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Our Place in
the Universe
Earth and Space Systems:
Earth, Orbits, Solar System, Patterns
Washington University in St. Louis
Institute for School Partnership
unit 23
MySci Project-Based Curriculum
Unit Structure
Unit 23
Our Place in the Universe
Visit the Unit 23 Curriculum Page for more resources:
How can we make a scale model of objects in our solar system?
What is the solar system?
How do the movements of the
Earth affect what we see during the
What patterns do we notice in the
night sky?
What is a system, and what is in
our solar system?
How does the appearance of the
sun’s path change over time?
What causes the phases of the
How does gravity affect the solar
system, and specifically, Earth?
How do shadows change
throughout the day?
What makes a star seems
bright to us?
How can we make a scale model of
the solar system?
Unit 23 (version 1.21.16) | Our Place in the Universe
Washington University in St. Louis Institute for School Partnership
Unit 23 Teacher Preparation List
MySci kits include:
Items teacher must supply:
Prep time/copying:
Lesson 1
6 bags of solar system cards
Post it notes
Chart paper or white board
Science notebooks & internet access
Review MySci Safety Guidelines
Copy and administer the preassessment
Copies of Is It a System? Probe
(Appendix i)
Copies of Solar System (Appendix
Lesson 2
Gravity is a Mystery, by Franklyn
M Branley
Small ball of string
Box of large paperclips
6 marbles
6 ping pong balls
6 rulers
Science notebooks & internet access
Books to suspend the rulers over
Computers for student use
Lesson 3
Flashlight and batteries
Inflatable globe
Science notebooks & internet access
Copies of Birthday Sunlight Hours
activity sheet (Appendix iii)
Copies of Evaluate (Appendix iv)
Lesson 4
30 Skewers
15 Cardstock
180 Labels
6 Compasses
5 flashlights and batteries
Flashlight from Lesson 3
12 pieces of sidewalk chalk
1 measuring tape
Science notebooks & internet access
Copies of A Sample Design For A
Sundial (Appendix v)
Copies of the Sun, Shadows and
Earth Assessment (Appendix vi)
Gnomon Activity Sheet (Appendix
Lesson 5
Skewers from Lesson 4
15 styrofoam balls
25 Moon Phase Chart strips
Black grease pencils
Science notebooks & internet access
Lesson 6
Star Gazers, by Gail Gibbons
LED Flashlight
1 large flashlight (From Lesson 3)
Black construction paper (8x1130 sheets)
White colored crayons
Science notebooks & internet access
Copies of the Analyzing Brightness
of Stars (Appendix viii-ix)
Lesson 7
Journey Through the Solar
System, Dr. Mae Jemison
Solar system mapping tool
Modeling clay
Rulers/meter sticks
Internet access
Copies of the Model Universe
Project (Appendix x-xii)
Copy and administer the postassessment
Unit 23 (version 1.21.16) | Our Place in the Universe
Washington University in St. Louis Institute for School Partnership
What is the Solar System?
Lesson 1: What is a system and what is in our solar system?
Define a system.
Describe the major components of our solar system.
Post it notes
The students explore the idea of “systems” and apply it to our solar system
through probes and sorting picture cards.
Ask the class: Can anyone define what the word system means? Can anyone name
a system? Listen to a few responses, then pass out Is It a System? (Appendix i)
to students. Have them complete questions 1 and 2 only, to the best of their
Ask the class to discuss and share ideas about the system probe. Students
should try to justify their choices on the probe as to why they are systems.
Give the definition of a system: “A system is a collection of things, including
processes that have influence on one another and the whole.” Students should
record this in question 3 on their paper.
On the handout, students should highlight all examples of systems together
as a class. (You may choose to have students make a T-chart of examples
and non-examples on the back.) Next have students complete questions
4 and 5 on their handout. Before they do this, model this by doing an
example together. For example: Water Cycle: components - rain, snow, ice,
oceans, clouds, groundwater; processes - rainfall, condensation, infiltration
For example: Water Cycle; Components: rain, snow, ice, oceans, clouds,
groundwater, etc.; Processes: Rainfall, condensation, infiltration, etc. Ask the
students what happens when one of the components is removed in a system?
Then, in pairs, students should choose any system and explain how it is a
system by including the parts and how they work together. Students
can record their response under questions 4 and 5 on the handout or do this
in writing in their science notebooks.
6 bags of solar system cards
Chart paper or white board
Internet access
Science notebooks
Copies of Is It a System? (Appendix i)
Copies of Solar System (Appendix ii)
Teaching Tip:
This icon highlights an opportunity
to check for understanding through a
formal or informal assessment.
Teaching Tip:
This lesson could take more than one class
Teaching Tip:
The only two items which could be debated
as to whether they are systems or not are the
pile of rocks and box of screws. Removing
one from the collection might have minimal
impact on the system. In all the other examples, removing or changing a component has
great impact on the system.
Ask the students: Why do we call the space our Earth is in the “solar system?”
What makes it a system? (Refer back to the definition of a system.) What does
solar mean? What else is in our solar system besides Earth? Is the sun the most
important component of our system? What does it do for our solar system? Make a
class list of what the class thinks is in our solar system.
Unit 23 (version 1.21.16) | Our Place in the Universe
Washington University in St. Louis Institute for School Partnership
Lesson 1 continued: What is a system and what is in our solar system?
Put students into six groups and give each group a set of solar system cards.
They should be instructed NOT to look at the back of the card that contains
information. Ask the students to sort the cards into categories based on what
they see. Pass out the post it notes for students to name their categories. Ask
the students give reasons or “rules” for categories made. Record the different
categories on the board or chart paper.
Students should turn over the cards and put the cards into categories based
on the “type” that is listed on the backs of the cards, i.e. planet, satellite, star.
Have a class discussion on the 6 types of objects in the solar system.
Ask the student to set aside the sun and 8 planet cards and put the other
 cards in the baggie. “Put the cards in order from the sun, using the
distance listed on the backs of the cards.”
Once the planets and sun are in order, students could add in the other
 objects by looking at the distance from the sun. Record the order of the
objects in their science journal. Then watch this video about our solar system:
Teaching Tip:
Point out that the sun is a star and the ONLY
star in our solar system.
Pass out and administer the Solar System (Appendix ii). Keep these as
 an assessment, and for the students to go back and add to over the unit.
Then watch this video about our solar system:
Unit 23 (version 1.21.16) | Our Place in the Universe
Washington University in St. Louis Institute for School Partnership
Lesson 2: How does gravity affect the solar system, and specifically, Earth?
Demonstrate and describe the effects of gravity on objects on Earth.
The students will explore different activities demonstrating the effect of gravity.
