Download Vita: A theatre vita is a comprehensive list of training and experience

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Vita & Portfolio
Vita: A theatre vita is a comprehensive list of training and experience that allows others to
review the current degree of a theatre artist’s preparation; it records information that is
needed when preparing a specific resume or requesting letters of recommendation. For
training, all theatre classes, workshops, seminars, and training institutes should be listed, as
well as non-theatre classes and training that relate to theatre. In regard to experience, all
production work, internships, and employment should be listed with contact information. A
sample format follows.
Portfolio: While the vita provides a quantitative measure of preparation, the portfolio
allows for an assessment of the quality of your work. Your portfolio should contain samples
of class and production work including: design color renderings, ground plans, light plots,
original sound cues, prompt book pages, and numerous photos of scenic models, costumes,
and major built props or scenery. It may also include script analysis and research papers, job
and internship evaluations, and posters and programs. It is especially important to the
department and you that your portfolio shows examples of work from early and late in your
college career. Therefore, organize your portfolio chronologically from most recent work to
the oldest (you want to put your best foot forward).
Sample Vita Format
Name & Date
College Classes (which relate to theatre) grouped by area:
Hartwick College: 20** - 20**
Theatre Classes
Intro. to Theatre
Fundamentals of Design
Art Classes
Private Vocal Lessons
Art History I
Lit/Writing Classes
Novel I
Advanced Creative Writing
Other Training (workshops or seminars)
Design Bash: ACTF, 2005
Laban Movement Training: LaMama Summer Intensive, NYC, Summer 2004
Theatre Experience (List by place. Full-length, “one-acts”)
Hartwick College, Oneonta, NY (607) 431-4000
Master Electrician
“Talking With”
dir, Hanrahan
Set Design
The Tempest
dir, D. Smith
“Daria’s Dilemma”
dir, R. Brown
Glimmerglass Opera, Cooperstown, NY (607) 999-9999
Box Office Intern.
J. Charles, Supervisor
Winter 2005
Fall 2004
Spring 2003
Spring 2003
Summer 2003
Vita & Portfolio
Franklin Stage Company, Franklin, NY (607) 999-9999
Book of Days
dir, T. Ryder
Stage Crew
Summer Season
M. Morris
Summer 2002
Summer 2001
Note: The idea is to save enough information so that you can easily find dates, names,
contact information, and job descriptions when you need to create a specific resume or
request a reference.
It also allows the theatre faculty and staff to compare your experience to your senior project