Guidelines for Canadian Drinking Water Quality
... Nitrate and nitrite are widespread in the environment. They are naturally produced by the oxidation of nitrogen by microorganisms and, to a lesser extent, by lightning. The most common sources of these substances are human activities, including agricultural activities, wastewater treatment, and disc ...
... Nitrate and nitrite are widespread in the environment. They are naturally produced by the oxidation of nitrogen by microorganisms and, to a lesser extent, by lightning. The most common sources of these substances are human activities, including agricultural activities, wastewater treatment, and disc ...
Geotube® Dewatering Technology
... The TenCate Geotube® dewatering system is increasingly being used as a means of both simplifying the sludge dewatering process and effectively increasing the volume of sludge handling capacity of the drying beds. Whereas in the past the drying beds had to be emptied at regular intervals, the time fo ...
... The TenCate Geotube® dewatering system is increasingly being used as a means of both simplifying the sludge dewatering process and effectively increasing the volume of sludge handling capacity of the drying beds. Whereas in the past the drying beds had to be emptied at regular intervals, the time fo ...
... Legionellosis is a collection of infections that emerged in the second half of the 20th century, and that are caused by Legionella pneumophila and related Legionella bacteria. The severity of legionellosis varies from mild febrile illness (Pontiac fever) to a potentially fatal form of pneumonia (Leg ...
... Legionellosis is a collection of infections that emerged in the second half of the 20th century, and that are caused by Legionella pneumophila and related Legionella bacteria. The severity of legionellosis varies from mild febrile illness (Pontiac fever) to a potentially fatal form of pneumonia (Leg ...
Appendix J Response to Public Comments Received by April 9, 2015
... technologies that can reduce or eliminate toxic effects of salinity within a relatively small area (100 m from the discharge). Further, neither commingling brine with wastewater nor discharging brine through diffusers requires the intake of additional seawater. As stated in the proposed Desalination ...
... technologies that can reduce or eliminate toxic effects of salinity within a relatively small area (100 m from the discharge). Further, neither commingling brine with wastewater nor discharging brine through diffusers requires the intake of additional seawater. As stated in the proposed Desalination ...
2016 Pediatric Medication Handbook
... information or for any errors or omissions in this handbook or from any consequences arising from them. Because of the brevity of this handbook, readers are encouraged to consult other references (eg, Lexi-Comp™) for complete drug information. Also, the reader is advised that decisions regarding dru ...
... information or for any errors or omissions in this handbook or from any consequences arising from them. Because of the brevity of this handbook, readers are encouraged to consult other references (eg, Lexi-Comp™) for complete drug information. Also, the reader is advised that decisions regarding dru ...
Control of Hydrogen Sulfide from Groundwater Using Packed
... Sulfide, b) Sulfate, c) TOC, d) Chloride, e) pH, and f) Turbidity. Data from 1998-2005.............................................................................................. 63 Figure 20. Comparison of Impacts of Anion Exchange (AE) on a) Hydrogen Sulfide, Organic Carbon (TOC) and b) Sulfate, ...
... Sulfide, b) Sulfate, c) TOC, d) Chloride, e) pH, and f) Turbidity. Data from 1998-2005.............................................................................................. 63 Figure 20. Comparison of Impacts of Anion Exchange (AE) on a) Hydrogen Sulfide, Organic Carbon (TOC) and b) Sulfate, ...
Chapter 6.5 Fluorides - WHO/Europe
... potassium from red blood cells; the resulting hyperkalaemia and hypocalcaemia have been implicated as contributing factors in fluoride-induced arrhythmias (29,32). The acute effects of hydrogen fluoride inhalation are extreme irritation of the respiratory tract with coughing and choking; upon contac ...
... potassium from red blood cells; the resulting hyperkalaemia and hypocalcaemia have been implicated as contributing factors in fluoride-induced arrhythmias (29,32). The acute effects of hydrogen fluoride inhalation are extreme irritation of the respiratory tract with coughing and choking; upon contac ...
... I am grateful to Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment for providing National Science Fellowship (NSF) scholarship for this project. ...
... I am grateful to Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment for providing National Science Fellowship (NSF) scholarship for this project. ...
Phosphorus and Onsite Wastewater Systems
... deposits are being depleted there have been discussions in the past 10 years of phosphorus production peaking and declining, which raises concerns about the ability to keep the world fed. Others believe that new deposits of phosphorus will be discovered and made available averting any potential glob ...
... deposits are being depleted there have been discussions in the past 10 years of phosphorus production peaking and declining, which raises concerns about the ability to keep the world fed. Others believe that new deposits of phosphorus will be discovered and made available averting any potential glob ...
Extract from EPA Batneec Guidance Note For The Extraction of
... represents the requirements expected of any new activity covered by the Note, but does not exclude additional requirements which may form part of the granting of a licence for a specific site. The approach to be used in selecting BATNEEC is based on the following hierarchy: ...
