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Name __________________
Islam Reading Guide
Pages 68-73
1. Islam means ______________ to the will of _____________ (God).
2. Muslims believe that God's word was revealed to a man called _____________ in the early
__________century CE. In time, Muhammad became known as the ________ of
God, or the ____________ . Currently, there are about _______________________ Muslims
in the world, mainly in the Middle East, _________________ , and parts of ____________ .
Muhammad's Early Life
3. Muhammad was born in _____________ , in what is now Saudi Arabia. Brought up by a
generous uncle, he became a camel-driver, _____________ , husband, and ____________ .
Within his community, Muhammad was known as ________________________ .
4. Muhammad disapproved of the _____________ of his fellow people and their belief in many
5. The belief in one God, as upheld by _____________ , had spread to ____________ but had
since been all but lost.
God Speaks
6. Muhammad used to go into the mountains to ___________ and ____________ . Around
his ____________ birthday, while he was in a cave on ________________ , near Makkah,
God spoke to Muhammad for the first time through the angel ______________ (Gabriel).
7. Jibril said that ____________ must tell the people of Makkah to _______________ from
their gods, and worship _____________ , the one true god. The messages of Jibril were later
written down as the Muslim
The Migration
8. Muhammad began to preach in Makkah with the central message that " ___________ ___".
As Muhammad's popularity grew, ________________________leaders
began to _____________against him. In 622, Muhammad and his followers fled to the city
now called ______________________, City of the ___________________.
9. Pictures and illustrations in page 69 . How did Muhammad and his friend, Abu Bakr, escape
being captured by the soldiers that were sent by the political leaders?
10. The journey to Madinah is known as the ___________ , or migration. This is also known as
the “Nights Journey”
11. In _________________, the Muslims were able to conquer ___________, and Muhammad
was finally accepted as the ______________________ of God.
Muhammad's Death
12. After the death of Muhammad in ________, Abu Bakr made this announcement. "Those of
you who ____________ Muhammad must accept that Muhammad is _____________ . As
for those of you who worship ____________ , Allah is living and will ________________ "
13. Muslims do not ___________ Muhammad but, as Allah's _____________ , he is regarded
with the greatest ____________ . When Muslims say or write Muhammad's name, they
also add the words "
Islamic sayings
14. In the space provided, copy one of the Islamic saying on page 70 and explain its meaning.
Saying: ___________________________________________________________________
Sacred writings
15. The ____________ is the Islamic ______________ and is believed to be the word of
____________ as it was revealed to Muhammad during the last _____ years of his life.
16. At first, the words of Allah were ___________ and passed down by___________________.
The ___________________________________ were not collected into a ____________ until
after the prophet's ____________ .
17. Most Muslims try to learn to read the Qur'an in its original ______________ , even if this is
not their own __________ . Muslims also ______________ as a sign of
___________________before touching the Qur' an. The collective name for Muhammad's
_____________ and ____________ is the Sunnah.
Muslim Beliefs
18. List the seven Islamic beliefs:
2. ________________________________________
3. ________________________________________
5. _______________________________________
6. ________________________________________
The Prophets and Books
19. Muslims believe in the ____________ of the _____________ and ____________ , such as
Adam, ____________ (Abraham), ______________ (Moses), and _____________ (David).
They also recognize Isa (_________ ) as in important prophet, but not as the ___________
of God.
20. Muslims regard Muhammad as the last of the ____________ , who received the
_____________ and ___________ message from God.
21. Muslims refer to Jews and Christians as " _____________________________" out of
respect for the _________________________and____________________________.
The Day of Judgment
22. After death, Muslims believe that the ____________ of every person will be
_____________ . People whose ____________ deeds outweigh their ____________ deeds,
will be able to ____________ a narrow pathway across ____________ and safely reach
The Will of Allah
23. The Qur’an teaches that God is in __________ of ___________ that happens. Muslims try to
do the __________ of Allah rather than following an ____________ path through life.
The Five Pillars of Islam
24. Fill in the Five Pillars of Islam
The _____________: Declaration of Faith. “There is no God but ________ and
Muhammad is the __________________.
