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Species and Speciation
Geography, Population Strudure,
Ecology, and Gene Trees
Alan R. Templeton
In 1969 Guy Bush published a paper on Ragoletis advocating "sympatric speciation." Bush (1969) argued that
an ancestral population living in an area containing two
or more habitats could split into two species, despite initial and ongoing gene flow during the process of splitting. Such habitat divergence models of speciation have
proven to be very controversial (Templeton 1981), as the
reception by zoologists to much of Guy Bush's work has
demonstrated (Futuyma and Mayer 1980; Paterson 1981).
Interestingly, in 1969 another controversial paper in the
speciation literature was published by Ehrlich and Raven
(1969). They questioned the central role given to gene
flow by one of the dominant definitions of species at that
time, the Biological Species Concept (BSC). The BSC
defines a species as a "reproductive community" (Mayr
1970) whose boundaries are defined by the lack of potential for gene flow with other such communities, that is,
by isolating mechanisms. Ehrlich and Raven (1969)
argued that other evolutionary forces can play an important and direct role in defining what is or is not a species.
It is the balance of gene flow with other evolutionary
factors (such as natural selection) that must be considered. Under some circumstances, this balance will be in
favor of gene flow, but in other circumstances it will not.
In particular, they argued that in many cases the effects of
selection can override the effects of gene flow. Thus, for
speciation to occur, it is not necessary for selection to cause
the cessation of gene flow, merely to override it. Under
this view, speciation can occur even when gene flow continues between the speciating populations, and indeed speciation mechanisms similar to Bush's (1969) are commonly invoked by botanists (e.g., Raven and Raven 1976).
Just as Bush's (1969) work provoked controversy
among zoologists, so did the Ehrlich and Raven (1969)
paper. For example, Shapiro (1970), an entomologist,
calls their paper "provocative" and claimed that they
underestimated the evolutionary significance of intermit-
tent gene flow. In contrast, Baker (1970), a botanist, regarded their paper as mostly "unexceptionable" and simply a restatement of similar views that already existed in
the botanical literature. One contributing factor to this
different reception is that the BSC is the dominant species concept among zoologists but not botanists (Mayr
1992). The BSC formally defines species only in terms
of the potential for gene flow (Mayr 1970), and hence
many advocates of the BSC, such as Shapiro (1970), feel
that even small amounts of gene flow will prevent speciation. This is a recurrent theme in many of the criticisms
of Bush's work as well (e.g., Paterson 1981). Many botanists, such as Baker (1970) or Raven and Raven (1976),
do not give gene flow such a central rol\1 in defining species and are therefore less reluctant to embrace speciation in the presence of gene flow. Thus, the definition of
species that one uses has a major impact upon how one
interprets the significance for speciation of basic evolutionary mechanisms such as gene flow or selection. Accordingly, species must be defined before the issue of
speciation can be studied. Indeed, once the definition of
species is clear, much of the controversy over speciation
mechanisms becomes resolved. This chapter therefore
focuses on the meaning of species.
Species Definitions
For a species definition to have some claim for biological generality, it must define species in terms of some
biological "universal" that extends beyond the particular cases of individual species. Two commonly used
universals are the universal of a species being an evolutionary lineage, such as the evolutionary species concept (Wiley 1981) or the phylogenetic species concept
(Cracraft 1989), and the universal of a species being a
"reproductive community" (Mayr 1970), such as the bio-
logical species concept (Mayr 1970) or the recognition
species concept (Paterson 1985). These two universals
are intimately interrelated: an evolutionary lineage requires a reproducing population, and the act of reproduction creates lineages. Hence, these two universals need
not be regarded as antagonistic, but rather as complementary ways of looking at the same evolutionary phenomenon (see also de Queiroz, this issue). The cohesion species concept (Templeton 1989) explicitly acknowledges
this intimate relationship between lineage and reproductive community. The cohesion species concept defines
species as evolutionary lineages, with the lineage boundaries that define species arising from the forces that create reproductive communities (i.e., cohesion mechanisms). The cohesion species concept has the benefit
of making clear that processes (cohesion mechanisms)
generate patterns (the evolutionary branches that define
lineages), so both process and pattern are part of the cohesion species concept. By integrating these two universals, the cohesion species concept takes advantage ofthe
strengths ofboth classes of species concepts while avoiding the limitations and difficulties that each universal has
when regarded by itself.
For example, one of the great strengths of the BSC is
that by defining species in tenns of isolating mechanisms,
it provides solid guidance to experimental, observational,
and theoretical st->Jdies of the speciation process. The
speciation literature has been greatly strengthened by the
BSC focusing on various measures of reproductive isolation as candidate traits for understanding the process
of speciation (Templeton 1981, 1989). Because the classical isolating mechanisms are a proper logical subset of
the cohesion mechanisms (Templeton 1989), all of the
studies perfonned under the BSC that focus on isolation
measures as candidate traits for speciation have equal
validity and applicability under the cohesion species concept. The cohesion concept differs from the BSC not only
in its primary "universal" (evolutionary lineage versus
reproductive community), but also by recognizing a
broader set of candidate traits as being relevant for
speciation. For example, "fertilization mechanisms" also
define a proper logical subset of the cohesion mechanisms
(Templeton 1989), so the candidate traits identified by
advocates ofthe recognition concept are also included as
legitimate foci for studies of species and speciation.
