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English Through Medical Readings
Percutaneous Automated Diskectomy
Match the medical terms in the box with their definitions:
spinal cord
1._______________: performed through the skin, such as a biopsy, the
aspiration of fluid from a space below the skin using a needle, catheter, and
syringe, or the instillation of a fluid in a cavity or space by similar means.
2._______________: a cut produced surgically by a sharp instrument
creating an opening into an organ or space in the body.
3. _______________: protrusion of an organ through an abnormal opening
in the muscle wall of the cavity that surrounds it. A _____ may be
congenital, may result from the failure of certain structures to close after
birth, or may be acquired later in life because of obesity, muscular weakness,
surgery, or illness. Kinds of _____ include abdominal, diaphragmatic,
femoral, inguinal etc.
4. _______________: a long, nearly cylindrical structure lodged in the
vertebral canal and extending from the foramen magnum at the base of the
skull to the upper part of the lumbar region. A major component of the
central nervous system.
5. _______________: any one of the 33 bones of the spinal column,
comprising the 7 cervical, 12 thoracic, 5 lumbar, 5 sacral, and 4 coccygeal.
6. _______________: 1. a tear or break in the continuity or configuration of
an organ or body tissue, including those instances when other tissue
protrudes through the opening. 2. to cause a break or tear.
7. _______________: surgical removal of the bony arches of one or more
8. _______________: 1. a patient, not hospitalized, who is being treated in
an office, clinic, or other ambulatory care facility. 2. of or pertaining to a
health care facility for patients who are not hospitalized or to the treatment
or care of such a patient.
9. _______________: the branch of medicine concerned with diseases and
trauma requiring operative procedures.
10. _______________: any surgical procedure, such as an appendectomy.
11. _______________: a flexible tube containing a stiff, pointed trocar that
may be inserted into the body, guided by the trocar. As the trocar is
removed, a body fluid may be passed through the _______ to the outside.
12. _______________: scar tissue that is avascular, pale, contracted, and
firm after the earlier phase of skin healing characterized by redness and
13. _______________: a collection of similar cells acting together to
perform a particular function.
14. _______________: a band of scar tissue that binds together two
anatomic surfaces that are normally separate from each other. __________
are most commonly found in the abdomen, where they form after abdominal
surgery, inflammation, or injury.
Study the meaning of the following words and expressions and find words in
the text, which mean more or less the same. The number refers to the line
where the word first appears.
3 - erect ___________
7 - of or like pulp ___________
8 - to protect with soft material ___________
11 - extremely painful ___________
13 - destroyed ___________
22 - small ___________
26 - passed through without difficulty ___________
26 - a test ___________
27 - considerable ___________
34 - having the interior empty ___________
39 - to pass cautiously through ___________
39 - a mechanical tool ___________
48 - to clean by a rush of water ___________
53 - a small, waterproof sticking plaster ___________
84 - to be unsuccessful ___________
86 - to attach firmly ___________
88 - to have pain ___________
Match the medical terms in the box with their definitions:
blood cell
external iliac
1. _______________: an extension of the external iliac artery into the lower
limb, starting just distal to the inguinal ligament and ending at the junction
of the middle and lower thirds of the thigh.
2. _______________: a division of the common iliac artery descending into
the thigh and becoming the femoral artery. The external iliac supplies the
lower limb and is larger than the internal iliac.
3. _______________: the main trunk of the systemic arterial circulation,
comprising four parts: the ascending _____, the arch of the _____, the
thoracic portion of the descending _____, and the abdominal portion of the
descending _____.
4. _______________: a small cavity, such as one of the cavities filled with
cerebrospinal fluid in the brain, or the right and the left __________ of the
5. _______________: to transfer an organ or tissue from one person to
another or from one body part to another to replace a diseased structure, to
restore function, or to change appearance. Skin and kidneys are the most
frequently transplanted structures; others include cartilage, bone, corneal
tissue, portions of blood vessels and tendons, and, recently, hearts and livers.