Hold up a notebook and a ruler, at the same height, one in each hand. Ask
the students if anyone can think of a way to get the ruler to move to the
book with out moving the ruler? Take several students’ ideas. Then move the
notebook under the ruler and drop it. Ask the students what the secret force
was and why the ruler moved to the notebook.
Put students into 6 groups and give each group a paper clip, a length of string,
and a ruler. Ask each group to demonstrate the force of gravity on Earth by
tying a paper clip attached to a string to the middle of a ruler. Suspend the
ruler between 2 desks of the same height. Point out that the paper clip is
pulled straight down by gravity. Have students predict what will happen if they
lift one side of the ruler. (Gravity will still pull the paper clip straight down)
No matter how high they lift one side of the ruler, the paper clip will always
fall/hang straight down due to the force of gravity.
Read Gravity is a Mystery to the class. Read the directions from page 32 out
loud to the class. Have students write down their answers in their science
notebooks. Have one student from each group stand on a chair and drop
the marble and ping pong ball from the height of their shoulder. The other
members of the group should make observations about if they hit the ground
at the same time. Tell them they can repeat the process if they are unsure.
Ask students: Why did both objects hit the ground at the same time even
though they are different sizes and have different masses?
Gravity is a Mystery, by Franklyn M Branley
Small ball of string
Box of large paperclips
6 marbles
6 ping pong balls
6 rulers
Science notebooks
Internet access
Books to suspend the rulers over
Computers for student use (individual or
Teaching Tip:
There might be the need for a discussion on
the difference between mass and weight.
Mass is a measure of how much matter
an object has. Weight is a measure of how
strongly gravity pulls on that matter. Thus if
you were to travel to the moon your weight
would change because the pull of gravity is
weaker there than on Earth but, your mass
would stay the same because you are still
made up of the same amount of matter.
Then have students repeat this using a piece of paper and a ping pong ball. The
group should make observations about if they hit the ground at the same time.
Finally, have them then crumple the paper into a ball and repeat the process.
The group should make observations about if they hit the ground at the same
Read the explanation to students at the bottom of page 32. Students should
takeaway that gravity is a force that pulls objects toward the center of Earth.
The force of gravity remains the same regardless of the weight, although shape
can cause the object to fall slower.
Complete the gravity activity on page 32 of “Gravity is a Mystery.” Pass out a
marble and ping pong ball to each group.
Unit 23 (version 1.21.16) | Our Place in the Universe
Washington University in St. Louis Institute for School Partnership
Lesson 2 continued: How does gravity affect the solar system, and specifically, Earth?
Tell the class: Gravity occurs other places than just on Earth. There is gravity on
other planets, the moon, and even on stars. Gravity is what holds our solar system
Ask students: Why does your weight change on different planets? Using pages 24
and 25 of the Gravity is a Mystery book, show students how much a person
who weighs 60 pounds on Earth will weigh on different planets, the moon and
the sun.
Teaching Tip:
In general, as diameter increases, weight
increases. This is because gravity is proportional to mass and larger planets are
generally heavier. To take this further, have
them separate the planets into gas and rock
and see how this data relates to the weight
on that planet.
Using the solar system cards (from Lesson 1) and the data on pages 24 and 25,
have students create a scatterplot of weight on the moon, each of the planets,
and the sun vs. diameter of the moon, each of the planets, and the sun. Ask
students: Do you see a relationship between the weight and the diameter? Why or
why not?
Ask the students to write 3 questions in which the answer is “gravity”.
 For example, a question could be: Why don’t we eat soup with a fork?
Another one might be: Why do you wear a belt if your pants are too big?
Ask: What object in our solar system has the greatest mass? (The sun) Say:
Gravity keeps the planets in orbit around the sun because the sun has the largest
mass. Students should get out computers and go to:
This site allows students to build a solar system and shows how gravity keeps
the planets in orbit. Students can also explore:
This site allows students to see their weight on other planets and objects in the
universe due to the different gravitational pulls.
Unit 23 (version 1.21.16) | Our Place in the Universe
Washington University in St. Louis Institute for School Partnership
How do the movements of the
Earth affect what we see during
the day?
Lesson 3: How does the appearance of the sun’s path change over time?
Explain how the positions of the sun and earth change daily and over a year.
Flashlight and batteries
Explain how the length of a day relates to the relative positions of the sun and
the earth.
Inflatable globe
The students explore sunrise/sunset charts to determine the length of daylight
hour variation throughout the year, and its causes.
Copies of Birthday Sunlight Hours activity
sheet (Appendix iii)
Ask the class: Can some of you tell me when your birthday is? (Take a few
responses.) Who thinks their birthday has the potential for most sunlight hours?
Why? What do we have to know to find out the answer? Have the students
write the answer in their science journal. When they finish, have the students
discuss their answer in a group, then have the group report to the class.
Science notebooks
Ask the class: How could we find out exactly how much sun there was or will be
on your birthday? (Take several responses.) If no one suggests a sunrise/sunset
chart, ask them of anyone has seen on the weather report when they announce
the time of sunrise and set. Several weather sources have the times on their
websites. Here are two options:
Copies of the Evaluate Activity Sheet
(Appendix iv)
Internet access
Optional (for Simple “Suntrack” Model):
Sturdy 10” paper plates
12” pipe cleaners
White beads
Adhesive tape
Sunrise/Sunset Times
Sunrise/Sunset Charts
When you get to these websites, you will have to put in the correct month,
day and/or year. Ideally, students should work in groups with a computer to
research the time of sunset and sunrise on each of their birthdays. If computer
access is a problem, you can visit this website:
RS_OneYear.php and put in the year, state, and city. Then you can “Compute
Table” and print this off for each student and have them find the sunrise and
sunset times of each of their birthdays. Have the students fill out the Birthday
Sunlight Hours activity sheet (Appendix i).
Teaching Tip:
The sunrise and sunset chart recommended
for printing is written in 24-hour clock
time. The students will need to know
that 1300=1:00pm, 1400=2:00pm,
1500=3:00pm, 1600=4:00pm,
1700=5:00pm, 1800=6:00pm, etc. For
example, my birthday, Nov 19th, the sun rises
at 7:06 and sets at 17:01, or 5:01pm. I will get
9 hours and 54 minutes of sunshine.
Have students line up by birthday, each then saying how many hours of
daylight they have. Ask: Is it going up or down from person to person?
Unit 23 (version 1.21.16) | Our Place in the Universe
Washington University in St. Louis Institute for School Partnership
Lesson 3 continued: How does the appearance of the sun’s path change over time?
Ask the class: Who has the most hours of sunlight? How many? Who had the
shortest? How does that compare with what you wrote earlier in your science
notebook? Some of you said that the sun shines longer in the summer than the
winter. Can you explain how that happens?