One major difference between the cohesion species
concept and the BSC/recognition concept is in how the
phrase "reproductive community" (Mayr 1970) is interpreted. As stated above, lineages are created by acts of
reproduction. One aspect of an act of reproduction is the
passing on of genetic material from one generation to the
next. The BSC defines reproductive communities solely
in terms of this genetic aspect of reproduction, often
equating the concept of a reproductive community to a
shared gene pool (Dobzhansky 1950; Mayr 1970). The
BSC further limits the type of passage of genetic material to "a reproductive community of sexual and cross-
fertilizing individuals" (Dobzhansky 1950). However,
lineages can be generated genetically by modes of reproduction other than sexual outcrossing (as is evident by
the widespread use of mitochondrial DNA, an asexual
genome, to define evolutionary lineages), so the BSC
does indeed create a real discrepancy between the universals of evolutionary lineages and reproductive communities by this limitation. Indeed, as limited by the BSC
and the recognition concept, the "universal" of a reproductive community is not a biological universal at all, but
rather one that explicitly excludes many of the major
clades of life on this planet (Mayr 1970; Vrba 1985). In
contrast, the cohesion species concept does not limit the
reproductive acts that define lineages to sexual outcrossing, but rather recognizes that any mode of reproduction
that allows the transfer of genetic material from one generation to the next has the potential for creating lineages.
The cohesion species concept also acknowledges that
reproduction requires living parental organisms (although
they need not be alive at the exact time of reproduction)
and involves the transfer of energy and materials across
generations. That is, reproduction also requires that individuals live in an environment to which they are sufficiently adapted so as to secure and utilize the resources
needed for survival and reproduction. The range of resources that are essential for survival and reproduction
is called the fundamental niche and is detennined by
adaptations, developmental constraints, and other factors
(Templeton 1989). This ecological aspect of reproduction is ignored by the BSC species definition (although
Mayr [1970] does argue for the BSC species having
a strong ecological significance, he excludes the ecological components from the definition of species; see
Templeton [1989] for more discussion). In contrast, the
cohesion species concept explicitly acknowledges that
reproduction has both an ecological and a genetic context and that both contexts are necessary for actual reproduction and the generation of an evolutionary lineage.
Therefore, cohesion mechanisms broaden the spectrum
of candidate traits for species status to include the adaptations and other factors that define the fundamental niche.
Hence, ecological adaptations playa direct role in the
speciation process under the cohesion species concept.
A reproductive community is simultaneously both a genetic and an ecological entity under the cohesion concept,
and this greatly expands the guidance that is provided for
work on speciation and provides true compatibility between the universals of evolutionary lineage and reproductive community.
Although the BSC does provide guidance for speciation studies, the BSC is difficult to apply to natural populations when no supplementary experimental data are
available. This difficulty stems from the fact that the BSC
defines species in tenns of the lack ofpotential for gene
flow. Proving a lack of potential is difficult without controlled, experimental contrasts. As a consequence, there
are few instances of the BSC being rigorously applied to
natural populations in the absence of experimental data
(Sokal and Crovello 1970). This is not to say that there
have been frequent claims of successful implementation.
For example, Mayr (1992) claimed that the BSC worked
well for 93.6% of the native vascular plant species near
Concord, New Hampshire. The 6.4% of the species that
were excluded were done so primarily because they did
not reproduce sexually, but the remaining species were
regarded as good biological species solely on the grounds
of morphological integrity (Whittemore 1993). There was
not a single instance in which there was even an attempt
to prove the lack of potential for gene flow; indeed, many
of the plant species considered were known to interbred
by Mayr (1992), but these facts were deemed unimportant because morphological distinctiveness was being
maintained. However, the documented ability of plant
"species" to maintain their morphological and ecological integrity in the face of recurrent gene flow or introgression (e.g., Anderson 1953; Whittemore and Schaal
1991; Templeton 1994) is one of the major reasons why
many botanists have failed to embrace the BSC (see
Templeton 1989 for a more extended discussion). Hence,
all 93.6% ofthe species were identified exclusively under
a morphological species concept (Whittemore 1993).
By embracing the universal of an evolutionary lineage
and broadening the range of candidate traits for species,
the cohesion species concept can be implemented and be
more readily applied to natural populations. For practical implementation, the cohesion species concept is rephrased as a set of testable null hypotheses (Templeton
1994). The inference of a species requires that the relevant null hypotheses be rejected on the basis of data subjected to objective statistical analysis. As the details of
defining species as testable null hypotheses are given
elsewhere (Templeton 1994), only a brief summary is
given in the following section.
Cohesion Species Inferred from
Testable Null Hypotheses
Identifying Lineages
The first null hypothesis to be tested is that the population under study constitutes a single evolutionary lineage.
If this null hypothesis cannot be rejected, there is no significant evidence for more than one species in the sample.
This may be due to a lack of statistical power, or to the
fact that the sample constitutes a single species or a part
of a single species. Given that there is no way to discriminate among these alternatives with the current sample, the
inference chain ends in this inconclusive state until additional data are obtained.
Molecular biology provides a powerful means for testing the null hypothesis of a single evolutionary lineage.