Preferred donors are identical twins or people having the same blood type
and immunologic characteristics.
6. _______________: any disease or physical disorder or complaint,
generally of a chronic, acute, or mild nature.
7. _______________: any one of the many tubules throughout the body
conveying fluids, such as blood and lymph. The main kinds of ______ are
the arteries, the veins, and the lymphatic vessels.
8. _______________: any one of the network of muscular tubes that carry
blood. Kinds of blood ________ are arteries, arterioles.
9. _______________: a federal agency responsible for the enforcement of
federal regulations regarding the manufacture and distribution of food,
drugs, and cosmetics as protection against the sale of impure or dangerous
10. _______________: a specially equipped hospital area designed for the
treatment of patients with sudden, life-threatening cardiac conditions, as
myocardial infarction. Such units contain resuscitation and monitoring
equipment and are staffed by personnel especially trained and skilled in
recognizing and immediately responding to cardiac emergencies.
11. _______________: necrosis of a portion of cardiac muscle caused by
obstruction in a coronary artery from either atherosclerosis or an embolis.
Also called heart attack.
12. _______________: any of the formed elements of the blood, including
red cells (erythrocytes), white cells (leukocytes), and platelets
(thrombocytes). Blood cells constitute about 50% of the total volume of the
13. _______________: 1. any cell of the body. 2. a red or white blood cell.
14. _______________: a bitter, yellow-green secretion of the liver. Stored in
the gallbladder, it passes from the gallbladder through the common bile duct
in response to the presence of a fatty meal in the duodenum. Bile emulsifies
these fats, preparing them for further digestion and absorption in the small
15. _______________: a chamber or cavity, such as the right and left atria
of the heart or the nasal cavity (also auricle).
Study the meaning of the following words and expressions and find words in
the text, which mean more or less the same. The number refers to the line
where the word first appears.
2 - to cure __________
7 - to assume __________
8 - six __________
10 - taking up a lot of space __________
10 - dangerous __________
15 - one who has just arrived __________
17 - to assume; to take on __________
23 - meeting-point of abdomen and thigh __________
29 - thin __________
29 - an insulated conductor for conveying energy __________
29 - to join; to connect __________
31 - sick, suffering from a disease __________
31 - to turn rapidly round and round __________
75 - to rotate rapidly __________
78 - until now __________
79 - a disadvantage __________
A crippling orthopaedic disease
Match the medical terms in the box with their definitions:
1. _______________: a branch of medicine that is concerned with the
prevention and correction of disorders of the locomotor system of the body,
including the skeleton, muscles, joints, and related tissues.
2. _______________: 1. the normal curvature of the lumbar and cervical
spine, seen as an anterior concavity, (concave= it curves inward in the
center), if the person is observed from the side. 2. an abnormal, increased
degree of curvature of any part of the back.
3. _______________: an abnormal condition of the vertebral column,
characterized by increased convexity (convex= it curves outwards in the
center) in the curvature of the thoracic spine as viewed from the side.
Conservative treatment consists of spine-stretching exercises and sleeping
without a pillow, with a board under the mattress.
4. _______________: the large, triangular bone at the dorsal part of the
pelvis, inserted like a wedge between the two hip bones. The base of the
_______ articulates with the last lumbar vertebra, and its apex articulates
with the coccyx; various muscles attach to its spinal crest.
5. _______________: the back part of the head.
6. _______________: 1. a movement allowed by certain joints of the
skeleton that decreases the angle between two adjoining bones, such as
bending the elbow, which decreases the angle between the humerus and the
ulna. Compare extension.
7. _______________: (in psychoanalysis) an arrest at a particular stage of
psychosexual development, such as anal __________.
8. _______________: an abnormal, usually permanent condition of a joint,
characterized by flexion and fixation and caused by atrophy and shortening
of muscle fibers or by loss of the normal elasticity of the skin, such as from
the formation of extensive scar tissue over a joint.