Teaching Tip:
Asking students before the activity and
videos gives you a chance to assess for prior
knowledge. After doing the activity and
watching the video, students will go back to
their picture and modify their drawing.
Have the students draw a picture in their science notebooks of how the
position of the earth and sun affect the amount of sunlight.
Ask a student to hold the globe and another student hold the flashlight. Tell
the class that the flashlight represents the sun and the globe the Earth. Have
the “sun” and “Earth” stand in the middle of the room and have the “Earth”
demonstrate the difference between revolve and rotate. Have the “Earth”
model a day by spinning the globe (ROTATE). Have the”Earth” model a year
by walking around the sun (REVOLVE). Ask the class what else does the
“Earth” need to do to show the seasons. If no one suggest tilting the Earth,
show the students with the globe how it is the tilt of the Earth that makes
the seasons.
Then watch:
Why are there Seasons?
Reason for Seasons
Ask the class: Where does the sun appear to rise and set? How could we find out?
To find out, have students watch:
which explains what an anelemma is, or the path the sun takes in one year.
The pictures were taken at the same place at the same time for one year.
Explain to students that the pictures show how the path of the sun varies
throughout the seasons due to the tilt of the Earth.
Optional Activity:
Print out the directions from
Suntrack-Model/Suntrack-Model.pdf to build a model suntracker. The
suntracker shows how the sun’s path moves throughout the year.
Pass out Evaluate Activity Sheet and have students complete it
 (Appendix iv). Answer key:
Earth spinning once on its
own axis
Rotate/ Rotation
A day
Earth orbiting once around
the sun
Revolve/ Revolution
A year
Earth’s axis isn’t straight up
and down
Seasons/Day Length
Unit 23 (version 1.21.16) | Our Place in the Universe
Washington University in St. Louis Institute for School Partnership
Lesson 4: How do shadows change throughout the day?
Observe and record changes in shadows during the day and use the data to
understand the sun’s position in the sky.
Students will record the change in shadows during the day. Students
will explain why shadows change throughout the day. (This lesson has 2
investigations on length of shadows. The teacher will need to decide which one
(or both) is appropriate for her class.)
Ask: Does anyone know what time it is? How do you know? How did people tell
time before there were clocks? Has anyone heard of a sundial? Watch the sundial
Tell the class: We are going to make sundials with a group. Here are the
1. Have students cut the gnomon template from Appendix v. Students can
then trace this on cardstock and cut it out.
2. Fold pattern along the dashed line so the flap is on the side of the
gnomon. This flap will allow the gnomon to stand on its own.
3. Tape the gnomon to the middle of another piece of cardstock. Use the
picture on the template as an example. If the gnomon remains floppy,
then tape a skewer to it to provide support.
Tell the class that they need to have the gnomon facing True North. Use the
compasses to find True North. Students should keep their sundial in the same
place throughout the day where it can get constant sunlight (if the classroom
setup allows) or should place the sundial in the same position and direction
outside each time they record shadows throughout the day.
Students should trace the outline of the shadows from the gnomon onto the
cardstock at least 5 times throughout the day. Students might want to use
different color pencils or markers for each recording. Students should put the
time inside their shadow.
Discuss observations of shadow lengths. Questions might include:
How do shadow lengths change during the day? (The shadows show the sun’s
movement throughout the day.) Why do they change? (Same answer). Is there
a pattern to where the shadows fall and their lengths? (West to east, since the
sun “moves” from east to west, shorter in the middle of the day) Why is there a
Unit 23 (version 1.21.16) | Our Place in the Universe
Washington University in St. Louis Institute for School Partnership
Skewer from Lesson 3
15 cardstock
180 labels
6 compasses
Flashlight from Lesson 3
12 pieces of sidewalk chalk
1 measuring tape
Science notebooks
Internet access
Copies of A Sample Design For A Sundial
(Appendix v)
Copies of the Sun, Shadows and Earth
Assessment (Appendix vi)
Gnomon Activity Sheet (Appendix vii)
Teaching Tip:
Each shadow activity should be done
throughout the day so students are able
to observe different shadow positions and
lengths. Watch the forecast for two clear,
sunny days. You will need to go outside
multiple times throughout days 1 and 2 to
correctly complete the activity. This is a two
day lesson.
Teaching Tip:
This activity should be done at the beginning
of the day or a day before the lesson for
preparation. Students will need to record
shadows on the sundial throughout the day.
Teaching Tip:
You may have to combine data if you teach
multiple sections of students at different
times of the day, or take data at different
times of day to supplement what your
students are able to collect during your class
Lesson 4 continued: How do shadows change throughout the day?
Is the Sun directly overhead at any time? (Only on the equator is the sun
directly overhead, otherwise, it is a little north or south of directly overhead.)
Why is the shortest shadow around noon? (Sun is more directly overhead.)
Students should now measure the length of their shadows from their cardstock
and record it in the data table on Appendix vii.
Students can then create a line graph to show how the length of the shadow
changes over the course of a day and answer questions about why they see the
observed pattern.
Alternate Elaborating Activity: Students will use a flashlight to simulate
the sun’s position in the sky during summer (directly overhead) and
winter (sun positioned at an angle). Use an object (Barbie or GI Joe)
or the student’s hand and trace the shadow when the sun is directly
overhead and when it is low at an angle. This will allow them to see the
difference in the shadow length depending on the season and angle of the
sun’s position in the sky.
Teaching Tip:
This activity should be started at the beginning of the day and/or you can prepare
students with directions a day before the activity. Students will need to record shadows
on the worksheet throughout the day.
Teaching Tip:
If students did not have the opportunity to
collect all of the measurements for the times
of day listed on Appendix vii, provide them
with the data. For example, sample data
could be:
8:00 AM - 6.7 cm
10: 00 AM - 3.7
12:00 PM - 6.4
2:00 PM - 14.3
4:00 PM - 49.0
Pass out Sun, Shadows, and Earth Assessment (Appendix vi). Have the
students fill it out, then discuss answers.
Students should be in groups of three. One student will serve as the human
gnomon, one student will serve as the recorder, and one student will serve as
the measurer. At the beginning of the day, explain the activity to students and
record the first shadows. You might want to model the first measurement with
an example group prior to letting students do the activity.
Students will go outside with their partners and find space for their activity.
The human gnomon should face NORTH at all times (recall this direction
from yesterday’s lesson and/or bring out the compasses). Trace the human
gnomon’s feet. This is the spot that the gnomon will stand in each time the
group comes outside to observe and record.
The measurer will trace the human gnomon’s shadow and measure this shadow
with the measuring tape. The recorder should record this information on the
Gnomon Activity Sheet (Appendix vii). The recording should include the
correct direction, position, and length of the shadow. The recorder should also
include the position of the sun in the sky.