As mentioned in the previous section, an evolutionary
lineage is created by acts of reproduction that pass ge-
netic material from one generation to the next. Modem
molecular techniques allow one to survey genetic variation in a sample and to estimate the passage of the genetic material across the generations in a backward sense
(see, e.g., Shaw, this volume). That is, starting with the
initial sample of genetic variation one can estimate backward through time the pattern of mutational and replication events that generated the current sample from a
single, ancestral piece of DNA. Tracing the sample of
current variation at a locus backward to a common
ancestral gene is called the coalescent process, and the
pathways interconnecting the current sample through the
common ancestor constitute a gene tree. In general, it is
impossible to estimate the exact pattern of coalescent
events that occur with a subset of the sampled genes that
share the same allelic state, so the only portion of the gene
tree that is generally estimable is that portion marked
by the mutational events that create allelic change. This
lower resolution tree is called an allele or haplotype tree.
There is nothing about the theory of coalescence that
limits gene or haplotype trees to within species (however
defined). Such trees can have both an inter- and an intraspecific component. It is this property that makes such
trees so important in defining species and studying speciation: haplotype trees can straddle the interface between
intraspecific populations and species (Templeton 1994).
In particular, these trees provide an evolutionary historical framework for extending the comparative methoda powerful, nonexperimental analytical technique used
traditionally at the interspecific level~to the tokogenetic/
phylogenetic interface and to within species. There are
many practical uses for doing comparative studies at the
intra- and combined intra/interspecific levels (Templeton
1996), but of particular relevance to the hypothesis at
hand is the ability to use haplotype trees to define a nested
statistical design that allows one to separate the effects
of historical events (such as fragmentation events that
start new evolutionary lineages) from the effects of recurrent evolutionary forces that operate within lineages
(such as recurrent flow, even if it is restricted). The statistical details of how this is done are given elsewhere
(Templeton et al. 1995), and additional worked examples
of testing the null hypothesis of a single lineage for both
allopatric and sympatric populations, and for plants and
animals, are all given in Templeton (1994) and Templeton
and Georgiadis (1996). Consequently, only one brief, new
example will be given here to illustrate the technique.
The example is based on data on HawaiianDrosophila
given in DeSalle (1984), only some of which has been
published in nonthesis form. DeSalle (1984) mapped the
mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) for 163 restriction site
markers in several species from the planitibia subgroup.
The current analysis deals only with the subset of
DeSalle's data that deals with 31 individuals that were
surveyed for mtDNA variation that fell within a single
recognized species, D. silvestris. All populations are
found on the Island of Hawaii; figure 3.1 shows the loca-
Figure 3.1. An outline map ofthe Island of Hawaii showing the collection locations for Drosophila silvestris used
by DeSalle (1984). The collection locations are abbreviated as follows in the figure: Ko is Kohala, H is Hualalai,
Ka is Kahuku, M is Maulua, Pi is Piihonua, Ki is Kilauea,
and 0 is Olaa.
tions of the collecting sites. In addition, one individual
of D. planitibia from the island of Maui was included
as an outgroup. The restriction site data for these 32 individuals were used to estimate the haplotype tree shown
in figure 3.2 with the methodology described in Templeton et al. (1992). This algorithm does not estimate just a
single tree, but rather includes all trees such that the cumulative probability of the connections among haplotypes
is equal to or greater than 0.95. This is called the 95%
plausible set of trees. The 95% plausible set includes the
unique maximum parsimony tree connecting these haplotypes, which is shown in figure 3.2. However, in this case,
the 95% plausible set includes some nonparsimonious
connections. In particular, three of the branches were
likely to deviate by one additional mutation above parsimony. These probable deviations from parsimony create
some ambiguity in topology. In figure 3.2, two circles
are drawn around the maximum parsimony nodes in the
maximum parsimony tree of radius of one mutation. The
actual connections between the branches could occur at
any mutational transition within these circles in addition
to the maximum parsimony node. There is also some
ambiguity in the 95% plausible set for the exact connection of the outgroup, D. planitibia, to the remainder of
the D. silvestris haplotype tree. In this case, the probable deviations from parsimony go up to two additional
steps; the ambiguity of the outgroup connection to the
D. silvestris haplotype tree is indicated by the brackets
in figure 3.2. As shown by this example, the algorithm
of Templeton et al. (1992) not only provides an estimate (or set of estimates) of the haplotype tree, but also
provides an assessment of statistical confidence in that
The next step in the analysis is to convert the 95%
plausible set of trees into a nested statistical design using
the rules given in Templeton et al. (1987) and Templeton
and Sing (1993). Basically, these nesting rules start at the
tips of the haplotype network and move one mutational
step into the interior, uniting all haplotypes that are connecting by this procedure into a "I-step clade." After
pruning off the initial I-step clades from the tips, this
procedure is then repeated on the more interior portions
of the haplotype network if needed until all haplotypes
have been placed into I-step clades. The next level of
nesting uses the I-step clades as its units, rather than individual haplotypes. The nesting rules are the same but
result in "2-step clades" this time. This nesting procedure
is repeated until a nesting level is reached such that the
next higher nesting level would result in only a single
category spanning the entire original haplotype network.
