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Final Exam question sheet
1. Which lines are parallel?
2. Which direction do longitude lines run? East and west of the Prime Meridian
3. The Prime Meridian represents 0 longitude and goes through Greenwich, England, the equator represents _0__
latitude, the IDL represents 180 . There are __24 time zones on earth. And how many degrees wide?
4. The science of mapmaking is __cartography__
5. A Mercator projection map that has parallel lines of latitude and longitude.
6. A conic projection map projects points and lines from globe to a cone
7. A gnomonic map projects points and lines from globe to a piece of paper. Useful in long distances by sea.
8. A topographical map shows changes in the earth’s elevation separated by lines of equal elevation called contour
lines. The difference in elevation between 2 side by side lines are called contour intervals. What do hachure
marks on these lines represent ? depressions or craters
9. Astronomy is the study of objects beyond Earth?
10. Meteorology studies the air surrounding our planet?
11. Geology studies the materials that make up the Earth?
12. Oceanography studies the earth’s oceans?
13. What is the study of fossils_Paleontology_
14. What is the rigid outer shell of the planet lithosphere consists of the crust and the uppermost mantle
15. The hydrosphere consists of all earth’s water which 97% is salt water.
16. The blanket of gases that surrounds our planet is __Atmosphere____
17. The Biosphere includes all organisms on earth as well as the environment in which they live.
18. A _hypothesis_ is a question or suggested explanation for an observation
19. What is the first step in the scientific method_ask a question._
20. The independent variable in an experiment is the factor that is manipulated by the experimenter and the
dependent variable is a factor that can change if the independent variable is changed. A control is used to
show the results were actually a result of the condition being tested.
21. SI unit for mass kg_, SI unit for temperature _K_, SI unit for weight Newton, SI unit for time seconds SI unit for
solid volume _m(3), SI unit for liquid volume L, SI unit for area m(2) . The calculation for density is mass/volume.
Label the parts of the earth’s interior.
22. What type of rocks are formed from magma? igneous
23. What are the three types of rocks sedimentary,metamorphic, igneous
24. Weathering is the process by which rocks break down and change. Erosion is the removal or transport of this
25. Mechanical is another name for physical weathering.
26. What are two significant agents of physical weathering? temperature, pressure
27. What are the two types of weathering? Mechanical and chemical
28. Frost wedging is what type of weathering? physical_
29. There is greater potential for erosion on steep or shallow slopes?
30. When the outer rock layers are stripped away this is called exfoliation and it is physical weathering.
31. The reaction of water in chemical weathering is called hydrolysis and with oxygen is called oxidation
32. Rill erosion by running water in small channels, larger channels it is called _gully_erosion.
33. A delta forms from the built up of sediment at the mouth or a river or ocean in a triangular shape.
34. After the weathering process takes place what can occur? mass movement
35. Where is wind a major erosional agent? deserts
36. Sandbars that continue to build up can become barrier islands.
37. Four types of soils: _Polar_forms at high latitudes & high elevations where permafrost is under the soil
Desert_receive low levels of rainfall which results in high levels of accumulated salts.
Temperate_vary greatly and may contain large amounts of humus.
Tropical - high temperatures & heavy rainfall which makes them weathered with few nutrients
38. A soil triangle is used to determine a soil’s texture. It compares percentages of what 3 soils clay,silt, & sand
39. The downslope movement of loose sediments and weathered rock resulting from the force of gravity is mass
40. A rapid downslope movement of materials on a thin block of loose soil which separates from the bedrock
41. Landslides that occur in mountainous areas with thick accumulations of snow are called avalanche.
42. Preventative measures to minimize disasters is trenches built to divert water around a slope, not building on
steep slopes, and building retaining walls to help from rock slides.
43. A large moving mass of ice is called a glacier
44. Earth’s water supply is recycled in a continuous process called water cycle or the hydrological cycle.
45. Water flowing downslope along Earth’s surface is called runoff
46. During periods of heavy precipitation both water velocity_ and _carrying capacity increase in a stream.
47. The process in which water enters the ground is called _infiltration_.
48. What is an area that is periodically saturated with water called? _wetland__
49. All streams flow downslope in a watery path to lower elevations. A large stream is called a river & all of its
tributaries make up a river system. All of the land area whose water drains into a stream system is called the
systems watershed. A divide is a high land area that separates one watershed from another.