... represents the requirements expected of any new activity covered by the Note, but does not exclude additional requirements which may form part of the granting of a licence for a specific site. The approach to be used in selecting BATNEEC is based on the following hierarchy: ...
Methanol removal from methanol-water mixture using
... with sludge solution, these samples were prepared and left 48 hours before the analysis steps. Then, samples were analyzed in the biological laboratory at University of Nizwa, picture of bacterial growth are shown in Figs. 11, 12 and 13. It appears in these figures that the increase of methanol conc ...
... with sludge solution, these samples were prepared and left 48 hours before the analysis steps. Then, samples were analyzed in the biological laboratory at University of Nizwa, picture of bacterial growth are shown in Figs. 11, 12 and 13. It appears in these figures that the increase of methanol conc ...
Phosphorus Removal Guide for Wastewater Operators
... are often programmed to report results as PO4-P. Fortunately, it is easy to convert. In most cases, the default programming can be changed to report as P. But, if not, or if it necessary to review as PO4-P data, it can readily be converted to as P by dividing by three. Example: a 21 mg/L as PO4P is ...
... are often programmed to report results as PO4-P. Fortunately, it is easy to convert. In most cases, the default programming can be changed to report as P. But, if not, or if it necessary to review as PO4-P data, it can readily be converted to as P by dividing by three. Example: a 21 mg/L as PO4P is ...
... nitrite and nitrate requires oxygen, indicated in Eqs. (25.9) and (25.10), and so the discharge of ammonia nitrogen and its subsequent oxidation can seriously reduce the dissolved-oxygen levels in rivers and estuaries, especially where long residence times required for the growth of the slow-growing ...
... nitrite and nitrate requires oxygen, indicated in Eqs. (25.9) and (25.10), and so the discharge of ammonia nitrogen and its subsequent oxidation can seriously reduce the dissolved-oxygen levels in rivers and estuaries, especially where long residence times required for the growth of the slow-growing ...
I1284E-Cover [Converted].ai - Food and Agriculture Organization of
... Organic. Organic pollution consists of organic wastes and compounds. As noted above, depending on the nature of the organic pollutant, freshwater bodies can often assimilate a certain amount of organic pollutants without serious effects. However, left unabated, organic pollution can alter the ecolog ...
... Organic. Organic pollution consists of organic wastes and compounds. As noted above, depending on the nature of the organic pollutant, freshwater bodies can often assimilate a certain amount of organic pollutants without serious effects. However, left unabated, organic pollution can alter the ecolog ...
Tempo Ultra WP - Backed By Bayer
... This pesticide is toxic to fish. Remove from premises or tightly cover fish tanks and disconnect aerators when applying indoors where such containers are present. Drift and runoff from treated areas may be hazardous to aquatic organisms in neighboring areas. Apply this product only as specified on t ...
... This pesticide is toxic to fish. Remove from premises or tightly cover fish tanks and disconnect aerators when applying indoors where such containers are present. Drift and runoff from treated areas may be hazardous to aquatic organisms in neighboring areas. Apply this product only as specified on t ...
Chapter 5
... nitrate. Nitrification can be achieved in any aerobic biological process at low organic loadings and where suitable environmental conditions are provided. Nitrifying bacteria are slower growing than the heterotrophic bacteria, which comprises the greater proportions of the biomass in both fixed film ...
... nitrate. Nitrification can be achieved in any aerobic biological process at low organic loadings and where suitable environmental conditions are provided. Nitrifying bacteria are slower growing than the heterotrophic bacteria, which comprises the greater proportions of the biomass in both fixed film ...
Microalgae Cultivation in Wastewater for Nutrient Removal
... Wastewater is the spent or used water containing dissolved or suspended solids such as pollutants and microbes, including nutrients. The wastewater discharged into the water bodies are hazardous to environment and cause various health problems in human beings. Eutrophication is one such major enviro ...
... Wastewater is the spent or used water containing dissolved or suspended solids such as pollutants and microbes, including nutrients. The wastewater discharged into the water bodies are hazardous to environment and cause various health problems in human beings. Eutrophication is one such major enviro ...
Stormwater Manufactured Treatment Devices
... treat, at a minimum, the stormwater runoff from the 1.8-inch, 1-year, 24-hour storm event, to prevent pollutants from being transported downstream. Use MTD Type 1 as the standard Stormwater MTD for general pollutant removal. Use MTD Type 1 that contains a sump for sediment deposition with a series o ...
... treat, at a minimum, the stormwater runoff from the 1.8-inch, 1-year, 24-hour storm event, to prevent pollutants from being transported downstream. Use MTD Type 1 as the standard Stormwater MTD for general pollutant removal. Use MTD Type 1 that contains a sump for sediment deposition with a series o ...
Full-Text PDF
... avoiding its treatment within the activated sludge processes. Antimicrobial agents are among the most commonly used pharmaceuticals. However, although antibiotics are of great importance for human health, they can also be a great problem for the environment. During wastewater treatment, antibiotics ...