The resulting nested clades are designated "C-N" where
"C" is the nesting level of the clade and "N" is the number of a particular clade at a given nesting level. Some
special nesting rules are needed to deal with symmetries
and ambiguities in the estimated haplotype network
(Templeton and Sing 1993). For theD. silvestris example,
the ambiguities shown in figure 3.2 had no impact on the
nested design. The content and designations of all nested
clades are given in figure 3.3.
After the nested design is determined, the geographical data are overlaid upon the nested design and analyzed
as described in Templeton et al. (1995). Basically, the
geographical data are quantified in two main fashions:
the clade distance, Dc,which measures the geographical
range of a particular clade, and the nested clade distance,
Do, which measures how a particular clade is geographically distributed relative to its closest evolutionary sister
clades (i.e., clades in the same higher level nesting category). These distances are also given in figure 3.3. Contrasts in these distance measures between tip clades and
the clades immediately interior to them in the cladogram
are important in discriminating the potential causes of
geographical structuring of the genetic variation (Templeton et al. 1995). Given that the outgroup lies closer to the
left cluster of haplotypes (and indeed, the 95% plausible
set does not exclude the possibility that the outgroup
connects within the left cluster), clade 4-1 is regarded as
an interior clade and clade 4-2 as a tip clade in the terminology of Templeton et al. (1995), in the contrast of clade
4-1 versus 4-2 that occurs at the highest nesting level. The
statistical significance of the different distance measures
and the interior-tip contrasts are determined by random
permutation testing that simulates the null hypothesis of
a random geographical distribution for all clades within
0,3 04
02 0--0- P7
01-P1-0-0-0-- P9 -0-0-07
To Outgroup,
D. planitibia
I1 Mutation
Figure 3.2. Haplotype tree of 31 D. silvestris individuals and one D. planitibia based upon restriction site mapping data of mitochondrial DNA. Haplotypes are designated by a letter indicating sample
location (using the abbreviations in figure 3.1) followed by a number if more than one haplotype
was found at that location. Haplotype H3 was found in four individuals from Hualalai, and P3 was
found in two individuals from Piihonua; all other haplotypes were found in only one individual.
The tree was estimated using the algorithm of Templeton, Crandall, and Sing (1992). Inferred nodes
not represented in the sampled individuals are indicated by small circles. Branches are drawn proportional to the number of mutations (restriction site changes) that were estimated to have occurred.
All branches between haplotypes or nodes of length 3 or less are in the limits of parsimony, and the
topology shown in the figure is the unique maximum parsimony tree. Four branches within D.
silvestris exceed this length, but have a probability of greater than 0.95 of exceeding the parsimonious length by no more than one additional mutation. This creates some topological ambiguity, with
circles indicating the range of alternative connections possible for these longer branches. The outgroup
branch length may deviate by up to two mutational changes from the maximum parsimony reconstruction, and brackets indicate the 95% confidence range for how the outgroup connects to the remainder of the haplotype tree.
a nesting category given the marginal clade frequencies
and sample sizes per locality. Figure 3.3 shows the results obtained from this analysis. Only one statistically
significant result occurred, and this was at the highest
level of nesting (4-1 vs. 4-2).
Templeton et al. (1995) also make the biological interpretation of statistically significant results explicit by
providing an inference key. The purpose of this key is
to use the patterns of statistically significant results to
discriminate among different biological processes that can
create a phylogeographic association, such as restricted
gene flow, range expansion and colonization events, and
fragmentation or splitting events. When this key is applied to the results shown in figure 3.3, the inference chain
is 1-2-3-4-9(No) (all numbers refer to questions in the
inference key of Templeton et al. 1995). This inference
chain leads to the conclusion of significant fragmenta-
tion (i.e., historical lineages). Therefore, the null hypothesis of only one lineage is rejected in this case, and
two different lineages of D. silvestris have been identified. As can be seen from figures 3.1 and 3.2, the two
lineages identified as statistically significant are found
on the two different sides of the island, and hereafter
will be called the Kona-side (clade 4-1, on the left in
figures 3.1 and 3.2) and Hilo-side (clade 4-2, on the right
in figures 3.1 and 3.2) lineages. Note that within each
lineage, the haplotype tree clearly shows dispersal among
all geographical sites (i.e., no sample site represents a
topologically contiguous subset of haplotypes in the
haplotype tree within either lineage). Hence, there is
not only no evidence for sublineages within the Hiloand Kona-side lineages, but there is also evidence for
movement within each lineage over their respective geographical ranges.
11.6 1-20
na 1 -
1 25
1 22
29.75 36.3
23.6 I-T
16.7 2-12
16.7 2-13
2 15
Figure 3.3. Nested cladistic analysis of the biogeographical distribution of haplotypes found in D.
silvestris. The haplotype tree given in figure 3.2 was converted into a nested statistical design using
the rules given in Templeton et al. (1987) and Templeton and Sing (1993), with haplotypes (the
lowest level) nested into I-step clades, I-step clades nested into 2-step clades, and so on, until all
the observations are contained within two 4-step clades (4-1 and 4-2) that provide mutually exclusive and exhaustive coverage of the entire haplotype tree. Clades at one level that are covered by an
unbroken straight line to their right are nested together, with the nesting clade name being to the
right of these vertical lines. Not all clade numbers are shown in the figure because many are null
sets (Le., they only include haplotypes that are inferred intermediates but not present in the actual
sample). Whenever there was more than one nested clade within a nesting clade with observations
from two or more sampling locations, the average clade distance and nested clade distances were
calculated and tested for significant deviations from the null hypothesis of no association between
nested clades and geographical location within a nesting clade. Details of this testing procedure are
given in Templeton et al. (1995). A superscript "L" by a distance measure indicates a significantly
large distance (probability < 0.05 under the null hypothesis), and a superscript "s" indicates a significantly small distance. In addition, clades were classified as either "tips" or "interiors" using the
terminology found in Templeton, Routman, and Phillips (1995), and the average distances between
interior minus tip clades (I-T) within a nesting clade were calculated and tested.
