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RS - Autumn 2 – Year 10 Knowledge Organiser
How this works: You are expected to know everything included in this organiser by the date set for each unit.
You will be tested on these each week. You will need to achieve 8/10 each week, if not then it will be considered that
you have not completed your homework to the best of your ability and therefore will be expected to do this during an
afterschool session with your teacher.
1. Sunni Islam
2. Shi’a Islam
3. Angels in Islam
4. The Qur’an
To be tested during the week
21st November
28th November
5th December
12th December
Unit 1: Sunni Islam:
You must learn the following:
Sunni Muslims believe in the authority of the Qur’an and Hadiths, interpreted by leading Muslim scholars.
Six articles of faith in Sunni Islam:
The Oneness of Allah (tawhid)
Angels do the work of Allah
Five sources of authority are books: The Torah of Moses; The psalms of David; The Gospels; the scrolls of
Abraham and The Qur’an
Prophets and messengers are chosen by Allah to deliver His message to humankind.
Muslims believe there will be a day when all Muslims and others stand alone in front of Allah.
Muslims believe in the Supremacy of Allah’s will.
The six articles are important because they underpin religious live for Muslims.
Sunni Islam also follow Five Pillars:
Shahadah: Declaration of Faith
Salah: Call to prayer
Zakah: Giving of Alms
Sawm: Fasting
Hajj: Pilgrimage to Makkah
Unit 2: Shi’a Islam:
You must learn the following:
Shi’a is the second largest branch of Islam. Shi’a refer to their chosen leader as the ‘imam’. They also believe the
imams have authority from Allah and can interpret the Qur’an and the laws of Islam.
Shi’a follow the five roots of Usal ad-Din: (From these come the 10 Obligatory Acts)
Tawhid: Oneness – Allah is the Almighty and unique in his oneness.
Al-Ma’ad: Resurrection – Belief that on the day of judgement humans will be resurrected to face Allah and
account for their words/actions on earth.
Imamate: Leadership – All Imams are seen as infallible (can do no wrong), they lead Shi’a Muslims
Nabuwwah: Prophethood – Prophets deliver messages to spread the religion, guide people to stay on the
‘right path’.
Justice of Allah: Adalat – Allah is ‘The Just’ and ‘The Wise’. Shi’a believe that Allah commands them to do
good – commands them towards justice.
10 Obligatory Acts of Shi’a Islam:
Prayer (Salah)
Fasting (Sawm)
Almsgiving (Zakah)
Pilgrimage (Hajj)
Struggle (jihad)
One fifth – 20% tax on yearly earnings after deduction of household expenses (Khums)
Directing others towards good/commanding what is just (Amr-bil-Maroof)
Forbidding evil (Nahi Anil Munkar)
Expressing love towards good – those in Allah’s path (Tawalla)
Expressing hatred/disassociation with those who oppose Allah (Tabarra)
Unit 3: Angels in Islam:
You must learn the following:
Believing in Angels is one of the Six Articles of Faith
Angels are made from elements of light, are said to have wings and can move at the speed of light.
Watch over humans.
Bring peace to believers and instil fear in unbelievers.
record every though an action to report on Judgement Day.
#One Angel delivers all Allah’s messages to humans and has appeared to all prophets.
Angels can cause natural disasters when Allah commands them to.
There is an Angel of Death who takes the soul at death.
There are angels who question each soul.
Angels greet those who enter paradise.
In hell there are angels who throw people into the pits of hell.
ON judgement day one angel will blow the horn at Allah’s command to signify the end of the world.
Continued on next page:
Jibril – the Angel of Holiness
Visited Maryam the mother of the Prophet Isa (Jesus)
Jibril means, ‘God is my strength’
Jibril is mentioned 5 times in the Qur’an and also in the Hadith.
The Angel Mika’il
Mika’il assisted Muhammad with his spiritual mission.
Mika’il assists humans today in their spiritual mission.
Known as the giver of rain and sustenance.
On Judgement Day Mika’il and Jibril help with the weighing of a person’s actions.
Unit 4: The Qur’an
You must learn the following:
Qur’an – The ultimate book of guidance dictated to Muhammad through Angel Jibril
Has 114 chapters – known as Surah.
During 13 years in Makkah, 86 Surahs were revealed to Muhammad .
The remaining 28 were revealed during his ten years in Madinah.
The original first revelation happened on The Night of Power.
Muhammad received the revelations but had no authority to change them (Surah 10:15)
Each Surah begins, ‘In the Name of Allah, the Most Merciful, The most Compassionate’.
The Qur’an and its authority: Beliefs and Origins
The Qur’an is the direct word of Allah and therefore hs His Authority
It is infallible (without error)
It supersedes other books like the Torah and Injil
The Qur’an was revealed to the Seal of the Prophet.
Muhamad was illiterate, making the Qyr’an his first greate miracle.
What the Qur’an contains:
Covers every aspect of life: past, present and future.
Influences a person throughout their lives: birth, ceremony, marriage, death and in daily prayers.
Contains basics of worship which Muhammad developed.
Contains the legal (Shari’ah Law) and social systems
Explains the creation and other ultimate questions.
Provides personal and spiritual guidance for all life’s situations and challenges.