... avoiding its treatment within the activated sludge processes. Antimicrobial agents are among the most commonly used pharmaceuticals. However, although antibiotics are of great importance for human health, they can also be a great problem for the environment. During wastewater treatment, antibiotics ...
Simply put, biofilms are a collection of microorganisms
... In order to destroy the cells responsible for forming the biofilm, the chemical or disinfectant must first react with the surrounding polysaccharide network. The cells themselves are not actually more resistant; rather they have surrounded themselves with a protective shield making it more difficult ...
... In order to destroy the cells responsible for forming the biofilm, the chemical or disinfectant must first react with the surrounding polysaccharide network. The cells themselves are not actually more resistant; rather they have surrounded themselves with a protective shield making it more difficult ...
biodegradation of nutrient rich tannery effluent using cell suspension
... ride, Sulphate, Phosphorous and Nitrogen of the effluents were analyzed following the Standard Methods of APHA (1989). MASS Culture of Pseudomonas putida The viability of Pseudomonas putida from pure culture was maintained by regular subcultures on the nutrient agar slant to have the stock through o ...
... ride, Sulphate, Phosphorous and Nitrogen of the effluents were analyzed following the Standard Methods of APHA (1989). MASS Culture of Pseudomonas putida The viability of Pseudomonas putida from pure culture was maintained by regular subcultures on the nutrient agar slant to have the stock through o ...
PDF w - Potters Without Borders
... was applied to filters in different quantities and ways (dipping and painting). Filters were also tested without any colloidal-silver application. Hydraulic conductivity of the filters was quantified using changing-head permeability tests. [3H]H2O water was used as a conservative tracer to quantify ...
... was applied to filters in different quantities and ways (dipping and painting). Filters were also tested without any colloidal-silver application. Hydraulic conductivity of the filters was quantified using changing-head permeability tests. [3H]H2O water was used as a conservative tracer to quantify ...
Biological Denitrification Using Upflow Biofiltration In Recirculating
... except in one case where the influent pH fell below 7.0. This influent ratio corresponded with a consumption ratio of 4.62 ± 0.28 mg sCOD/mg NOx-N for complete nitrogen removal. COD was detected in all effluent samples (Figure 2c), with an average concentration of 22.5 ± 3.02 mg sCOD/L even when NOx ...
... except in one case where the influent pH fell below 7.0. This influent ratio corresponded with a consumption ratio of 4.62 ± 0.28 mg sCOD/mg NOx-N for complete nitrogen removal. COD was detected in all effluent samples (Figure 2c), with an average concentration of 22.5 ± 3.02 mg sCOD/L even when NOx ...
Whitepaper Wastewater treatment in the dairy
... reduction, then an anaerobic wastewater treatment can be inserted prior to the aerobic wastewater cleaning. By this means, the benefits of the anaerobic process (75 - 80% COD reduction, reduced excess sludge, usable energy from biogas) can be combined with the benefits of the aerobic process (COD el ...
... reduction, then an anaerobic wastewater treatment can be inserted prior to the aerobic wastewater cleaning. By this means, the benefits of the anaerobic process (75 - 80% COD reduction, reduced excess sludge, usable energy from biogas) can be combined with the benefits of the aerobic process (COD el ...
The presence of arsenic in drinking water in Latin America
... role in the conversion of As+3 and As+5. It appears that glutathione (GSH) acts as a reducing agent. The As+3 forms can be methylized (oxidation and formation of methylarsenic - As+5) if the functional group S-adenosylmethionine (SAM) is accepted. The probable end-product of continuous methylation i ...
... role in the conversion of As+3 and As+5. It appears that glutathione (GSH) acts as a reducing agent. The As+3 forms can be methylized (oxidation and formation of methylarsenic - As+5) if the functional group S-adenosylmethionine (SAM) is accepted. The probable end-product of continuous methylation i ...
Ultraviolet germicidal irradiation
Ultraviolet germicidal irradiation (UVGI) is a disinfection method that uses short-wavelength ultraviolet (UV-C) light to kill or inactivate microorganisms by destroying nucleic acids and disrupting their DNA, leaving them unable to perform vital cellular functions. UVGI is used in a variety of applications, such as food, air, and water purification. UV-C light is weak at the Earth's surface as the ozone layer of the atmosphere blocks it. UVGI devices can produce strong enough UV-C light in circulating air or water systems to make them inhospitable environments to microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, molds and other pathogens. UVGI can be coupled with a filtration system to sanitize air and water.The application of UVGI to disinfection has been an accepted practice since the mid-20th century. It has been used primarily in medical sanitation and sterile work facilities. Increasingly it has been employed to sterilize drinking and wastewater, as the holding facilities are enclosed and can be circulated to ensure a higher exposure to the UV. In recent years UVGI has found renewed application in air purifiers.