Deciding Which Lineages or Sets of Lineages
Define Cohesion Species
Given that the null hypothesis of a single evolutionary
lineage has been rejected, there is now the possibility that
two or more of the lineages inferred to be in the sample
constitute two or more species. Basically, the pattern of
past evolution has been revealed by the inference of lineages through the rejection of the first null hypothesis.
However, the cohesion species concept seeks to integrate
pattern and process. As a consequence, additional null
hypotheses concerning cohesion mechanisms must be
rejected before elevating a lineage or set of lineages to
the status of species (Templeton 1994). Just as the BSC
has helped guide the efforts of researchers of speciation
by identifying measures of reproductive isolation as candidate traits for species status, so does the cohesion concept identify candidate traits. The two major classes of
cohesion mechanisms are genetic exchangeability (applicable primarily to sexual outcrossers) and ecological interchangeability (demographic exchangeability)
(Templeton 1989). For sexual organisms, hypotheses
about candidate traits for both genetic exchangeability
and ecological interchangeability should ideally be tested,
although the rejection of either type of null hypotheses
is sufficient to infer a cohesion species. For nonsexual
or nonoutcrossing organisms, only the null hypothesis
of ecological interchangeability is relevant for inferring
species status. However, it is not enough to show that
variation in candidate traits has a nonrandom overlay on
the haplotype network; rather, the rejection of either the
null hypothesis of genetic exchangeability or of ecological interchangeability must be made in a manner congruent with the previously defined lineages to infer a cohesion concept species. Note that all evaluations of traits
related to genetic exchangeability and ecological interchangeability are done in the context of two or more
populations that have already been inferred to be statistically distinct historical lineages. Hence, effective de
facto reproductive and/or demographic isolation among
lineages and cohesiveness within has already been established to the extent needed to detect significantly distinct
lineages as outlined above. However, de facto isolation
is necessary but not sufficient for the rigorous inference
of species under the BSC (Mayr 1970), and the same is
true for de facto isolation or cohesiveness under the cohesion species concept. A second stage of the inference
scheme must now be performed that constitutes a statistical evaluation of the lineage associations of reproductive and ecological variation that are reasonable candidates for contributing to genetic exchangeability and/or
ecological interchangeability.
The null hypothesis at this second stage of testing is
that all lineages belong to one species and hence should
show no significant differentiation across lineages with
respect to traits that are candidates for contributing to
genetic exchangeability and/or ecological interchange-
ability. In practice, this inference approach will be primarily applied to close lineages, such as the Hilo-side and
Kona-side lineages of D. silvestris. Accordingly, many
traits would be expected to be shared across the lineages.
Such traits do not contribute to the inference of a species
under a statistical null hypothesis approach. With such
traits, the null hypothesis cannot be rejected, but that does
not mean that the null hypothesis is true. The failure to
reject this second-stage null hypothesis means that either
all lineages are one species, insufficient samples have
been obtained to provide adequate statistical power, or
the candidate traits being examined are not the ones that
actually define the species in this case. It is impossible
to discriminate among these alternatives, so the inference
procedure ends in this inconclusive state when the
second-stage null hypothesis is not rejected and remains
in that state until further data can be collected.
The strong inference of two or more sf1t:cies among
the lineages previously identified is possible only when
one or more candidate traits allow the rejection of the
second-stage null hypothesis at an appropriate level of
significance (when multiple traits are tested, the significance level may need to be readjusted). Worked examples
of this inference procedure for both plants and animals
are given in Templeton (1994). A continuation of the D.
silvestris example is given below.
Testing Genetic Exchangeability
Genetic exchangeability can be defined either in terms
of isolating mechanisms or fertilization mechanisms
(Templeton 1989). Either perspective can provide candidate traits for experimental or observational study.
When experimental data exist, such data can be used in
conjunction with the haplotype tree to test the null hypothesis of genetic exchangeability. For example, experimental data on the extent and genetic basis of premating
isolation exists among these D. silvestris populations
(Kaneshiro and Kurihara 1981; Templeton and Ahearn
1989), and the experimental data are completely concordant with the lineages defined in the previous subsection.
However, the purpose of this chapter is to emphasize the
use of nonexperimental data, so details of how experimental data can be rigorously integrated into a haplotype
tree analysis will be given elsewhere. Here, it is only
important to note that experimental data, when it exists,
can be used to infer species under the cohesion concept
in a manner that satisfies the criteria for species status
under the BSC.
Experimental data on the candidate trait of reproductive isolation will not be available in many, probably
most, cases. In this situation, the null hypothesis of genetic exchangeability can best be tested through fertilization mechanisms. Natural history observations can often
help identify and even quantify many of the factors that
allow or make fertilization possible in sexual outerossers.