Unit 23 (version 1.21.16) | Our Place in the Universe
Washington University in St. Louis Institute for School Partnership
Teaching Tip:
Answer key to Sun, Shadows and Earth
1. B
2. D
3. A
4. C
5. axis
6. B
7. D
What patterns do we notice
in the night sky?
Lesson 5: What causes the phases of the moon?
Describe the pattern of the moon over a month’s time.
Students make models of the moon and its phases.
Say to the class: In the last lesson we talked about things we could see in the sky
during the day. Now lets talk about the sky at night. What have we noticed?
Have the students work in groups to come up with lists of things they have
seen in the night sky. Have each group give one word at a time, and write it on
a chart. The next group has to give a different word.
Skewers from Lesson 4
15 styrofoam balls
25 Moon Phase Chart strips
Flashlights from Lessons 3 and 4
Black grease pencils
Science notebooks
Internet access
Ask the class: Has anyone noticed what happens to the moon? How does it change
during month? Why does it look different to us?
is a video of the activity we are
going to do. Pass out the skewers and balls, and flashlights to groups of students. Have them experiment with the materials to try and demonstrate the
different phases of the moon. Have groups share with the class.
Watch Moon Phases then
What is a Moon Phase?
Have the groups go back and try to represent the different phases using the
skewers, balls and flashlights.
Offer extra credit for any student who will follow the moon for one month.
Tell them they will need to pick a spot in front or back of their house where
they can see the moon, and draw the outline of the house or other nearby
landmark nearby. Every evening at the same time (very important), they
should draw where they see the moon and what it looks like. They should
draw the moon phases on the same piece of paper.
Unit 23 (version 1.21.16) | Our Place in the Universe
Washington University in St. Louis Institute for School Partnership
Lesson 5 continued: What causes the phases of the moon?
Download the moon chart for the current year from
moon_phases/2015 and copy.
Pass out the moon phase strips and the current moon chart to pairs of
students. Give each pair of students a particular month so that all
months are covered. Have them fill out the moon phase strip.
Teaching Tip:
Teachers have used the completed moon
charts in several ways. Some have lined them
up from end to end, others have stacked
them. Each configuration shows the pattern
of the phases of the moon.
1. Fill out the days of the month in the squares below the moons.
2. Using the moon chart for this year, first identify where the full moon
and new moon fall on the moon strip.
3. Color the new moon in with a grease pencil. Then find the quarters
and color them accordingly.
4. Then the students can make the crescent and moon shapes of the
Have students line up by month to represent the moon phases over the course
of the year.
Unit 23 (version 1.21.16) | Our Place in the Universe
Washington University in St. Louis Institute for School Partnership
Lesson 6: What makes a star seem bright to us?
Demonstrate that a star’s brightness is determined by size, intensity and/or
The students explore the relationships between distance and brightness of
stars using models.
Read Star Gazers, by Gail Gibbons. Ask the class: Why do some stars look
brighter than others in the night sky? Explain your thinking. Students write
thoughts in their notebooks. Share out with class.
Ask the class: Is bigger brighter?
Star Gazers by Gail Gibbons
LED Flashlight
1 large flashlight from Lesson 3
Black construction paper (8x11-30 sheets)
White colored crayons
Science notebooks
Internet access
Copies of Analyzing Brightness of Stars
(Appendix viii-ix)
Using these 2 flashlights of different size and brightness, how can we simulate
discovering whether a star is closer or brighter? Take several students ideas for
conducting the investigation.
This is a simple demonstration activity to prove that the apparent brightness
of a star cannot be used to judge its distance from Earth.
1. Place the small flashlight on a desk or table near the front of the
2. Place the large flashlight on a desk or table near the back of the room.
3. Have the students gather at the front of the room so they can all see
both flashlights easily.
4. Turn on both flashlights.
5. Darken the room.
6. Observe and compare the apparent brightness of the two flashlights.
7. Move the two flashlights back and forth until they both appear to
have the same brightness.
Ask the class: Can the brightness of a star tell us about its distance from Earth?
Explain your thinking. Students write thoughts in their notebooks. Share out
with class.
Tell the class: The thing we notice first about stars is that some look brighter or
dimmer. You might think the brighter ones are closer to us and the dimmer ones are
further away from us. Astronomers have learned that stars vary a lot in the energy,
Unit 23 (version 1.21.16) | Our Place in the Universe
Washington University in St. Louis Institute for School Partnership
Lesson 6 continued: What makes a star seem bright to us?
and therefore the amount of light, they produce.
Ask the class: If you didn’t know which flashlight was which, would you be able to
tell which one produced the most light?
Take several student’s thoughts about using brightness to determine distance
before going into the following discourse:
This is one of the most fundamental questions about the stars. Is it bright
because it is close, or is it bright because it is intrinsically bright? This is why
astronomers must know the distance to a star. Without knowing the distance,
it’s hard to get meaningful information about the other properties of the star.
Some stars look bright because they are very near the Sun. Others look equally
bright but are many times further away from the Sun. These more distant stars
are extraordinarily bright. Without knowing the distance it’s impossible to
distinguish between the two.
The two flashlights can be compared to the stars Sirius and Rigel. Sirius is
about twice as bright as Rigel, but Rigel is almost 100 times further away than
Sirius. Sirius is about 27 times as powerful as the Sun, but Rigel has the power
of many thousands of Suns. Sirius looks very bright because it is close. If Rigel
were as close as Sirius it would be blindingly bright.
Pass out Analyzing Brightness of Stars (Appendix viii-ix). Have students look
at the data table. Ask students: What do you notice?
Explain that A light year (which is a unit of distance, NOT time!) is the distance that light travels in a single year. Then have students work with a partner
to complete the questions based on the chart.
Ask: Thinking about the information from the lesson, how would you create
 your own constellation? What factors do you need to consider? Students will
use the black construction paper to create their constellations.
The student will create a constellation with a minimum of 5 stars (and name
their stars). They should decide the distance from Earth for each star. Students will present their constellations to the class pointing out star names,
brightness and their distances from Earth.
Teaching Tip:
Website for teacher information on constellations and great websites for students:
Good Sites for Kids: Astronomy http://www.
For additional information on using the
flashlights to show star brightness:
Star Luminosity
Teaching Tip:
Students should notice by doing the
questions that the luminosity shows how
bright the star actually is, but the apparent
brightness is influenced by the distance the
star is from Earth. Sirius is the brightest star
(besides the Sun) but it’s luminosity is low.
However, it is the closest star to Earth (besides the Sun). Therefore, the brightness of a
star depends a lot on its distance from Earth.