50. Stream’s carry their load three ways. 1. solution -dissolved in the stream’s water 2. suspension - all particles
small enough to be held up by the turbulence of a stream’s moving water. 3. Bed load - consists of sand,
pebbles, and cobbles that push along the bed of the stream.
51. The ability of a stream to transport material is referred to as it’s carrying capacity
52. A flood occurs when water spills over the sides of a stream’s banks.
53. As a stream erodes its path cuts through the sediment, a v shaped channel develops. When the stream starts to
bend or wind it is a meander. A blocked off meander becomes a(n) oxbow lake which will eventually dry up.
54. What is water that has high concentrations of calcium, magnesium or iron called hard water
55. Fan shaped deposit of sediment at the base of mountains is called an alluvial fan
56. What is a lake and what happens when a lake undergoes eutrophication? lakes become rich in nutrients from
the surrounding watershed
57. Where is the flow of water the fastest in a stream? Center of the stream
58. What is the percentage of the Earth’s water is saltwater 97% and what percentage is freshwater?_3%
59. What percentage of freshwater is in the glaciers? 90%
60. The percentage of pore space in a material is called porosity
61. The ability of a material to let water pass through it is called permeability
62. Be able to label zone of saturation, zone of aeration, and the water table.
63. Permeable underground layer through which groundwater flows relatively easily is called aquifer an
impermeable layer is called aquiclude
64. What is the major source of freshwater for human use? groundwater
65. Caves are formed when groundwater dissolves limestone. Calcium carbonate deposits formed from the ceiling
of caves stalactites. Calcium carbonate deposits that splash to the floor and build from the ground stalagmites
66. Irregular topography with sink-holes, sinks and sinking streams caused by groundwater dissolution of limestone
is called Karst topography.
67. What is the natural discharge of groundwater at Earth’s surface where an aquifer and an aquiclude come in
contact. spring What is heated water that is discharged from the ground hot spring
68. What is water under pressure in a confined aquifer?_artesian well
69. What are some groundwater pollution sources? Landfills, sanitation, fertilizer, salt, radon
70. Who came up with the theory of Continental Drift and was his theory widely accepted by scientists? Alfred
Wegener 444 no
71. What did they use to conclude that the continents were once connected? fossil & rock type records 444-445
72. What do scientists use to scan the ocean floor? Sonar 448
73. The age of the oceanic crust increases with distance from the oceanic ridge? 450
74. What is a magnetic reversal? 451 What element detects this in rocks? Change in earth’s magnetic field._iron
75. Who came up with the theory of seafloor spreading? 453 Alfred Wegener
76. What are the three boundaries where plates come together? convergent, divergent, transform 455
77. Divergent boundaries are places where plates separate? Where do they occur most often? seafloor 456
78. When two continents come together this is called a convergent boundary and what are formed? mountains 457
79. What is a subduction zone? when one plate goes under the other plate 457
80. Transform boundaries are characterized by long faults . example of a transform boundary. San Andreas 459
81. What are the three types of magma and which is the most explosive? Basaltic, andesitic, rhyolitic 473
82. How does temperature effect magma? Higher temp, more volatile Does silica make magma more or less
viscous? 475
83. In a volcano, lava erupts through an opening in the crust called a vent, the bowl shaped depression at the top is
called a crater, larger depressions are called caldera 481
84. Name the three types of volcanoes. Cinder-cone, shield, composite 482 What is a pluton? Intrusive igneous
rock body 476
85. Which volcanoes are the largest, which are the most volatile? Shield, composite 482
86. True or false, the distribution of volcanoes is random. 484 What is an example of a hot spot? Hawaiian
islands 486
87. Name the three types of faults and what type of force causes them? Reverse-compression; Normal-tension;
strike-slip-shear 497
88. What are the three types of seismic waves. P waves, s waves, surface waves. Which one can go through solids,
liquids, and gases p waves and which one can go through only solids. S waves. Which one moves back and forth
at right angles s-waves and which one pull rocks in the same direction? P waves 498