For example, in plants, one can measure flowering time
or identify pollinators. In animals, observations can be
made on mating season, behavioral displays, and secondary sexual characteristics used in courtship. Only rarely
is the impact of these traits on reproductive isolation directly measured or even relevant in a natural context (e.g.,
the Kona-side and Hilo-side lineages ofD. silvestris are
allopatric, so studies of reproductive isolation are strictly
a laboratory phenomenon that have no direct applicability to cohesion in nature). However, many of these traits
can be documented as influencing the probability of fertilization. When such documentation is possible for a trait,
it is a legitimate candidate trait under the fertilization
mechanism perspective, which has equal validity to the
isolation mechanism perspective under the cohesion
As an example, consider the male secondary sexual
trait of bristle rows on the front tibia in Drosophila silvestris(Carson et al. 1982; Carson and Lande 1984). The
last part of the male courtship in this species just prior to
copulation involves the male vibrating his wings while
behind the female and simultaneously vibrating his front
tibia bristles over the female's abdomen (Boake and
Hoikkala 1995). The female then either walks away,
thereby ending the courtship, or remains motionless,
thereby enabling the male to attempt to copulate (Hoikkala and Welbergen 1995). Analysis of videotapes of
male courtships reveal that the duration of this final vibration stage strongly discriminates between successful versus unsuccessful courtships, whereas most other components of the male courtship do not show a significant
difference (Boake and Hoikkala 1995; Hoikkala and
Welbergen 1995). These observations indicate that this
secondary sexual trait is a reasonable candidate for contributing to the mate recognition system and the probability of fertilization. In this case, there is also experimental evidence confirming this conclusion: sexual selection
occurs in laboratory populations displaying genetic variation for the number of bristles, and this selection can be
eith;r for increased or decreased bristle number in different laboratory populations (Carson et al. 1994).
In nature, males of D. silvestris have been found to
fall into two non-overlapping categories with respect to
bristle phenotype: males with two bristle rows versus
males with three bristle rows (Carson et al. 1982). The
bristle trait status could be assigned to the flies studied
by DeSalle (1984) because even when a female was used
for the molecular studies, she either came from or was
used to establish an isofemale line that produced both
males and females. The same nested design that was used
to analyze geographical data in order to infer lineages can
now be used to look for significant evolutionary transitions in the categorical phenotypes of 2- versus 3-row
flies using the nested categorical statistical analysis described in Templeton and Sing (1993). Only one of the
nested categories in this case has any phenotypic variability, so only that test is relevant. Hence, the nested
categorical analysis collapses into a two-by-two contin-
gency analysis of the contrast of clade 4-1 versus 4-2 with
respect to bristle-row number. The results of such an
analysis are shown in table 3.1, which localizes a highly
significant transition in bristle phenotype that is completely congruent with the Kona-side (2-row flies) and
Hilo-side (3-row flies) lineages that were previously
defined. Hence, using the criterion of species inference
given in Templeton (1994) and restated at the beginning
of this section, Kona-side and Hilo-sideD. silvestris represent two different cohesion species.
Testing Ecological (Demographic)
Given that the null hypothesis of a single lineage has
already been rejected, the other major null hypothesis
to be tested is the null hypothesis of ecological interchangeability. Ecological interchangeability arises from
the shared fundamental adaptations that define a population's fundamental niche or selective regime (in the
sense of Baum and Larson 1991). Hence, the null hypothesis of ecological interchangeability (demographic exchangeability) can be tested by overlaying measurements
(either quantitative or categorical) of adaptations or selective regimes on the same haplotype trees used to identify the lineages. The null hypothesis of no association
between such adaptations or selective regimes with the
haplotype tree can be tested using the statistical procedures given by Templeton et al. (1987) or Templeton and
Sing (1993). Examples of such testing for both plants and
animals and for both allopatric and sympatric populations
are given in Templeton (1994). When the null hypothesis of no association is rejected, the statistical analyses
of Templeton et al. (1987) or Templeton and Sing (1993)
also localize where the significant transitions occurred in
the haplotype tree. Hence, congruence with the previously
defined lineages is also determined by these tests. If the
null hypothesis of ecological interchangeability is rejected in a fashion that is congruent with the previously
Table 3.1. Nested contingency analysis of bristle row
character state using the haplotype tree shown in
Figure 3.2.
Character State
Because there is only one nested category with variation
in the character state, the nested analysis reduces to a
Fisher's Exact Test for the highest level of nesting (see
figure 3.3). The Fisher p value is less than 0.0001 under
the null hypothesis of no association between clade and
character state.
identified lineages, the relevant lineages are regarded as
cohesion species. Adaptations that display no sjgnificant
haplotype tree associations or show incongruent associations with the previously defined lineages are regarded
as intraspecific polymorphisms and not species-defining
traits. Thus, this inference procedure provides an explicit
basis for discriminating between phylogenetic versus
tokogenetic traits, as is shown by worked examples given
in Templeton (1994).
Advantages of Inferring Species as
Testable Null Hypotheses
Inferring species from testable null hypotheses has many
advantages. The most obvious advantage is that the criteria, data, methods of analysis, and degree of support for
the inference are all made completely explicit and objective. All too often, species criteria are subjective or,
as illustrated by Mayr (1992) in light of Whittemore's
(1993) criticism, the stated criteria are different from the
actual criteria used (see also Sokal and Crove110 1970).