Teaching Tip:
Answer Key to Appendix viii-ix
1. Brighter stars have lower apparent
2. Rigel
3. Luminosity for each star is how many
times brighter than the sun the star is when
you are near it. Apparent brightness is how
bright the star appears from Earth.
4. Sirius
5. Luminosity: 25, Distance from Sun: 8.611
light years
6. Sirius appears bright because it is closer
to the Earth than other stars.
7. Luminosity is how bright a star is if you
are near it. It doesn’t depend on the distance
from Earth.
8. Stars with high luminosity can appear
dim from Earth if they are very far away. For
example Rigel is 120,000 times brighter than
the sun but appears dim from Earth because
it is 860 light years away.
Unit 23 (version 1.21.16) | Our Place in the Universe
Washington University in St. Louis Institute for School Partnership
Lesson 7: How can we make a scale model of the solar system?
Observe that objects in the solar system vary widely in size and the distances
between objects in the solar system are very large.
Create a model that compares two objects found in the solar system.
This lesson combines science, engineering, and mathematics. Students will
learn how to create an accurate scale model of two objects in the solar system
using proportional reasoning. They will most likely have to go through at least
one re-design step before they build their model. They will gain an understanding of the vast distances between objects and a sense of the scale of the
solar system.
Journey Through the Solar System, Dr. Mae
Solar System Mapping Tool
Modeling Clay
Copies of Model Universe Project (Appendix
Rulers/meter sticks
Internet access
Using the Solar System Mapping Tool, demonstrate the scale of distances by
carefully pulling out the tape as you walk across the room. Then watch https://
Do you think that this model is realistic? Do you think the sizes, distances between
objects, and speeds are realistic? Why or why not?
Make copies of Pages 30-31 of Journey Through Our Solar System. Tell
students that these are examples of different NASA Probe missions that have
taken place. In order to plan these missions, scientists need to understand
how far away objects are from Earth and the radius of the orbits of planets.
Tell students that they will be designing and building a realistic model of two
objects in our solar system that could be used by NASA scientists to begin to
plan a space mission.
Pass out Copies of Model Universe Project (Appendix x-xii) to the students.
Review the project, step by step. Begin the project by giving the students the
following information:
Sun1,392,000 km
Saturn116,500 km
Earth12,740 km
Moon3,474 km
Pluto2,368 km
Teaching Tip:
Answer: Sun, Saturn, Earth, moon, Pluto
Teaching Tip:
A helpful website: http://www.exploratorium.
The pairs of objects are listed in order of
easiest pair to most challenging pair. You
may want to assign each student/pair/group
the objects they should model.
Students may need some guidance on how
to measure the diameter of a round object.
Here is one method that requires one meter
stick or ruler to measure and another straight
ruler or stick to measure. Make sure that
the two rulers are perpendicular. Read the
diameter on the ruler where the stick meets
Distances from each other (NOTE! This is the radius of the orbit).
The Earth and The Moon
The Sun and the Earth
The Sun and Saturn
The Sun and Pluto (Challenging!)
384,400 km
150,000,000 km
1,430,000,000 km
5,910,000,000 km
Unit 23 (version 1.21.16) | Our Place in the Universe
Washington University in St. Louis Institute for School Partnership
NOTE! If your ruler or meter stick does not
start at zero, students should line up zero on
the ruler with the edge of the desk.
Lesson 7 continued: How can we make a scale model of the solar system?
After students have gotten the initial information for their project, they
should complete the calculations (Appendix xi) that they can use to design
and redesign their model.
After students built their model, give them an opportunity to present it
 to the class. Students should then complete the Reflect portion of their
Model Universe Project (Appendix xii).
Read other sections of Journey Through Our Solar System to the class.
Discuss what kinds of information NASA probes have gathered on their
journeys to distance planets. Ask students to record five new facts that they
did not know about the solar system.
Unit 23 (version 1.21.16) | Our Place in the Universe
Washington University in St. Louis Institute for School Partnership
Key to Understanding the
NGSS Codes
NGSS codes begin with the grade
level, then the “Disciplinary
Core Idea code”, then a standard
number. The Disciplinary Core
Ideas are:
Define a simple design problem reflecting
a need or a want that includes specified
criteria for success and constraints on
materials, time, or cost.
Support an argument that differences in the
apparent brightness of the sun compared to
other stars is due to their relative distances
from Earth.
Generate and compare multiple possible
solutions to a problem based on how
well each is likely to meet the criteria and
constraints of the problem.
PS1: Matter and its interactions
Represent data in graphical displays to reveal
patterns of daily changes in length and
direction of shadows, day and night, and the
seasonal appearance of some stars in the night
PS2: Motion and stability: Forces
and interactions
Plan and carry out fair tests in which
variables are controlled and failure points
are considered to identify aspects of a
model or prototype that can be improved.
PS3: Energy
Life Sciences
Support an argument that the gravitational
force exerted by Earth on objects is directed
Physical Sciences
PS4: Waves and their applications
in technologies for information
LS1: From molecules to organisms:
Structures and processes
LS2: Ecosystems: Interactions,
energy, and dynamics
LS3: Heredity: Inheritance and
variation of traits
LS4: Biological evolution: Unity and
Earth and Space Sciences
ESS1: Earth’s place in the universe
ESS2: Earth’s systems
ESS3: Earth and human activity
Engineering, Technology, and
Applications of Science
ETS1: Engineering design
ETS2: Links among engineering,
technology, science, and society
For more information, visit http://www.
Unit 23 (version 1.21.16) | Our Place in the Universe
Washington University in St. Louis Institute for School Partnership
NGSS (continued)
Asking Questions and Defining Problems
• Ask questions about what would happen if a variable is changed.
• Identify scientific (testable) and non-scientific (non-testable) questions.
• Ask questions that can be investigated and predict reasonable outcomes
based on patterns such as cause and effect relationships.
• Use prior knowledge to describe problems that can be solved.
• Define a simple design problem that can be solved through the development of an object, tool, process, or system and includes several criteria for
success and constraints on materials, time, or cost.
Developing and Using Models
• Identify limitations of models
• Collaboratively develop and/or revise a model based on evidence that
shows the relationships among variables for frequent and regular occurring
• Develop a model using an analogy, example, or abstract representation to
describe a scientific principle or design solution.
• Develop and/or use models to describe and/or predict phenomena.
• Develop a diagram or simple physical prototype to convey a proposed
object, tool, or process.
• Use a model to test cause and effect relationships or interactions concerning the functioning of a natural or designed system.
Planning and Carrying Out Investigations
• Plan and conduct an investigation collaboratively to produce data to serve
as the basis for evidence, using fair tests in which variables are controlled
and the number of trials considered.
• Evaluate appropriate methods and/or tools for collecting data.
• Make observations and/or measurements to produce data to serve as the basis for evidence for an explanation of a phenomenon or test a design solution.