_______________: Muslims pray five times a day facing Makkah. List the times of
the day that Muslims Pray. 1_______________, 2_________________,
3__________________, 4_______________ and 5_______________________
______________: Muslims who can afford it, should give at least __________% of
their savings and other ______________ every year to the ______________.
______________: Fasting during the ninth Islamic month, ____________. Muslims
________ and _______ nothing during __________hours. Ramadan is a time for
studying the Qur’an, showing ________________, and caring for others.
______________: A pilgrimage to _____________ which involves visiting the
______________. The Ka’bah is thought to have been built by _____________ and
one of his sons, Isma’il.
25. Nobody is allowed to go to _______________ without making sure that their family is
provided for while they are away. Men wear ________ garments to enter Makkah at Hajj, as a
sign that all are ____________.
The Spread of Islam
26. After Muhammad’s ____________, the Muslims were ____________ by a series of leaders
called _________ (which means “_________”). The first caliph was Muhammad’s friend,
27. The Muslim capital moved from Makkah to ________________ and then to _____________
Iraq, where it was to remain for the next __________ years.
28. The Muslims ______________ and controlled Spain and ____________ up until the
_________________ century, when the _____________ of Spain and Portugal joined forces to
____________ them.
Muslim Scholarship
29. Mathematics, _____________, medicine, ______________, and art all flourished in Muslim
world, especially between about _________ and __________. They replaced the clumsy
Roman numeral system with ____________ numerals. They also established the __________
system of writing in tens, __________, thousands, etc.
30. Write the Arabic numeral seven: ____________ Write the Roman numeral 7 _________
Later Islamic Empires
31. What were the names of the three empires that were at their height in the sixteenth and
seventeenth centuries? 1_________________, 2__________________,
32. By the fifteenth century, Muslims had ______________most of the Christian
__________world including Constantinople, which they renamed ________________
Sunni and Shi'ah Islam
33. The two branches of Islam that were formed after Muhammad's death are
______________ and ____________ Islam.
34. Who did the Sunnis believe to be the rightful successor? _______________________
35. Who did the Shi'ites believe to be the first true heir?
36. About _______ % of the world's Muslims are_________________________.
37. Shi'ites and Sunnis share views on the Qur'an, _________________, God and worship,
but differ slightly in the ways they ________________________________________ .
38. A small branch of Islam known as ____________ tries to seek a close ________________
relationship with ____________and gain inner __ ___________directly
from him. Sufi worship includes music, _______________ dancing, and ____________ .
Places of worship
39. Muslims go to mosques to _____________together and ____________ other Muslims. The
Arabic meaning for mosque is " _________________ ". Besides having a main ___________
room, there might be rooms for _____________and a courtyard for ritual _______________.
40. Some mosques may have a ____________and ______________ on them. These symbols
have no ____________ significance but came to be associated with the
______________calendar and because the ___________speaks of stars as being one of the
signs of ____________ .
41. Almost all mosques have at least one tower, called a ____________ . _____________ times
a day, the mosque relays the Arabic call to ___________ , often by ____________ , from a
minaret. The call to prayer is called the Adhan, and the person who _____________ is called
he mu' adhin.
42. The wall that faces ____________ has a small _____________ in it called a mihrab. This
draws people's ____________ in the direction of the ____________
43. All ____________ Muslims are _____________ to attend mosque on ____________ for
prayers at ____________ . Women who attend must _____________ their heads and sit
____________ in a screened-off area. As a sign of ____________ for Allah, all Muslims
must wash their hands, ____ , face, and ____________before entering the Mosque. This
ritual is called ___________ .
44. When entering the prayer hall, Muslims must ____________ their shoes and since there are
no ______________ , they must sit or _____________on the _____________. Muslims
kneel on a prayer _______________for cleanliness.
45. When ____________ , Muslims must face in the direction of the Ka'bah in ______________ .
46. Worship in a mosque is led by an imam, or " _____________________ ". The prayers are in
_____________ and are followed by ___________ called rakahs. Each rakah involves the
_____________ body, as a sign of being totally ___________ before God.
47. Why do Muslims use prayer beads when praying?
48. How many beads are there on a prayer string and what do they represent?
Islamic art
49. The Qur' an forbids ___________ of any kind to be made of ____________ or
What are two of the reasons your book provides for not allowing these images?
