpoints, screens
and interactions.”
Rachel Serpa, Repaving the customer journey:
preparing for the future of multichannel,
Econsultancy blog.
How do you create a consistently positive, joined up experience
for your customers? It’s a huge challenge for organisations in
every sector but with the right resources and knowledge, you
can meet your customers where they are and provide them
with content, services or information that’s truly relevant.
• eCRM
• Masterclass: eCRM
• Multichannel Marketing and the
Customer Journey
• Mobile Strategy
Read more:
Blog post: Repaving the customer journey: preparing for the future of multichannel
How do you navigate a multichannel landscape while serving up meaningful
customer experiences? This article looks at a few key pointers to help you connect
the dots.
Simon Andrews
Mobile Strategy
Simon has run digital agencies since 2005 and in 2010 launched full service mobile agency Addictive.
He also started the agency that became Modem Media, growing it from 6 people to over 250 in London,
Paris and Munich.
To find out more visit:
Get your facts straight
Join the movement that’s seeing organisations break down the
silos to create more agile, collaborative ways of working. From
having more informed conversations with developers, to giving
coding a go yourself, these training courses are designed for
non-technical professionals who want to better understand the
technologies they use.
Mike Baxter
Coding and web technology
Mike was a Professor of Design and Communication
before setting up his own consultancy, applying his indepth knowledge of web technologies and working with
technology teams to manage the delivery of marketing
and business objectives. Mike’s client list includes Argos,
Google, Avis and Skype.
• Coding for Digital Professionals
• Fast Track Web Technology
Read more about technology:
See how you can set up your own pop-up lab by following a seven-step process,
employing data-driven techniques to model and map customer experiences across
channels and determine which technology you should employ to support your
organisation’s vision.
To find out more visit:
ai n
Report: Innovation through rapid R&D: Best practice guide to running your own
in-house lab
Yo ur tr
• Fast Track Digital Marketing
Reach new customers
Your tra
Kelvin Newman
SEO Building Backlinks Workshop
Highly regarded in his field, Kelvin created iTunes’
most popular podcast (over a million downloads),
collaborating with Seth Godin and Jakob Nielson.
He runs the hugely oversubscribed BrightonSEO
conference and has written a free book on link-building
– Becoming a Clockwork Pirate.
From organic search to paid online advertising, there are
so many ways to reach potential customers, the mind
boggles. Understanding the ingredients that go into a great
online presence and identifying where you can optimise
is a powerful way to reach the right people and build your
customer-base. Attend one of these courses and master the
art of online acquisition.
• International SEO/PPC and Digital
• SEO: Applied On-Page
• Planning Effective Digital Media
• SEO: Building Backlinks
• Search Engine Optimisation
(SEO) Marketing
• Affiliate Marketing
• Social Media Paid Advertising
Get some reading time in:
Report: Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) Best Practice Guide
Understand search marketing like never before. With over 400 pages of actionable,
real world insight, this hugely popular report will help you immediately start to
improve your performance across the major search engines.
To find out more visit:
Focus on the customer experience
In a marketplace crowded with competitors, a positive
customer experience can set your brand apart. In fact, it should
be a given. These courses are designed to help you build a
reputation (both online and offline) to be proud of.
• Mobile Usability and UX
• Service Design
• Masterclass: Developing Positive
Customer Experiences
• Creating Superior Customer
• Usability and User Experience
• Usability and Persuasion in
Worth reading:
Blog post: The Modern Marketing Manifesto
“Experiences are events,
products, services, hardware,
software, customer service.
Indeed, every interaction with
a customer is an experience
that we must make as relevant,
pleasurable, easy and useful as
possible for them.” ”
Ashley Friedlein
The Modern Marketing Manifesto
Setting out the bedrocks of what modern marketing should be, this simple outline
explains the key principles of marketing in a new era and what they mean.
Chris Rourke
Usability and User Experience
Chris is the Founder and Managing Director for User Vision, a leading user experience consultancy, where
he has worked with organisations including BBC, Ikea and Nokia. Chris is a recognised leader in the user
experience community in the UK, and has worked in usability, accessibility, human computer interaction and
ergonomics for over 20 years.
To find out more visit:
ur trainer
Lead the way
Ian Jindal
Leadership and Change in Ecommerce Organisations
Ian Jindal is a consultant, publisher, and advisor
on ecommerce in integrated retail, publishing, and
broadcast. Ian was previously Group E-commerce
Director for Littlewoods Shop Direct Group and before
that, Head of Online Operations at the BBC. His clients
include Marks & Spencer, House of Fraser, Camelot UK
Lotteries and Westfield Shopping Town.
Leading your team or organisation through the digital
maelstrom could be one of the biggest challenges you
undertake in your career. Harness the knowledge within your
business and create a team fit for the future – these courses
will help you navigate the brave new world with poise.
• Collaborative Idea Generation Techniques
• Leadership and Change in Ecommerce Organisations
• Creative Technologies and Brand Innovation
Read more:
Report: Leading a Digital Marketing Evolution
Yo ur train e
Look at why some businesses excel while others lag behind. Using industry leaders
for comparison, this report offers dozens of measures that marketers can use for
education, benchmarking and inspiration.
To find out more visit:
Optimise and convert
Understand your customers’ needs and adapt your site to the
way they like to shop online by utilising the data at hand and
applying best practice standards. Suitable for data fanatics,
ecommerce professionals and those who simply want to
provide a better online experience for their customers, these
courses will help you ensure you’re helping, rather than
hindering, conversion.