Study the meaning of the following words and expressions and find words in
the text, which mean more or less the same. The number refers to the line
where the word first appears.
3 - to disable; seriously handicap __________
3 - an illness __________
4 - to make flat __________
6 - to push forcefully __________
9 - whole, complete __________
11 - point of development __________
11 - to curve, to incline __________
13 - to incapacitate __________
16 - a difficult or unpleasant position or situation __________
18 - to make able __________
24 - to be found; to happen __________
32 - in addition to __________
33 - to attack __________
40 - not able __________
44 - to conquer __________
49 - area, position __________
52 - to throw out of balance __________
Unit 4
Deciphering the genetic code; Gene therapy
Match the medical terms in the box with their definitions:
Huntington's chorea
Tay-Sachs disease
1. _______________: the biologic unit of genetic material and inheritance.
The gene is now considered to be a particular nucleic acid sequence within a
DNA molecule that occupies a precise locus on a chromosome and is
capable of self-replication.
2. _______________: a large nucleic acid molecule, found principally in the
chromosomes of the nucleus of a cell, that is the carrier of genetic
information. The genetic information is coded in the sequence of the
nitrogenous, molecular subunits that are constituents of the deoxyribonucleic
acid molecule.
3. _______________: the complete set of genes in the chromosomes of each
cell of a particular organism.
4. _______________: a decrease in hemoglobin in the blood to levels
below the normal range of 4.2 million/mm3 to 6.1 million/mm3. It may be
caused by a decrease in red cell production, increased red cell destruction, or
blood loss.
OBSERVATIONS: Depending on severity, __________ may be
accompanied by clinical findings that stem from the diminished oxygencarrying capacity of the blood. Signs include fatigue, exertional dyspnea,
dizziness, headache, insomnia, and pallor. Anorexia, dyspepsia, palpitations,
tachycardia, cardiac dilatation, and systolic murmurs also may occur. Iron
deficiency is the most common etiology factor.
5. _______________: ,one who specializes in the study or application of
6. _______________: a rare, abnormal hereditary condition characterized by
chronic, progressive chorea and mental deterioration that terminates in
dementia. An individual afflicted with the condition usually shows the first
signs in the fourth decade of life and dies usually within 15 years. The
condition is transmitted as an autosomal trait. There is no known effective
treatment but symptoms can be relieved with medications.
7. _______________: an inherited, neurodegenerative disorder of lipid
metabolism caused by a deficiency of the enzyme hexosaminidase A, which
results in the accumulation of sphingolipids in the brain. The condition,
which is transmitted as an autosomal recessive trait, occurs predominantly in
families of Eastern European Jewish origin, specifically the Ashkenazi Jews,
and is characterized by progressive mental and physical retardation and early
death. Symptoms first appear by 6 months of age, after which no new skills
are learned and there is progressive loss of those skills already acquired.
Convulsions and atrophy of the optic nerve head occur after 1 year, followed
by blindness, with a cherry-red spot on each retina, spasticity, dementia, and
paralysis. Most children die between 2 and 4 years of age. There is no
specific therapy for the condition, and intervention is purely symptomatic
and supportive.
Study the meaning of the following words and expressions and find words in
the text, which mean more or less the same. The number refers to the line
where the word first appears.
title - a prolonged search __________
1 - to begin; to set in motion __________
1 - to represent on a map __________
2 - to translate from code __________
4 - a fixed look with eyes wide-open __________
11 - to fold __________
23 - the object of effort __________
28 - to make persistent attempts to sell __________
45 - very __________
45 - a thing (often worthless) __________
73 - an easy task __________
74 - simple __________
74 - difficult; full of obstacles __________
75 - hard or unpleasant work __________
87 - to refer to __________
97 - very much __________
99 - nevertheless __________
Atherosclerosis: Reversing the damage
Match the medical terms in the box with their definitions:
blood clot
herpes simplex
1. _______________: a common arterial disorder characterized by
thickening, loss of elasticity, and calcification of arterial walls, resulting in a
decreased blood supply, especially to the cerebrum and lower extremities.