1. ________________________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________________________
50. The art of ______________________is also called _____________________. Muslim
calligraphers create beautiful _________________, using texts from the________________,
prayers and names of _____________________.
Islam in everyday life
51. The religious ________ of Islam come from the Qur' an and are called ____________ ,
which means the "clear, _________ path". They are _____________on matters ranging
from a person's ___________ to affairs of the ____________ In some Muslim countries,
there is very little ____________ between_____________ laws and the laws of the
52. To help prevent ___________ outside of marriage, Muslim men and women are expected
to ______________and ______________modestly.
53. Many Muslim women ______________themselves from__________ to__________ . The
reasoning is that it ____________ them from unwanted ____________ attention and allows
them to be respected for ________________ , not __________________.
Food laws
54. In Islam, meat must be ____________ in a certain way in order for it to be permitted. The
name of ___________ is said as the animal is being ____________ , and its __________
is always drained. Muslims are also forbidden to eat ________________meat or drink
The Jihad
55. The inner ____________ a person has to live a good ________ is called the ____________
It also includes trying to _________others over to _____________by setting a good example.
Birth customs
56. What ritual must a father perform in order for his new born child to be called a Muslim?
57. Seven days after _________, the baby has a______________ ceremony. Babies
are usually named after ____________ or a member of his ____________ . The baby's hair
is _____________off and _____________ . Traditionally its weight is given in
____________ to the poor, but now ___________ is often given instead.
58. Although circumcision is not required by the ______________ , Muslim boys are still
circumcised. What is the custom behind this ritual?
A Muslim Upbringing
59. What important ceremonies happen at the ages listed below:
Four years old _______________________________________________________
Early teenager _______________________________________________________
Marriage Ceremonies
60. In some Muslim families, _______________choose a _______________partner for their son
or daughter, although either partner can _______________the marriage. The formal marriage
and its ______________________________________________________________ have to
be witnessed by at least _______________________people.
Death rite
61. After death, the body is ritually ___________________ by members of the
same_______and then wrapped in a ______________sheet to stress ________________.
62. Muslims are never _____________ and are buried so that the person faces ____________ .
Islamic calendar
63. The Islamic _____________is dated from the Hijrah, Muhammad's journey to
___________. In the year 2000 CE, Muslims witnessed the start of the year
______________AH. AH stands for __________________________.
64. The Islamic calendar is about_______days shorter than the ___________ (Western)
calendar. This means that festivals fall on a different _________________ each year.
65. For Muslims, a month begins at ____________ on the day when the _____________ moon
is first seen.
New Year festival
66. Shi'ite Muslims celebrate the beginning of the _____________ with a ten-day festival
called ____________ . On this date, Shi'ite Muslims also mourn the deaths of the caliphs
_____________________ and _____________________
Two Main Festivals
67. The two main festivals during the Islamic year are _____________ and _____________ . Eid
is the Arabic word for " _______________ ". During the festival, Muslims get up early,
______________put on perfume and go to____________. After attending mosque, they visit
____________ and ____________and exchange presents and_______________.
Breaking the fast (Eid ul-Fitr)
68. Eid ul-Fitr means"________________________" and celebrates the end of the
_________________month, Ramadan.
In your own words, explain what happens during Ramadan. (Use the cartoons on page 79)
1. ___________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________________
Festival of Sacrifice (Eid ul-Adha)
69. Eid ul-Adha means " _________ " and is the most _____________ event in the Islamic
calendar. It also marks the end of the religious__________ , the Hajj.
70. The sacrifice comes from a __________ that is told in the ____________ and slightly
different _________ in the ____________ and the Old Testament. Ibrahim was asked
by God to __________ his son _____________ to show his ____________ . In the last
moment, God provided a ____ to take Isma'il place.
Muhammad's birthday
71. The celebration of the _________ of Muhammad is called Milad-an-Nabi and falls on
the __________ month. During the celebration, stories of Muhammad's ____________
may be told to __________ people to think about his _____________ and ____________
Some people hold _________________________ at which _____________ foods are