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The Cross in the Shadow of the Crescent
Introduction, part 2
The Cross in the Shadow of the Crescent: An Informed Response
to Islam’s War with Christianity
“Today it is fashionable to say that the Islam of the terrorists is
not the real Islam – that the extremists have hijacked a religion
of peace and turned it into a religion of aggression and terror.
However, if you take the Quran literally, you should be a
militant Muslim. Anything else is to avoid its clear teachings.”
(Lutzer, p. 16)
Islam exists in stages
=To understand this, one must first understand key Islamic texts
=In order to understand the Qur'an, one must first know how to
read it . . .
--chapters are not in chronological order or categorized by topic
--arranged with longer chapters first . . . to shorter chapters
Stage 1: Islam as a minority in a society
--the longer chapters were written earlier in Muhammad's life
when he was living as a minority in a society when he first
introduced Islam to people who’d never heard of Allah
They specifically apply to Muslims who emigrate and
live as a minority in a new country. They can't rock the
boat in a culture that tolerates Islam but doesn't
necessarily embrace or reject it
Stage 2: Islam as a majority in a society
--The shorter chapters located towards the back of the Qur'an
represent the next stage of Islam . . . specifically apply to
Muslims who have become or are becoming a majority group
in a neighborhood or city, and eventually a country
These passages supersede the earlier ones, mandating the
creation of a totalitarian political system ruled by Shar'ia
Muslim scholars believe chapter 9 of the Qur'an is the final or
nearly final chapter Muhammad wrote. In 9:5, he orders his
followers to "slay the idolaters wherever you find them, and
take them (captive)…"
“the verse of the sword”
“When the sacred months are over slay the idolaters wherever you
find them. Arrest them, besiege them, and lie in ambush everywhere for them. If they repent and take to prayer and render the
alms levy, allow them to go their way. God is merciful and
forgiving.” 9:5
*Muhammad claimed he was, "ordered [by Allah] to fight against
the people until they testify that none has the right to be
worshipped other than Allah…" and "to fight with them until
they bear testimony to the fact that there is no god but Allah
and Muhammad is his messenger…"
*Muslims who claim Islam is peaceful are following taqqiya,
Qur'an-instructed deceit, or not following the Qur'an at all . . .
*2014 simply mirrors Islamic stages from nearly 1,000 years ago.
=Alexandria in Egypt, Antioch in Greece, and Constantinople in
Turkey were once thriving meccas of Christian learning that
produced leaders in academia, theology, and the arts
=Yet, within half a millennia Christians in this entire region were
but a remnant. Islamic peace was realized because nonMuslims were either converted or killed
*Islam does not mean peace – the word means “submission”
*A Muslim is someone who has “submitted” and intends to see the
world in submission to Allah
*A ‘dhimmi’ (kaffir) is a non-Muslim forced to submit
*Mohammed divided the world into 2 parts:
House of Islam (dar ai-Islam) = those submitted to Allah
House of War (dar al-harb) = those yet to submit to Allah