• Make predictions about what would happen if a variable changes.
• Test two different models of the same proposed object, tool, or process to
determine which better meets criteria for success.
Analyzing and Interpreting Data
• Represent data in tables and/or various graphical displays (bar graphs,
pictographs and/or pie charts) to reveal patterns that indicate relationships.
• Analyze and interpret data to make sense of phenomena, using logical
reasoning, mathematics, and/or computation.
• Compare and contrast data collected by different groups in order to discuss
similarities and differences in their findings.
• Analyze data to refine a problem statement or the design of a proposed
object, tool, or process.
• Use data to evaluate and refine design solutions.
Using Mathematics and Computational Thinking
• Decide if qualitative or quantitative data are best to determine whether a proposed object or tool meets criteria for success.
• Organize simple data sets to reveal patterns that suggest relationships.
• Describe, measure, estimate, and/or graph quantities (e.g., area, volume, weight,
time) to address scientific and engineering questions and problems.
• Create and/or use graphs and/or charts generated from simple algorithms to
compare alternative solutions to an engineering problem.
Constructing Explanations and Designing Solutions
• Construct an explanation of observed relationships (e.g., the distribution of plants
in the back yard).
• Use evidence (e.g., measurements, observations, patterns) to construct or support an explanation or design a solution to a problem.
• Identify the evidence that supports particular points in an explanation.
• Apply scientific ideas to solve design problems.
• Generate and compare multiple solutions to a problem based on how well they
meet the criteria and constraints of the design solution.
Engaging in Argument from Evidence
• Compare and refine arguments based on an evaluation of the evidence presented.
• Distinguish among facts, reasoned judgment based on research findings, and
speculation in an explanation.
• Respectfully provide and receive critiques from peers about a proposed procedure, explanation, or model by citing relevant evidence and posing specific
• Construct and/or support an argument with evidence, data, and/or a model.
• Use data to evaluate claims about cause and effect.
• Make a claim about the merit of a solution to a problem by citing relevant
evidence about how it meets the criteria and constraints of the problem.
Obtaining, Evaluating and Communication Information
• Read and comprehend grade-appropriate complex texts and/or other reliable
media to summarize and obtain scientific and technical ideas and describe
how they are supported by evidence.
• Compare and/or combine across complex texts and/or other reliable media
to support the engagement in other scientific and/or engineering practices.
• Combine information in written text with that contained in corresponding
tables, diagrams, and/or charts to support the engagement in other scientific
and/or engineering practices.
• Obtain and combine information from books and/or other reliable media to
explain phenomena or solutions to a design problem.
• Communicate scientific and/or technical information orally and/or in written
formats, including various forms of media as well as tables, diagrams, and charts.
Space Systems: Stars and the Solar System
PS2.B: Types of Interactions
The gravitational force of Earth acting
on an object near Earth’s surface pulls
that object toward the planet’s center.
ESS1.A: The Universe and its Stars
The sun is a star that appears larger and
brighter than other stars because it is
closer. Stars range greatly in their distance from Earth. (5-ESS1-1)
ESS1.B: Earth and the Solar System
The orbits of Earth around the sun and of
the moon around
Earth, together with the rotation of Earth
about an axis between its North and
South poles, cause observable patterns.
These include day and night; daily changes in the length and direction of shadows;
and different positions of the sun, moon,
and stars at different times of the day,
month, and year. (5-ESS1-2)
• Similarities and differences in patterns can be
used to sort, classify, communicate and analyze
simple rates of change for natural phenomena and
designed products.
• Patterns of change can be used to make predictions.
• Patterns can be used as evidence to support an
Cause and Effect: Mechanism and Prediction
• Cause and effect relationships are routinely
identified, tested, and used to explain change.
• Events that occur together with regularity might or
might not be a cause and effect relationship.
Scale, Proportion, and Quantity
• Natural objects and/or observable phenomena
exist from the very small to the immensely large or
from very short to very long time periods.
• Standard units are used to measure and describe
physical quantities such as weight, time,
temperature, and volume.
Systems and System Models
• A system is a group of related parts that make up
a whole and can carry out functions its individual
parts cannot.
Unit 23 (version 1.21.16) | Our Place in the Universe
Washington University in St. Louis Institute for School Partnership
Systems and System Models (cont’d)
• A system can be described in terms of its
components and their interactions.
Energy and Matter: Flows, Cycles, and Conservation
• Matter is made of particles.
• Matter flows and cycles can be tracked in terms
of the weight of the substances before and after a
process occurs. The total weight of the substances
does not change. This is what is meant by
conservation of matter. Matter is transported into,
out of, and within systems.
• Energy can be transferred in various ways and
between objects.
Structure and Function
• Different materials have different substructures,
which can sometimes be observed.
• Substructures have shapes and parts that serve
Stability and Change
• Change is measured in terms of differences over
time and may occur at different rates.
• Some systems appear stable, but over long periods
of time will eventually change.
Key to Understanding the
GLE Codes
GLE Standards
GLE codes are a mixture of numbers
and letters, in this order: Strand, Big
Idea, Concept, Grade Level and GLE
The most important is the strand. The
strands are:
1. ME: Properties and Principles of
Matter and Energy
3. LO: Characteristics and Interactions
of Living Organisms
4. EC: Changes in Ecosystems and
Interactions of Organisms with their
5. ES: Processes and Interactions of
the Earth’s Systems (Geosphere,
Atmosphere and Hydroshpere)
6. UN: Composition and Structure of
the Universe and the Motion of the
Objects Within It
7. IN: Scientific Inquiry
8. ST: Impact of Science, Technology
and Human Activity
For more information, visit http://dese.