2. _______________: a common arterial disorder characterized by
yellowish plaques of cholesterol, lipids, and cellular debris in the inner
layers of the walls of large and medium-sized arteries. The vessel walls
become thick, fibrotic, and calcified, and the lumen narrows, resulting in
reduced blood flow to organs normally supplied by the artery. Atheromatous
lesions are major causes of coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction,
and other cardiac disorders. ______________ usually occurs with aging and
is often associated with obesity, hypertension, and diabetes.
3. _______________: a clinical condition characterized by the excessive
excretion of urine.
4. _______________:
an infection caused by a herpes simplex virus
(HSV), which has an affinity for the skin and nervous system and usually
produces small, transient, irritating, and sometimes painful fluid-filled
blisters on the skin and mucous membranes.
5. _______________:a semisolid, gelatinous mass, the end result of the
clotting process in blood. Red cells, white cells, and platelets are enmeshed
in an insoluble fibrin network of the blood clot. Compare embolus,
6. _______________:a foreign object, a quantity of air or gas, a bit of tissue
or tumor, or a piece of a thrombus that circulates in the bloodstream until it
becomes lodged in a vessel. Kinds of _________ include air and fat
7. _______________: an aggregation of platelets, fibrin, clotting factors,
and the cellular elements of the blood attached to the interior wall of a vein
or artery, sometimes occluding the lumen of the vessel.
8. _______________: a fat-soluble crystalline steroid alcohol found in
animal fats and oils, and egg yolk, and widely distributed in the body.
Study the meaning of the following words and expressions and find words in
the text, which mean more or less the same. The number refers to the line
where the word first appears.
4 - to assemble or collect __________
7 - to swell outwards __________
17 - to mark with a scar __________
22 - part of blood which thickens and separates from the serum __________
23 - to press firmly; to hold together with a clamp __________
(a clamp - a metal or wood fastening for holding things firmly together)
30 - a drop; a globule __________
36 - to lift by using a scoop __________
(a scoop - a shovel for lifting and moving liquids or loose substances)
38 - to accumulate __________
41 - to initiate a violent or destructive process by a comparatively small act
62 - to produce __________
Exercises in modern medicine
Match the medical words in the box with their definitions:
nurse clinician
cystic fibrosis
ischemic heart
1. _______________: a respiratory disorder characterized by recurring
episodes of paroxysmal dyspnea, wheezing on expiration/inspiration due to
constriction of the bronchi, coughing, and viscous mucoid bronchial
2. _______________: an inherited disorder of the exocrine glands, causing
those glands to produce abnormally thick secretions of mucus, elevation of
sweat electrolytes, increased organic and enzymatic constituents of saliva,
and overactivity of the autonomic nervous system.
3. _______________: a pathologic condition of the myocardium caused by
lack of oxygen reaching the tissue cells.
4. _______________: a nurse who is prepared to identify and diagnose
problems of clients by using increased knowledge and skills gained through
advanced study in a specific area of nursing practice. The specialist may
function independently within standing orders or protocols and collaborates
with associates to implement a plan of care that is focused on the client.
5. _______________: the restoration of an individual or a part to normal or
near normal function after a disabling disease, injury, addiction, or
6. _______________: the use of physical therapy techniques to return
physically diseased or injured patients to a useful life.
7. _______________: a person who specializes in the science of living
8. _______________: The OT is concerned with the evaluation, diagnosis,
and/or treatment of people whose ability to cope with activities of daily
living is impaired by physical injury, illness, emotional disorder, congenital
or developmental disability, or aging. Services include the design,
fabrication, and application of orthoses; guidance in the selection and use of
adaptive equipment; therapeutic activities to enhance functional
performance; prevocational evaluation and training; and consultation
concerning the adaptation of physical environment for the handicapped.