This leads to confusion, inconsistency, and artificial
Another advantage of inferring two or more species
only when null hypotheses can be rejected is that the inference of speciation is ensured to be a data-rich one that
automatically leads to much insight into likely speciation
mechanisms. Thus, the investigator must have information about biogeography, reproductive communities, and!
or adaptive transitions that are significantly associated
with the inferred speciation events. Such information
delimits or even defines the types of processes that were
involved during speciation, as shown by examples given
in Templeton (1994). As discussed in Templeton (1994),
only rarely will an investigator have all these data available, and the dominant species criterion in practice has
been and will remain morphological distinctiveness.
However, the practical dominance of the morphological
species concept does not obviate the need for outlining
an ideal species inference procedure. Science has frequently been driven and even redirected by a few wellworked examples, so even an occasional implementation
of the data-rich inference procedure outlined in this chapter could have a major impact on thinking about species.
Moreover, there are cases in which the species status of
a particular group has sufficient importance (either as a
model system for basic research, as an endangered or
threatened species group, or for practical purposes in
agriculcutural or pharmaceutical research) to merit the
type of effort required under the inference procedure
given in this chapter.
Although this inference procedure places strong demands upon the investigator in terms of data gathering,
it does make this task somewhat easier by identifying a
broader range of candidate traits than those under the BSC
or recognition concepts. Both experimental data and natu-
ral history data can be used, and the natural history data
include both the genetics and the ecology of reproduction. Moreover, the inference procedure outlined here
serves as an excellent springboard for additional studies
on the mechanisms of speciation and gives detailed guidance to what further data need to be gathered when some
of the critical null hypotheses could not be rejected. Thus,
the cohesion concept provides for both breadth and specificity of data used in inferring species and speciation.
Although it should seem obvious that a scientist
should base inference on data, the data-rich inference
procedure outlined here and in Templeton (1994) is more
the exception than the rule in much of the literature on
species and speciation. For example, no data on reproductive isolation Were gathered or presented on most of
the plant species included in Mayr' s (1992) survey of the
flora of Concord. Indeed, the only use of reproductive
data to reject a hypothesis was the rejection of 6.4% of
the morphologically distinct populations as biological
species because of data indicating that they did not reproduce sexually (Mayr 1992). For the remainder of the
plant species included in Mayr's (1992) survey, the de
facto null hypothesis was that a morphological distinct
population of sexually reproducing organisms is a biological species. Hence, there was no need to present supporting data for the 93.6% of the morphologically distinct populations that were simply accepted as biological
species. Indeed, even when data did exist on reproductive communities for some of these plants (e.g., knowledge of selfing or of hybridization), it was actually ignored in species inference (Whittemore 1993). This could
be done because there was no formal hypothesis testing
framework given by Mayr (1992), thereby allowing a
subjective and implicit assessment to accept the null
hypothesis of a biological species as being true regardless of data on selfing and hybridization.
However, far worse than merely the absence of data
in species inference is the use of imaginary data sets.
Imaginary scenarios are a particularly common type of
argument when dealing with antagonistic balances between selection and gene flow with respect to speciation. For example, in his response to Ehrlich and Raven's
(1969) paper, Shapiro (1970) did not attack the data that
Ehrlich and Raven (1969) presented on the lack of gene
flow in Euyphyrdryas editha, but rather simply dismissed
the relevance of these observations because these data
imply nothing about "the future" (p. 1636). Similarly,
Futuyma (1989) dismissed the evolutionary significance
of divergent adaptations in some phytophagous insects
because these adaptations "would not persist if their hosts
became broadly sympatric" and that "the distinctive features ... will be lost, swamped by gene flow" (p. 563).
Arguments based upon imagined future scenarios have
been given a degree of credibility under the biological
species concept because the BSC emphasizes the importance of potential to interbred. There is nothing wrong
with invoking potentials in science. The real issue is
in how potentials are detected and described within a
framework of scientific inference. Invoking imaginary
scenarios is useful and valid for suggesting testable hypotheses, but such scenarios should never be used to reject hypotheses. For example, one counterargument to
Futuyma (1989) would be that the divergent adaptations
observed in some phytophagous insects would persist if
their hosts became broadly sympatric because selection
would overwhelm gene flow. Obviously, both the argument and the counterargument are just statements of
theoretical plausibility (or implausibility) of imagined
outcomes. Neither argument constitutes a valid scientific test, although both suggest testable hypotheses. In
the inference procedure outlined in this chapter, cohesion mechanisms are hypothesized to have the potential
to define evolutionary lineages. This potential predicts
an observable pattern of association between candidate
cohesion traits with evolutionary lineages. Because the
existence or more than one evolutionary lineage is the
first hypothesis to be tested, the potential of cohesion
mechanisms is evaluated only in terms of what has happened (which is scientifically observable), not what
might happen (which lies outside the bounds of scientific hypothesis testing unless coupled with explicit tests
of predictions).