2. FM: Properties and Principles of
Force and Motion
Third Grade
UN 1 A 3 a
Describe our Sun as a star because it provides
light energy to the solar system
UN 1 A 3 b
Observe and identify the Moon is a reflector
of light
UN 2 B 3 a
Illustrate and describe how the Moon appears
to move slowly across the sky from east to west
during the day and/or night
UN 2 B 3 b
Describe the pattern of change that can be
observed in the Moon’s appearance relative to
time of day and month as it occurs over several
Fifth Grade
UN 1 A 5 a
Observe and identify the Earth is one of several
planets within a solar system that orbits the
UN 1 A 5 b
Observe and identify the Moon orbits the Earth
in about a month
UN 2 B 5 a
Sequence images of the lit portion of the Moon
seen from Earth as it cycles day-to-day in about
a month in order of occurrence
UN 2 C 5 a
Identify the Earth rotates once every 24 hours
UN 2 C 5 b
Relate changes in the length and position of
a shadow to the time of day and apparent
position of the Sun in the sky, as determined by
Earth’s rotation
UN 2 C 5 c
Relate the apparent motion of the Sun, Moon,
and stars in the sky to the rotation of the Earth
IN 1 C 5 b
Use data as support for observed patterns and
relationships, and to make predictions to be
IN 1 C 5 c
Evaluate the reasonableness of an explanation
IN 1 C 5 d
Analyze whether evidence supports proposed
IN 1 D 5 a
Communicate the procedures and results of
investigations and explanations through: oral
presentations, drawings and maps, data tables,
graphs (bar, single line, pictograph), writings
Unit 23 (version 1.21.16) | Our Place in the Universe
Washington University in St. Louis Institute for School Partnership
IN 1 A 5 a
Formulate testable questions and explanations
IN 1 A 5 b
Recognize the characteristics of a fair and
unbiased test
IN 1 A 5 c
Conduct a fair test to answer a question
IN 1 A 5 d
Make suggestions for reasonable improvements
or extensions of a fair test
IN 1 B 5 b
Determine the appropriate tools and techniques
to collect data
IN 1 B 5 c
Use a variety of tools and equipment to gather
data (e.g., hand lenses, magnets, thermometers,
metric rulers, balances, graduated cylinders,
spring scales)
IN 1 B 5 d
Measure length to the nearest centimeter, mass
to the nearest gram, volume to the nearest milliliter, temperature to the nearest degree Celsius,
force/weight to the nearest Newton
IN 1 B 5 e
Compare amounts/measurements
IN 1 B 5 f
Judge whether measurements and computation
of quantities are reasonable
IN 1 C 5 a
Use quantitative and qualitative data as support
for reasonable explanations
ST 1 B 5 a
Describe how new technologies have helped
scientists make better observations and measurements for investigations (e.g., telescopes,
electronic balances, electronic microscopes,
x-ray technology, computers, ultrasounds, computer probes such as thermometers)
MySci Instructional Unit Development Team
Skyler Wiseman, K-5 Curriculum and Instructional
Specialist, Team Leader
Kimberly Weaver, Engineering Educator
Gennafer Barajas, Communications Coordinator
Victoria May, Executive Director of Institute for
School Partnership, Assistant Dean of Arts and
Chris Cella, ISP Resource Center Fleet and
Warehouse Coordinator
James Peltz, Warehouse Assistant
Paul Markovitz, PhD, Science Educator
Keith May, Operations and Materials Manager
Diane Pilla, ISP Resource Center Project Coordinator
Rachel Ruggirello, Curriculum and Assessment
Jeanne Norris, Teacher in Residence
Jack Weigers, PhD, Science Educator
Katherine Beyer, PhD
Robert Montgomery
Amy Auman
Rich Huerermann, PhD, Administrative Officer,
Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
Harold Levin, PhD, Professor Emeritus,
Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
Charlie McIntosh, Engineering
Carol Ross-Baumann, Earth Sciences
Bob Coulter, Director, Litzsinger Road Ecology
Jennifer Hartley, Senior Supervisor of Pre K-8
School Programs
Sheila Voss, Vice President of Education
Teacher Authors, Field Testers and Contributors
Kate Kopke
Sue Ritcher
Ama Martinez
Michael Cranford
Ben Fortel
Tracy Hager
Megan Kinkade
Anne Kome
Heather Lewis
Jessica Miller
Elizabeth O’Day
Mike Szyalowski
Jen Szyalowski
Matt Wightman
Rebecca Zubrick
Gary Schimmelfenig
Uchenna Ogu
Justin Brotherton
Eric Hadley
Christine Ries
Tonja Robinson
Laura Caldwell
Karen Doering
Emily Dolphus
Shaylne Harris
Amelia Hicks
Cathy Holway
Gary Schimmelfenig
Kelli Becker
Sara Berghoff
Rita Bohlen
David Busch
Bill Caldwell
Georgene Collier
Arianna Cooper
Jennifer Forbes
Susan Gentry
Toni Grimes
Debra Haalboom
Stephanie Heckstetter
Lesli Henderson
Christina Hughes
Stephanie Knight
Scott Kratzer
Stephanie Latson
Jane McPartland
Lisa McPherson
Darice Murray
Dawn Proubst
Lisa Schuster
Twyla Veasley
Sonya Volk
Carol Welch
Cherronda Williams
Justin Woodruff
Angie Lavin
Jenny Wand
Joe Zapf
Olga Hunt
Dawn Lanning
J. Carrie Launius
Julie Radin
Kristin Gosa
Jill Kruse
Leslie Jones
Renate Kirksey
Chris Cheatham
Katie Lambdin
Chris Curtis
Kim Dannegger
Vicki Martin
Amanda Denson
Andrea King
Chris Curtis
Allison O’Very
Kaytlin Kirchner
Matt Parker
Chip (Paul) Ianiri
Jackie Ramey
Sarah Funderburk
Stephanie McCreary
Melissa Yount-Ott
Unit 23 (version 1.21.16) | Our Place in the Universe
Washington University in St. Louis Institute for School Partnership
Julia Graham
Meggan McIlvaine
Meghan McNulty
Kristy Santinanavat
Melanie Turnage
Stephanie Valli
JoAnn Klees
Debra Granger
Nina Harris
Charlotte Smith
Courtney Keefe
Kevin Stross
Trish Alexander
Courtney Amen
Stacy Carmen
Stacy Castro
Lotashia Ellis
Amanda Grittini
Aubrea Grunstead
Julie Kulik
Kayla LaBeaume
Jane Marchi
Laura MCoy
Mary Patton
Amy Robinson
Carol Wolf
Lillian Blackshear
Gayle Campbell
Nikki Davenport
Kate Fairchild
Elizabeth Gardner
Anna Hoegemann
Aileen Jones
Daphne Owana
Tori Palmer
Monique Patterson
Precious Poole
Debbie Rosso
Vickie Stevens
Is It a System?
Section 1, Lesson 1
1. Which of the following are systems?
pile of rocks
water cycle
box of screws
fish tank
Pacific Ocean
sunflower seed
2. What rule did you use to decide?
3. What makes something a system?
4. Pick one of the items you chose as a system and describe how it functions as a system.
5. Pick one of the items you did not choose as a system, and explain why it is not a system.
Unit 23 (version 1.21.16) | Our Place in the Universe
Washington University in St. Louis Institute for School Partnership
Appendix i
Solar System
Section 1, Lesson 1
What do you think of when you hear “solar system?” What does each word mean on its own and what do they
mean together?
Draw a picture of our solar system and label some of the things in it. Try to put 10 items in the picture!
Unit 23 (version 1.21.16) | Our Place in the Universe
Washington University in St. Louis Institute for School Partnership
Appendix ii
Birthday/Sunlight Hours
Section 2, Lesson 3
When is your birthday?