Study the meaning of the following words and expressions and find words in
the text, which mean more or less the same. The number refers to the line
where the word first appears.
1 - to order (especially medical treatment) __________
3 - an abundance __________
8 - expecting a baby __________
8 - approaching old age __________
8 - invalid 's chair on wheels __________
8 - to restrict; to limit __________
9 - to put forward __________
12 - to do good to __________
18 - to educate or instruct by systematic practice __________
22 - to summarize __________
24 - disposition to do as you are asked __________
26 - a set of facts or figures arranged in lines or columns __________
28 - a quick look __________
30 - excellent __________
32 - famous __________
39 - to make use of __________
40 - the professional activity of a doctor or lawyer etc. __________
43 - to stay in good condition by exercising __________
44 - a profit __________
The factors causing diabetes
Match the medical terms in the box with their definitions:
islands of
beta cells
1. _______________:an inability to metabolize carbohydrate caused by an
overt insulin deficiency, occurring in children and adults. Recent evidence
suggests that insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus may be caused by
environmental factors, such as a viral infection or autoimmune disease.
2. _______________: an organic chemical compound characterized by
having in its structure a carbonyl, or keto, group, =CO, attached to two alkyl
groups. It is produced by oxidation of secondary alcohols.
3. _______________: acidosis accompanied by an accumulation of ketones
in the body, resulting from faulty carbohydrate metabolism. It occurs
primarily as a complication of diabetes mellitus and is characterized by a
fruity odor of acetone on the breath, mental confusion, dyspnea, nausea,
vomiting, dehydration, weight loss, and, if untreated, coma.
4. _______________: a fish-shaped, grayish pink nodular gland that
stretches transversely across the posterior abdominal wall in the epigastric
and hypochondriac regions of the body and secretes various substances, such
as digestive enzymes, insulin, and glucagon. About 1 million endocrine
cellular islets or islands of Langerhans are embedded between the exocrine
units of the pancreas. Beta cells of the islands secrete insulin, which helps
control carbohydrate metabolism. Alpha cells of the islets secrete glucagon
that counters the action of insulin. The acinar units of the pancreas secrete
digestive enzymes.
5. _______________: clusters of cells within the pancreas that produce
insulin, glucagon, and pancreatic polypeptide. They form the endocrine
portion of the gland and their hormonal secretions released into the
bloodstream are balanced, important regulators of carbohydrate metabolism.
The islands of Langerhans are scattered throughout the pancreas; the beta
cells, which secrete insulin, usually appear in the center of each of the
lobules. Alpha cells secrete glucagon, and pancreatic peptide cells secrete
pancreatic peptide.
6. _______________: insulin-producing cells situated in the islets of
7. _______________: a simple sugar found in certain foods, especially
fruits, and a major source of energy occurring in human and animal body
8. _______________: pertaining to the development of an immune response
(autoantibodies or cellular immune response) to one's own tissues.
9. _______________: a state of profound unconsciousness, characterized by
the absence of spontaneous eye openings, response to painful stimuli, and
Study the meaning of the following words and expressions and find words in
the text, which mean more or less the same. The number refers to the line
where the word first appears.
1 - afflicted __________
10 - act of surviving; being alive after and in spite of a danger __________
16 - that destroys or damages greatly __________
27 - basic __________
29 - rapidity __________
30 - to originate from __________
36 - to make clear; to make more easily understandable __________
46 - to begin __________
47 - an indication __________
47 - at the beginning __________
54 - adult life __________
55 - beginning __________
60 - a number of things grouped together or growing together __________
60 - shaped like a sphere __________
61 - a small island __________
62 - to disperse __________
64 - not to kill __________
65 - to form __________
66 - central part __________
66 - to direct a weapon or blow towards an object to be hit __________
68 - any substance used to produce heat by burning it __________
72 - to cause __________
74 - a mark of genuineness __________
78 - to die of hunger __________
78 - abundance __________
79 - provisions kept for future need __________
86 - to stop __________
94 - to make worse __________
96 - to provide a house or shelter for __________
100 - a thin, broad piece __________
101 - to fix __________
fibrillation [L, fibrilla, small fiber, atio, process],involuntary recurrent
contraction of a single muscle fiber or of an isolated bundle of nerve fibers.