89. The point where an earthquake originates is the focus, directly above this on the earth’s surface is the epicenter
90. What does a seismometer record? Vibrations 500
91. Which waves arrive first at a seismic center? P waves. How many seismic centers does it take to find the
epicenter of an earthquake? Three
92. What causes a tsunami? Earthquake in the ocean 513
93. What does the Richter scale measure? magnitude. What does the Mercalli scale measure? damage
94. What produces greater vibrations in an earthquake, a shallow focus or a deep focus? 507
95. The atmosphere is made up of 78 percent Nitrogen and 21 percent oxygen?
96. Why is ozone important? Protects us from ultraviolet radiation 273
97. What layer of the atmosphere protects us from meteors? mesosphere
98. Which layer of the atmosphere has commercial airplanes, weather, balloons, and closest to the Earth’s surface?
Troposphere 274
99. Which layer has two parts, the ionosphere where the Northern lights are, and the exosphere. This is the hottest
layer. Thermosphere 274
Layer where the ozone is and jets fly? Stratosphere 274
What percentage of incoming solar radiation is absorbed by the earth’s surface? 50% 275
What percentage is absorbed by the atmosphere itself? 15% 275
What percent is reflected back into space by Earth’s surface? 35% 275
What absorbs energy faster light or dark objects? 275
What are the three ways energy is transferred to the Earth? Radiation, convection, conduction 275
What is the process of the transfer of energy by the flow of a heated substance? Convection 277
What is the process of the transfer of energy where substances are in contact with each other?
The height at which condensation occurs is the dew point 279
Warm or cold air rises?
What is a temperature inversion? Increase in temperature with height in an atmospheric layer 281
The amount of water vapor in the air is humidity 283
Cloud formation method where wind encounters a mountain. Orographic lifting 285
Clouds are determined by shape and altitude.
Alto are middle level clouds, strato are low level clouds, cirro are high level clouds. 287
Stringy or wispy clouds are called cirrus, layered clouds are called stratus, puffy clouds
arecalled. cumulous_and nimbus are gray rain clouds. 287
Cumulonimbus clouds are clouds of vertical development 289
When cloud droplets collide, they join together to form a larger droplet in a process called coalescence
The constant movement of water between the atmosphere and Earth is the water cycle 290
The process of changing a liquid to a gas is evaporation, the process of changing a gas to a liquid is
Condensation 290
What is the current state of the atmosphere? Weather 300
Long term variations in weather is called climate which is usually aged over the course of 30 years. 300
Air masses are classified by their source region 303
A continental tropical air mass is dry and warm
What is an air mass that acquires some of the characteristics of a new surface air mass modification
Coriolis effect causes air to be deflected to the _right in the northern hemisphere and to the left
In the southern hemisphere. This is due to the rotation of the earth. 305
What are the 3 basic global wind systems and where are they located? Tradewinds- 0-30 N & S latitude
Prevailing westerlies 30-60 N&S latitude and polar easterlies- 60-and the poles
Narrow bands of fast, high altitude westerly winds are called jet streams 307
What are the four types of fronts ?, stationary, when two air masses meet and neither advances,
cold when cold dense air displaces warm air and forces the warm air up. warm when advancing warm air
displaces cold air, occluded when a cold air mass overtakes a warm front and wedges warm air upward. 309
High pressure systems have fair weather and low pressure systems have stormy, cloudy weather. 310
What does a ceilometer measure? Cloud cover What does a barometer measure? Air pressure What
does a thermometer measure? temperature does a hygrometer measure? Relative humidity. What does an
anemometer measure? wind speed. 312
What is a radiosonde? balloon borne package of sensors to gather upper level data 314 What does a
Doppler effect measure? Speed of rain315
What are lines of equal value? Isopleths. What are they called when they connect temperature of equal
value isotherms what about pressures of equal value? isobars?317
When isopleth lines are close together it is a large difference & if they are far apart it means a small
What are more reliable short or long term forecasts? Short 321
What are the two types of forecasts? Digital is based on numerical data and analog is based on past
weather conditions? 319
The oceans were created from a comet strike and volcanism 388
What are the five oceans and which one is the largest? Arctic, Antarctic, Pacific, Indian, Atlantic (Pacific)
Seawater is a solution of about 96.5 percent water and 3.5 percent dissolved salts? 392
Where is the thermocline layer in the ocean transitional layer under the warm sunlit layer
True or False : the temperature of the bottom layer of ocean water is near freezing even in tropical
A wave is a rhythmic movement that carries energy through space. 399
The highest point of a wave is the crest the lowest point of a wave is the trough.399
Neap tides occur when the moon is at first and third quarter, spring tides occur when the moon is either
new or full. 400