1. Does your birthday usually have a lot of daylight?
2. Explain why you chose “yes” or “no”.
3. What season is your birthday?
(After the Explaining and Elaborating Question Discussions)
4. Do you still agree with your answer to number 1? Why or why not?
5. Why does the length of daylight change throughout the year?
Draw an illustration explaining number 5 on the back of this paper.
Unit 23 (version 1.21.16) | Our Place in the Universe
Washington University in St. Louis Institute for School Partnership
Appendix iii
Evaluate Activity Sheet
Section 2, Lesson 3
Use the words and phrases in the word bank to fill in the following chart. Note! You must place each word or
phrase in the correct location. Some boxes will have more than one word or phrase.
A day
Day Length Differences
A year
Earth spinning once on its own
Earth orbiting once around the sun
Earth’s axis isn’t straight up and
Draw a picture demonstrating these concepts below.
Unit 23 (version 1.21.16) | Our Place in the Universe
Washington University in St. Louis Institute for School Partnership
Appendix iv
A Sample Design For a Sundial
Section 2, Lesson 4
On the right is a pattern you can
use to make a gnomon for a sundial.
Just photocopy to heavy paper, cut
out, and tape to cardstock.
Plan to take your gnomon outside on
the next sunny day.
This edge should
be lined up with the
Fold this piece and stick to cardstock
Aim your gnomon towards the south.
Soon, you will be able to see the shadow
cast by the gnomon onto the paper plate.
Mark every hour and you will have made
a sundial!
Unit 23 (version 1.21.16) | Our Place in the Universe
Washington University in St. Louis Institute for School Partnership
Appendix v
Sun, Shadows and Earth Assessment
Section 2, Lesson 4
1. The apparent motion of the Sun is that it rises in
and sets in the
6. At which of the following times will a shadow be
A. north, south
A.8:00 AM
B. east, west
C. west, east
C.10:00 AM
D. south, north
D.2:00 PM
2. Why does the Sun appear to move across the sky
each day?
7. How long would a complete day (including
daytime and nighttime) on Earth be if it did not
spin on its axis?
A. The Sun is orbiting the Earth.
A.24 hours
B.The Earth is orbiting the Sun.
B.1 month
C.The Sun is rotating on its axis.
C.3 months
D.The Earth is rotating on its axis.
3. The Earth’s rotation on its axis takes
A.1 day C. 365 days
B.1 week
D. 1 month
4. Earth’s revolution takes about
A.1 day C. 365 days
B.1 week
D. 1 month
D.1 year
8. Explain your thinking to question 7.
5. The imaginary straight line drawn through the
earth around which the earth rotates is the (fill in
the blank)
Unit 23 (version 1.21.16) | Our Place in the Universe
Washington University in St. Louis Institute for School Partnership
Appendix vi
Gnomon Activity Sheet
Section 2, Lesson 4
Use the information from the table above to make a line graph.
length of shadow in centimeters
time of day
What patterns do you notice about shadow lengths and time of day?
Unit 23 (version 1.21.16) | Our Place in the Universe
Washington University in St. Louis Institute for School Partnership
Appendix vii
Analyzing Brightness of Stars
Section 2, Lesson 6
Analyze the chart above, then answer the following questions:
1. Do brighter stars have higher or lower apparent brightness?
2. What star has the highest luminosity?
3. Describe the difference between luminosity and apparent brightness.
4. What is the brightest star we can see from Earth, besides the sun, listed in the chart?
5. What is the star’s luminosity?
Distance from Earth?
What makes this star appear so bright?
Unit 23 (version 1.21.16) | Our Place in the Universe
Washington University in St. Louis Institute for School Partnership
Appendix viii
Analyzing Brightness of Stars (continued)
7. Does luminosity not depend on the star’s distance from Earth?
8. Why can a star that is very high in luminosity still appear to be not very bright on Earth?
Unit 23 (version 1.21.16) | Our Place in the Universe
Washington University in St. Louis Institute for School Partnership
Appendix ix
Model Universe Project
Section 3, Lesson 7
The goal of this project is for you to design and build a realistic model of two objects in our solar system.
Choose a pair of objects:
The Earth and The Moon
The Sun and the Earth
The Sun and Saturn
The Sun and Pluto (Challenging!)
The two objects I’m going to model are
Research and record the following information. Make sure that you use the same units for each of the
measurements. (Use the information given in the Explore section of Lesson 7.)
Object 1, Actual Diameter
Object 2, Actual Diameter
Actual Distance from Object 1 to Object 2
The source of my information was:
You will also need some modeling clay to make small balls to use in your model to represent one of your
objects. Decide if your model object will represent Object 1 or Object 2. Measure the diameter of your ball
and record it below. Be sure to include the units.
My model object is (describe):
I will use it to represent (Object 1 or Object 2):
Diameter of model object and units:
Unit 23 (version 1.21.16) | Our Place in the Universe
Washington University in St. Louis Institute for School Partnership
Appendix x
Model Universe Project (continued)
First, you should figure out the diameter of the other object in your model. Use the three values you know
(two actual diameters and one diameter for your model) and create a proportion. Show and/or describe the
math you used to find the missing value.
Next, you should figure out how far apart your two model objects should be. Use the three values you know
(the actual and model diameters for object 1 and the actual distance from Object 1 to Object 2) to find the
missing value.
What do you think about your design? Can you find something round of the correct size to represent both
objects? Can you place the two model objects the correct distance apart or is the distance too far for you to
If you can build your model as it is, go ahead! If you can’t build the model as you designed it, you will have
to REDESIGN it! You can’t change the actual values, so you must change your original ball for your model.
Should you choose a larger or smaller object?
Choose a new object, measure it, and re-do your calculations in your science notebook.
Build your model and describe /draw it here. Label your objects and distances.
Unit 23 (version 1.21.16) | Our Place in the Universe
Washington University in St. Louis Institute for School Partnership
Appendix xi
Model Universe Project (continued)
How does your model compare to models created by others?
Did anything in this project surprise you? If so, what surprised you and why?
Unit 23 (version 1.21.16) | Our Place in the Universe
Washington University in St. Louis Institute for School Partnership
Appendix xii
Vocabulary Words
All Sections and Lessons
We recommend that students participate in investigations as they learn vocabulary, that it is introduced as they
come across the concept. MySci students work collaboratively and interact with others about science content also
increasing vocabulary. The hands-on activities offer students written, oral, graphic, and kinesthetic opportunities to
use scientific vocabulary and should not be taught in isolation.
solar system
relative distance from Sun
relative distance from Earth
apparent brightness
scale model
Unit 23 (version 1.21.16) | Our Place in the Universe
Washington University in St. Louis Institute for School Partnership
Appendix xiii