Download Water Pollution Major Pollutants Oxygen-Demanding Waste

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Major Pollutants
Water Pollution
Some substance or condition that so
degrades water quality that it cannot
be used for a specific purpose
• Oxygen demanding
wastes - ex. Sewage
• Pathogens
• Inorganic chemicals
• Trace organic
chemicals – ex. PCB
• Plant nutrients
• Sediment
• Radioactive
• Heat
• Point source – comes from a single
– Sewage treatment plant effluent
• Non-Point Source – large number of
– Urban run-off
Oxygen-Demanding Waste
Agricultural waste
Food processing waste
Pulp mill waste
• Organic matter decays
– Degraded by bacteria
– Bacteria use up oxygen
– Oxygen concentration goes to 0
• Kills fish
• Foul odors
• Stream flows past point source of organics
• Stream eventually recovers
– Dilution
– Invasion of new oxygen
– Organics used up
• Stream cleans itself
Water Bourne
Typhoid and paratyphoid
Weanling diarrhea
Legions of parasites
• Nearly all caused by
fecal contamination of
drinking water
Most Pathogens are too rare
to detect
So what do we do?
• E. coli
– Common in vertebrate feces
– Provides Marker of fecal contamination
• Culture and count coliforms
– Easy to do
• Drinking water – no coliforms
• Swimming – 200/100ml
• If water exceeds these limits, it must be
Wastewater Treatment
Mimics Stream
• Primary treatment
– Remove large material
• Secondary treatment
– Remove organics
• Tertiary treatment
– Remove plant nutrients
Secondary Treatment Methods
• Activated sludge
– Aerate in tank
– Get froth that is removed
• Trickling Filters
– Waste trickled over a bed of gravel
• Stabilization Ponds
Waste Stabilization Ponds
– Put waste in ponds
• Septic tanks
– Put tank in ground and pipe sewage to it
– Allow sewage to percolate into ground
Plant Nutrients as Pollutants
Nitrates and Phosphates
• You can work hard to remove all of the
organic matter from sewage, but plant
nutrients are still left
• Plants in lakes and streams take nutrients
and recreate the organic matter
• Result is a bright green soup!!!
• Process called EUTROPHICATION
Is Eutrophication Bad?
It depends on who you are
• Good – if you want to produce food from
the water
– Some fish grow better
• Bad – if you want to use the lake for
– Causes tastes and odors
– Degrades water for recreational use
How to reverse eutrophication
• Remove nutrients from lake
– Tertiary treatment of sewage
• Removes nutrients
– Reduce non-point sources of nutrients
• Fertilizers
• Leaky septic tanks
The Dead Zone
Eutrophication of the Sea
• Region of Gulf of Mexico off the Mississippi
• Scientists noticed that oxygen levels were
• Seems to be caused by excess nutrients coming
into Gulf from the Mississippi
– Mainly nitrates
• Source of nutrients unclear
– Maybe Midwest farmlands