Fibrillation of a chamber of the heart results in inefficient random
contraction of that chamber and disruption of the normal sinus rhythm of the
heart. Fibrillation is usually described by the part that is contracting
abnormally, such as atrial fibrillation or ventricular fibrillation.
aneurysm [Gk, aneurysma, widening],a localized dilatation of the wall of a
blood vessel, usually caused by atherosclerosis and hypertension, or, less
frequently, by trauma, infection, or a congenital weakness in the vessel wall.
Aneurysms are common in the aorta but also occur in peripheral vessels and
are fairly common in the lower extremities of older people, especially in the
popliteal arteries. An aneurysm may rupture, causing hemorrhage, or
thrombi may form in the dilated pouch and give rise to emboli that may
obstruct smaller vessels.
CAT, abbreviation for computerized axial tomography.
hypothermia [Gk hypo + therme heat], 1. an abnormal and dangerous
condition in which the temperature of the body is below 95° F (35° C),
usually caused by prolonged exposure to cold. Respiration is shallow and
slow, and the heart rate is faint and slow. The person is very pale and may
appear to be dead. People who are very old or very young, people who have
cardiovascular problems, and people who are hungry, tired, or under the
influence of alcohol are most susceptible to hypothermia. Treatment
includes slowly warming the person. Hospitalization is necessary for
evaluating and treating any metabolic abnormalities that may result from
hypothermia. 2. the deliberate and controlled reduction of body temperature
with cooling mattresses or ice as preparation for some surgical procedures.
hemorrhage [Gk, haima + rhegnynei, to break forth],a loss of a large
amount of blood in a short period of time, either externally or internally.
Hemorrhage may be arterial, venous, or capillary.
mutant /myφ'tζnt/ [L, mutare, to change],1. any individual or organism
with genetic material that has undergone mutation.
mutation [L, mutare, to change],an unusual change in genetic material
occurring spontaneously or by induction. The alteration changes the original
expression of the gene. Genes are stable units, but when a mutation occurs, it
often is transmitted to future generations. -mutate, v., mutational, adj.
cryonics [Gk, kryos, cold],the techniques in which cold is applied for a
variety of therapeutic goals, including brief local anesthesia, destruction of
superficial skin lesions, and preservation of cells, tissue, organs, or the entire
body. -cryonic, adj.
pacemaker [L, passus, step; AS, macian, to make],also called cardiac
pacemaker. an electric apparatus used for maintaining a normal sinus
rhythm of myocardial contraction by electrically stimulating the heart
muscle. A pacemaker may be permanent or temporary, emit the stimulus at a
constant and fixed rate, or it may fire only on demand, when the heart does
not spontaneously contract at a minimum rate.
bypass [AS, bi, alongside; Fr, passer],1. any one of various surgical
procedures to divert the flow of blood or other natural fluids from normal
anatomic courses. A bypass may be temporary or permanent. Bypass surgery
is commonly performed in the treatment of cardiac and GI disorders.
Time: 45 min
suspended animation
breast implants
bone marrow
clinically dead
blood flow
reproductive parts
AIDS research
plastic surgeon
cardial arrest
leaking vascular aneurysm
0-100 Centigrade or Celsius - 32-212 Fahrenheit
1) 35 C >> 35x1.8=63 >> 63+32 = 95 F
2) 95 F >> 95-32 = 63 >> 63/1.8 = 35 C