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Nutrient Cycles
• Unlike the one-way flow of energy, matter is
recycled within and between ecosystems.
• A biogeochemical cycle (or Nutrient Cycle) is
the process in which elements, chemical
compounds, and other forms of matter are
passed from one organism to another and
from one part of the biosphere to another.
• Cycles of matter involve biological processes,
geological processes, and chemical processes
• All matter including essential nutrients cycle
through an ecosystem.
• The most common examples of such matter
and nutrients include carbon, nitrogen, and
The Water Cycle
1. Water cycles between the oceans, atmosphere and land.
All living organisms require water.
A. Water enters the atmosphere as water vapor, a gas,
when water evaporates from the ocean or other bodies
of water.
Evaporation—the process by which water changes from a
liquid to a gas.
B. Water can also enter the atmosphere by
evaporating from the leaves of plants—
C. Precipitation--rain, snow, sleet, or hail
a. The sun heats the atmosphere.
b. Warm, moist air rises and cools.
c. Eventually, the water vapor condenses into
tiny droplets that form clouds.
d. When the droplets become large enough, the
water return to the Earth’s surface.
D. Run-off—Precipitation runs along the surface of
the ground until it enters a river or a stream that
carries the run-off back to an ocean or lake.
E. Seepage—Rain also seeps into the soil, some of it
deeply enough to become ground water. Water
in the soil enters plants through the roots, and
the water cycle begins anew.
Ground Water
Surface Run-off
The Carbon Cycle
1. Every organic molecule contains the
element carbon.
A. Carbon and oxygen form carbon dioxide
gas (CO2), an important component of the
B. Carbon dioxide is taken in by plants
during photosynthesis and is given off by
plants and animals during cellular
2. Four main types of processes move
carbon through its cycle:
1. Biological processes, such as photosynthesis,
cellular respiration, and decomposition, take
up and release carbon and oxygen.
2. Geochemical processes, such as erosion and
volcanic activity, release carbon dioxide into
the atmosphere and oceans.
3. Mixed biogeochemical processes, such as the
burial and decomposition of dead organisms
and their conversion under pressure into coal
and petroleum (fossil fuels), store carbon
4. Human activities, such as mining, cutting and
burning forests, and burning fossil fuels,
release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere
Burning of
Fossil Fuels
CO2 in Atmosphere
Cellular Respiration
Coal and Petroleum
Decomposition of
dead organisms
The Nitrogen Cycle
Nitrogen (N)
– essential for proteins, DNA/RNA
– 70% of the atmosphere
– atmospheric form (N2) can’t be used by plants
– often the limiting resource for plants, especially in
oceans, deserts
• Nitrogen fixation – conversion of N2 to NH4
(ammonium). This is the only way that
organisms can attain nitrogen directly from
the atmosphere
1. lightning
2. Nitrogen-fixing bacteria (most in roots of nitrogenfixing plants like legumes)
• Nitrogen uptake- conversion of NH4 to organic
nitrogen by plants (then animals eat the plants
to get nitrogen)
• Nitrogen mineralization (decomposition)Organic N is converted to NH4 (ammonium) by
decomposers such as bacteria and fungus
• Nitrification – In high oxygen environments
some of the ammonium produced by
decomposition is converted to nitrate (NO3-)
• Denitrification- Bacteria change nitrate (NO3-)
into N2 (atmospheric nitrogen)
Nitrogen Gas in Atmosphere
Nitrogen Fixation
Decomposers return
ammonia to soil