• Google Analytics: Optimising your
site – advanced workshop
• Usability and Persuasion in
• Ecommerce and Online Retailing
– Two Day Workshop
• Persuasive Design
• Online Merchandising – Selling in
the Digital Age
• Usability and User Experience
• Conversion Optimisation – How to
deliver digital growth
Read about conversion rate optimisation:
Report: Conversion Rate Optimisation Report 2014
See which types of conversions and measurements organisations are using and the best
practices that shape them, discover the most valuable methods to improve conversion
rates and see how personalisation can fit into your CRO efforts in this useful guide
To find out more visit:
Steve Dalgliesh
Google Analytics: Optimising
your site – Advanced Workshop
Director of Lynchpin Analytics, Steve has been
helping companies including Dyson, Canon, Viacom,
and Standard Life with their digital analytics for over
12 years. His online marketing career began in 1998
when he lead Scottish Power’s first foray into online
marketing and analytics.
Measure and analyse
“Why has the promise of
data outpaced its reality for
marketers? There are a number
of factors and most are related
to complexity. It’s easy to see
how valuable insight can be,
but difficult to extract it from
the ones and zeroes.”
Econsultancy’s The Path to Unified
Marketing report
Your traine
Your organisation could be awash with data, but knowing how
to tap into the key insights is not for the faint hearted. Make
your case, understand your customers better, test and learn.
When used effectively, data can inform your decisions and give
you the confidence that you’re moving in the right direction.
• Masterclass: Analytics
• Google Analytics
• Google Analytics: Optimising your
site – advanced workshop
• Web Measurement and Analytics
Read up on measurement:
Report: The Path to Unified Marketing
From data quality to skills gaps and the quest for the ‘single customer view’, this
report will help to simplify the corporate data puzzle and explores the key trends
around marketing unification.
Andrew Hood
Web Measurement and Analytics
Andrew Hood cut his internet teeth in 1999, heading up technical operations for the largest global hotel
website of the dotcom boom, He is currently Managing Director of Lynchpin, helping
clients including HSBC, Cartoon Network, Tesco Bank, Dyson, and the Government Digital Service.
To find out more visit:
Make it happen
Even the simplest projects can come up against obstacles.
But by employing methods that allow for changing objectives,
timescales or budgets, you can embark on your next project
with the wherewithal to deal with big and small issues. From
getting the essentials right to ensuring your creative ideas will
work within a digital context, these courses should be your first
port of call.
• Web Project Management – Fundamentals
Denis Howlett
• Web Project Management – Planning
Having been a project manager in the software industry
for 20 years, Denis is a consultant for IndigoBlue,
enabling organisations to significantly improve their
ability to deliver IT projects.
• Web Project Management – Advanced
• Fast Track Digital for Creatives
Get some extra help:
Template Files for Web Projects
Choose from 40 different template files, covering everything you need to manage
your next web project successfully. From usability to technical specifications, privacy
policy to site evaluation frameworks, these files are a project managers best friends.
To find out more visit:
MSc in Digital Marketing
Get qualified in Digital Marketing by taking the next step
in your professional development journey. MMC learning’s
university accredited, executive Masters level qualification
is run by an industry-leading faculty including Dave Chaffey,
Andrew Campbell, Mike Baxter and Andrew Hood. This MSc
programme will:
• Help ensure your marketing knowledge and experience stays totally current
• Give you the knowledge to make the most of new opportunities appearing in
the digital world
• Provide you with the critical mindset you need to achieve great results.
Start your learning now by accessing dissertation videos from
previous MSc graduates
You can now explore a series of dissertation video presentations from previous
graduates, giving you exclusive access to new digital marketing content and
leadership thinking from over 1,000 hours of research!
a up,
and access
1470 videos, visit
Econsultancy Subscription
An Econsultancy subscription opens the doors to an unrivalled breadth of resources, digital
transformation services, training courses and knowledge bases.
Access 500+ award-winning research reports:
Benefit from services to help support digital excellence:
• Best practice guides – our definitive ‘how-to’ guides for
digital marketing professionals
• Elearning – an online introduction to core digital skills
• Market data – statistics, facts and figures ideal
for presentations
• Supplier selection guides – buyers guides and more to help
you find the right supplier
• Template files – help for your web and digital
marketing projects
• Trends and innovations – what’s new and what’s around
the corner
• Digital Shift – webinars focussing on the most important digital
developments, trends and innovations
• Case study database – inspiration from around the globe
using concrete examples of success
• Analyst-led roundtables – industry-leading events held
around the globe, all year round
• Access to digital experts – have your burning questions
answered by our research analysts
• Dedicated account manager – providing year-round support
and help.
/ [email protected] / +44 (0)20 7269 1450
Digital Transformation
Today’s leaders actively manage the journey to digital
excellence. Transformation cannot happen organically.
Econsultancy’s Digital Transformation team helps companies
identify the gaps between where they are now and where they
need to be, then closes them.
Whether you need to re-engineer every process and skillset, or simply move to
a new technology platform, we’ll work closely with you to develop a completely
bespoke programme, addressing:
• Your strategy
• Your people
• Your processes
• Your technology.
From limited, tactical engagements to holistic, strategic transformation, there’s a
cost-effective Digital Transformation programme perfect for you.
out more
(0)20 7269 1470
How to enrol
To enrol on a course, simply book
Or if you have a question, get in touch –
we’re happy to help.
• Call us +44 (0)20 7269 1470
• Email us: [email protected]
• Book online:
• One-day courses: £595
• Advanced workshops: £695
• Two-day courses: £895
• Masterclasses: £1,595
With unrivalled access to the
most engaged candidates and
a network of recruiters known for
innovation and driving digital forward,
Econsultancy Jobs is where the movers
and shakers of the digital world meet.
where to st
Econsultancy’s Training
Navigator will help you identify
the ideal training courses for you.
now and let our online app do
all the hard work for you.