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The Water Cycle
Water never leaves the Earth. It is constantly
being cycled through the atmosphere, ocean,
and land. This process, known as the water
cycle, is driven by energy from the sun. The
water cycle is crucial to the existence of life on
our planet.
A. Water Storage in Ice & Snow
• Includes ice caps, glaciers, and permanent
B. Precipitation
• Rain, snow, sleet, hail, etc.
• Under correct temperature and
atmospheric pressure, small water
droplets in clouds become larger and
C. Snowmelt runoff to streams
D. Infiltration
• Some precipitation soaks into ground.
As it filters through soil and rock layers,
it becomes cleaner (impurities are
filtered out)
E. Groundwater Discharge
• Some ground water returns to
the surface either through the
roots of plants or wells dug by
F. Ground Water Storage
• Water stored underground
G. Water Storage in Oceans
• 97% of the water
on earth is stored
in oceans
H. Evaporation
• Liquid water turns into water vapor in the
• High temperature & low air pressure
make this happen
I. Condensation
• Water turns from vapor to liquid
(opposite of evaporation)
• Lower temperatures favor condensation
J. Water Storage
• In the form of
clouds and fog,
water can be
stored in the
K. Evapotranspiration
• Plants absorb water from the soil, move
it through their roots and stem to the
• Water is released through the leaves into
the atmosphere.
L. Sublimation
• Water turns directly from a
solid to a gas (snow or ice to
water vapor)
M. Surface Runoff
• Water normally flows downhill unless a
force other than gravity is acting upon
N. Streamflow
• Streams and rivers flow downhill.
O. Spring
• Places where
freshwater is
released from
P. Freshwater Storage
• Ponds, rivers, streams