A final advantage of inferring species by rejecting null
hypotheses under the cohesion species concept is the
explicit incorporation of both pattern and process into
species inference. As indicated in the above paragraph,
processes are often tested in science by the patterns that
they generate. However, defining species only in terms
of pattern leads to biological absurdities. For example,
certain authors argue that a pattern of strict monophyly
(i.e., one that excludes paraphyly as a special type of
monophyly) is necessary for species status (Bonde 1981;
Ghiselin 1984; Mishler and Donoghue 1982). To see how
such a pattern rule leads to absurd conclusions from an
evolutionary mechanism perspective, consider an example from the work of Hedin (1995) on spiders in the
genus Nesticus in the Appalachian Mountains. N. mimus
is a surface form found in North Carolina. During the Pleistocene, the ecological conditions needed by these spiders
were found at lower altitudes. With post-Pleistocene
warming, the N. mimus populations followed their habitats up the mountain slopes, leading to the current fragmented distribution of high-altitude populations separated
by lower elevations with no suitable habitat. Although
this fragmentation is relatively recent, modern molecular
techniques allow the detection of two mountain top populations in North Carolina as different lineages. There is
no evidence for morphological or ecological diversification among those lineages or changes in their mate recognition system, or evidence of reproductive isolation.
Hence, N. mimus represents a single, subdivided species
under the cohesion concept, the recognition concept, the
biological species concept, or the morphological species
concept. Moreover, these subdivided surface lineages
coalesce into a strictly monophyletic basal group relative
to all other surface species of Nesticus. However, a cave
exists on the lower slopes of one of the mountains inhabited by N. mimus, and that cave is inhabited by another
Nesticus population. However, this population is a troglobytic form that has been greatly altered morphologically and ecologically and lives in a new, derived adaptive zone. It also defines a unique molecular lineage and
therefore can be regarded as a cohesion species. This
population is also a recognized taxonomic (morphological) species, N. carolinensis. As discussed in Hedin
(1995), the troglobytic population probably evolved from
aN. mimus population that was left stranded in the cave
(the cave environment mimics many of the habitat requirements of the surface form) as the remainder of the
surface population tracked the surface environment to
higher elevations. Not surprisingly, the sister lineage to
N. carolinensis is the lineage of N. mimus found on the
same mountain. This means that N. mimus is now paraphyletic. In circumstances such as this, Mishler and
Donoghue (1982) have argued that a paraphyletic ancestor must be avoided by elevating the lineages in the ancestral group to species status, even when they did have
species status prior to the recognition of the derived species (N. carolinensis in this case). Note that no evolutionary changes have occurred in the N. mimus populations
that result in this elevation to species status; rather, the
pattern rule given in Mishler and Donoghue (1982) that
would result in N. mimus being split into two or more
species is due exclusively to evolutionary changes that
occurred in the cave population of N. carolinensis. This
creates a new speciation mechanism never before considered: speciation by remote control. Under the remotecontrol mechanism, speciation occurs between two populations (the two mountaintop populations of N. mimus in
this case) because of evolutionary change in a third population (the cave population of N. carolenensis in this
case). Obviously, speciation via remote control makes no
sense in terms of evolution as a process, yet the biogeographic/climatic change situation described by Hedin
(1995) for Nesticus is not an unusual one in the speciation literature. Indeed, most speciation mechanisms that
have been invoked can and often will yield paraphyletic
ancestors. Hence, the strict monophyletic pattern rule of
Mishler and Donoghue (1982) is fundamentally incompatible with virtually all known and hypothesized speciation mechanisms. One should never forget that process
generates pattern, not the other way around. Hence, when
there is a perceived incompatibility between process and
pattern, process should have priority. To do otherwise
would be to create a species concept that is an active
impediment to understanding the process of speciation.
By explicitly using both pattern and process, the cohesion species concept avoids this difficulty and can serve
as a powerful vehicle for studying the process of speciation in a manner that arises naturally out of the definition of species (Templeton 1994).
The cohesion species concept explicitly acknowledges
that processes (cohesion mechanisms) create patterns
(evolutionary lineages). By recasting the cohesion species concept as a set of testable null hypotheses, patterns
can be used to make the cohesion concept testable using
explicit and statistically rigorous criteria. Among the
patterns that must be tested under this implemention of
species inference are patterns hypothesized to be generated from processes related to cohesion mechanisms. As
the cohesion species concept shows, both pattern and
process play critical but complementary roles in our
understanding of species and speciation. Moreover, the
observed patterns are produced by both genetic and ecological factors acting upon reproducing communities, and
hence both genetics and ecology have important roles to
play in the study of species and speciation.
Acknowledgments Guy Bush has long been an advocate
of the need to integrate genetics and ecology in the study
of species and speciation. Guy's influence on my thinking in this regard has been strong and deep. Over the
years, Guy has frequently challenged my views on species and speciation in a constructive and rigorous-but
always friendly-fashion. My ideas have certainly been
improved and brought into a sharper focus by these
friendly challenges. I thank Guy and Dori Bush for all
the wonderful conversations that we have had over the
years on matters both scientific and nonscientific.
I also thank Stewart Berlocher, Kevin de Queiroz, and
Richard Harrison for their excellent suggestions for improving an earlier version of this chapter, and Stewart
Berlocher and Dan Howard for the opportunity to contribute this chapter to honor an outstanding scientist and
a good friend, Guy Bush. Finally, I thank my graduate
students, both past and present, for their invaluable input
and questioning.
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